I contracted myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [040] Blood Separation Technique

Chen Xueli walked in silence.

Finally, under the gaze of several disciples, he sighed and said, "Jun Ting is missing. You should know Jun Ting's identity."

"Then we should not leave. We should stay in the city to find sister Jun Ting." A young disciple said excitedly.

Chen Xueli said as he walked: "Mingzhu City was called Zhucheng in the past. The city was ruled by the beast-controlling Zhu family. Do you know what the origin of this Zhu family is?"

"Please help me, teacher." The middle-aged disciple clasped his fists.

Chen Xueli continued: "The beast-controlling Zhu family was also a heroic family a long, long time ago. In order to resist the winter cold disaster, the head of the Zhu family at that time, Zhu Chiyang, merged with the alien beast Sun Bird, and flew to different cities every day to bring light and warmth to these cities.

He persisted for ten years and finally died of exhaustion. Therefore, the Zhu family is also called the Sun Clan!"

"What does this have to do with us leaving Mingzhu City?" The middle-aged disciple asked puzzledly.

Chen Xueli looked forward and explained, "After the death of the head of the Zhu family, he was buried in the Sunset Mountains hundreds of kilometers away from Mingzhu City. Many survivors in the city were grateful for his kindness, so they sent their clansmen to guard his tomb. Hundreds of years later, these people gave birth to offspring, and the offspring gave birth to offspring, and gradually formed a village. The name of this village is Shengzu Village."

Shengzu Village?

The middle-aged disciple was a little puzzled, what was this about.

"Every generation of Shengzu Village will have a saint girl. She has magical blood and can protect the village from any invasion of strange beasts. The current saint girl is Junting's grandmother." Chen Xueli continued.

The disciples following him all opened their eyes wide and immediately realized the problem.

"Could it be... Could it be that I can ask him..." The middle-aged disciple asked in shock.

Chen Xueli nodded and said, "Well, you all know his inquisitive personality. He couldn't stay in Hanhai Academy to study since he was a child, but it was normal for him to go out and not come back for several days and nights.

Since he became an adventurer, it was common for him not to go home for several months. The last time... he came back with bruises all over his body.

Junting's mother is the next Saint of Shengzu Village, Awan."

"Teacher, do you mean... Sister Junting was taken away by the people of Shengzu Village?" A young female disciple asked.

Chen Xueli shook his head and denied it, "It's impossible. I didn't allow Junting to go out since she was a child. Every time she moved, she concealed her breath. It's impossible for the people of Shengzu Village to find her. It must be the Zhu family who took action. They probably want to use Junting to deal with the current real owner of Mingzhu City."

"Isn't Sister Junting very dangerous?" The young female disciple said worriedly.

Chen Xueli clenched his sword and sighed, "Junting will not be in danger of death. The worst result is that people from Shengzu Village will come to the door. What I am more worried about is... Junting's bloodline attracts... great terror."

"Great terror?"

All the disciples looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Chen Xueli explained, "The Holy Mother cannot leave Shengzu Village, otherwise her own aura will attract many indescribable existences. Over the past few decades, I have been moving Junting to other places of residence, and using barriers to isolate Junting's aura, so that she will not attract terrifying existences to destroy Mingzhu City."

"But now... Alas."

"No matter what the Zhu family wants to do with Junting, they will suffer in the end."

"And what we need to do is to evacuate Mingzhu City as soon as possible, so as not to be affected by the disaster."

Not far behind Chen Xueli, a female disciple's eyes flickered after hearing this, and her face became worse and worse. The news was known too late. Even if it was passed back to the family now, it would be difficult for the family to take Chen Junting back from Tianchang Fox.

Chen Junting's information was originally passed back to the family by her. Now, even if she tries to turn the tide, she will not be able to escape punishment after the incident.

In an instant, her eyes gradually became cold, and she made a decision in her heart: simply not to inform the family.

It happened that she could leave Mingzhu City with Hanhai Academy. Even if Mingzhu City exploded, it would not hit her.

Chen Xueli walked in front, and glanced at the figures of many disciples behind him with the corner of his eyes. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a sneer.

