I contracted myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [043] An ominous sign

Zhang Ping was really too tired. When he saw that the matter was resolved, he closed his eyes, his consciousness returned to his original body unconsciously, and he slowly fell asleep leaning against the wooden box.

The defense battle of Pearl City also started at this time.

Under Feng Laixian's arrangement, the Awakened Ones worked in groups of three, responsible for defending different weak points of the city wall. There were also dedicated people responsible for healing abilities and logistics. For a time, the south wall became orderly, and it can be seen from this Chu Feng Laixian's command and coordination ability is not bad.

"The living corpses are still three hundred meters away from the city wall. Everyone should be careful not to let them get closer than two hundred meters. Otherwise, the living corpses with long-range capabilities will threaten the safety of the city wall." Bai De said loudly.

Feng Laixian stood at the top of the city wall. He narrowed his eyes and said, "We will start attacking when the zombies enter two hundred and fifty meters. Let's test the quality of these zombies first."


Bai De responded, and then quickly passed the order down.

Because he was worried about the safety of Zhang Ping and Liu Tiefeng, Qiu Qiang also stayed at the south wall. Once the zombies attacking the city were eliminated, he would immediately leave the city to look for Zhang Ping and Liu Tiefeng.

At this time, he was holding the rabbit in his arms and watching the densely packed living corpses approaching like a black tide. He whispered: "Xiao Zhang, if I die in the battle, remember to take good care of Uncle Liu."

There are so many living corpses that there is no end in sight.

In the darkness, the eyes of the living corpse were glowing with green light, and they were getting closer and closer.


Feng Laixian shouted loudly at this time, and Bai De immediately followed suit and shouted again.

The instructors brought by Feng