[The Beast Taming Zhu Family was also a heroic family a long, long time ago. In order to resist the winter cold disaster, the head of the Zhu Family at that time, Zhu Chiyang, merged with the alien beast Sun Bird, and flew to different cities every day to bring light and warmth to these cities. ]

[Impossible, I didn't allow Junting to go out since she was a child. Every time she moved, she concealed her breath. The people in Shengzu Village couldn't find her. It must be the Zhu Family who took action. They probably wanted to use Junting to deal with the real owner of Mingzhu City. 】

In the safe house, Zhang Ping was guarding Liu Tiefeng, and suddenly the wind whisperer brought two paragraphs of incoherent words.

Has the Zhu family done good things?

But even if the ancestors did good things, it could not offset the evil done by the descendants.

Especially now that the Zhu family has led the Tianchang Fox into the city to kill and eat people, no matter what the reason is, it is unforgivable.

Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan and said, "Sister Sisi, can the cleaning team rescue Chen Junting?"

"It may be difficult for the time being. By the way, what is going on with Chen Junting, and why did the Zhu family kidnap Chen Junting?" Liu Sishan answered thoughtfully, and then remembered the content of the previous meeting, so he asked.

Zhang Ping detailed the situation he had learned before, and then told Liu Sishan the news he had just heard.

When he finished speaking, Liu Sishan fell into deep thought.

Although drinking the blood of the Holy Mother will make it impossible to use your abilities, it will be fine as long as you don't drink it.

Therefore, if you want to use Chen Junting's blood to deal with the cleanup team, it is undoubtedly a fantasy, and the chance of success is infinitely close to zero.

Members of the cleaning team will never eat food or drinks of unknown origin. Liu Sishan originally wanted to use pure water to impress Zhang Ping, but Zhang Ping got the body of pure water by mistake.

Now Zhang Ping's eating indiscriminately is not a big problem, but members of the cleaning team like Liu Sishan will definitely not touch any food of unknown origin.

"I'll contact my teammates."

Liu Sishan walked to the corner and sat down, took out the badge and pressed the pearl in the middle.

After a moment, she whispered: "Senior Lu Han, go and investigate to see if there is any problem with the water sources around Pearl City."

If the Zhu family really wanted to use Chen Junting's blood to make a fuss, they would definitely make arrangements in the surrounding water sources first. Even if Chen Junting was abducted by Prince Yue now, the Zhu family has given up on this plan, but there will always be some clues left.

Then she contacted Situ Shibai to report tonight's situation and the latest information.

"Yes, I understand. Sisi, please protect Zhang Ping and Liu Tiefeng tonight. If necessary, you can take them to safe house No. 5. There is a one-way teleportation array there that can reach a secret base with strong defense." Situ Shibai gave instructions after listening.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Okay, captain, I understand."

"As for the next step, let's wait for tomorrow. Wait until dawn and see what the situation is in Pearl City. I will contact you then." Situ Shibai continued thinking.

After ending the contact, Liu Sishan did not put away her badge, but waited for Lu Han's reply. She leaned against a wooden box and looked at Zhang Ping, who was wiping Liu Tiefeng's cold sweat, her eyes gradually softened.

"Zhang Ping, I think your ability is related to your subjective thoughts. For example, this time you drank the golden blood because you were still feeling guilty and regretful at the time and wanted to treat this old man, so you got the treatment. ability." She looked at Zhang Ping and tried to analyze.

Zhang Ping smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, I have also thought about this possibility."

The problem is that when he drank the golden blood, he didn't think about this level at all. Instead, he thought about Jinbo who became a 'Super Saiyan', thinking that he would become like that.

Therefore, he does not think that ability is related to his own thoughts.

"If you want, we can..."

Liu Sishan saw Zhang Ping's thoughts, smiled and prepared to invite Zhang Ping for another experiment.

But this time, before she finished speaking, her expression suddenly changed slightly. Seeing that Zhang Ping wanted to ask, she immediately made a silencing gesture. At the same time, she put her other hand on the ground and looked at the door.

Zhang Ping realized something, he slowly bent over and put his hand on the ground.


The ground was shaking violently, and a large number of creatures were running not far away.


He thought for a while, then his body turned into a body of pure water and fell to the ground. Then he quickly moved to the crack of the door, pressing his body against the stone door, carefully feeling the temperature of the outside world.


A large number of wild wolves are rushing towards Pearl City from the direction of Yanshan.

He immediately looked at Liu Sishan, raised his hand and used pure water to form a line of characters.

Liu Sishan frowned after reading this, and at the same time gestured to Zhang Ping to take out the ghost lantern.

Just now outside the safe house, she had experienced the effect of the ghost's lantern and knew that the lantern could block the outside world's perception of the light range.

Zhang Ping understood the gesture, took out the gold treasure house from his body, and immediately took out the ghost lantern.

It is worth mentioning that although the body of pure water has no specific form, it can form a cavity in the body to specifically store the gold treasure house bracelet, clothes and other items that are stored in the gold treasure house after transformation and need to be transformed back. Then take it out and put it on again.

"It seems that there is a big change in the Yanshan area. I will inform the captain first." Liu Sishan said immediately when he saw the surroundings turning into black and white.

Zhang Ping held a lantern in one hand and guessed: "Sister Sisi, do you think it could be the change caused by the fruit of the salt frost tree?"

"Hard to say."

Liu Sishan had no intention of speculating further, and after speaking, he used his badge to contact Situ Shibai again.

This night was destined to be difficult.

Zhang Ping glanced at Liu Tiefeng, and then thought of Qiu Qiang.

Originally, he planned to ask Liu Sishan to help him to report his safety early tomorrow morning, but the sudden appearance of the wolves tonight may disturb the peace of Pearl City, and Qiu Qiang will definitely go to Iron Soul by then.

At this time, he is involved with the Iron Soul, and Qiu Qiang is likely to be regarded as an enemy by Prince Yue.

"No, we must find a way to inform Uncle Qiang." Zhang Ping thought silently in his heart.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. With Qiu Qiang's speed, he might not be able to make it in time even if he rushed back.


There must be a way.

He was suddenly reminded of his new abilities.

In an instant, he transformed from a body of pure water to a body of flesh and blood, and then from a body of flesh and blood to a body of pure blood.

He controlled the blood to gradually split into two halves, the larger half and the smaller half.

"It's indeed controllable!"

He controlled the two streams of blood and thought excitedly.

In fact, when he was in Liu Tiefeng's body, his blood had split. Since it could split then, it could certainly split now.

He controlled the small blood and tried to transform into flesh and blood but failed.

Then he tried to control the big part, and sure enough, he turned back into a human in an instant, but his height shrank from 1.8 meters to 1.6 meters, giving people the feeling of malnutrition.

He then continued to control the small blood, and sure enough, the blood was still under his control.

"Very good, next, just control the blood to penetrate into the body of a certain wolf, let the wild wolf take my blood back to Mingzhu City, and then find a way to notify Uncle Qiang!"

This method is very radical.

But there is no loss in trying, so he thinks it is feasible.

He held the lantern in one hand and carefully opened the crack of the door with the other hand. Because of the light of the lantern, the wolf pack did not find the existence of the safe house.

The blood quickly flowed out of the crack of the door and approached the wolf pack.

Zhang Ping closed the door, sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes. Sure enough, he only needed to concentrate to see the picture reflected by the blood.

In fact, he didn't quite understand why blood could see things without eyes. It was like a pure water body that could see the outside world without eyes.

This ball of blood would be motionless if it lost his control, so he needed to control it throughout the process.

He controlled the blood like a snake and quickly approached the wolf pack. Soon the wolf pack discovered his presence. Suddenly, sand and rocks flew everywhere, and a large amount of dust swirled around the wolf pack.

However, this could not stop him. He controlled the blood snake to approach a young wolf, but the young wolf quickly hid beside the adult wolf, not giving him a chance to infiltrate.

He simply chose an adult wild wolf to try to infiltrate, but the next second he was buried in the mud controlled by the wild wolf, and then the dense wolf claws stepped on him...

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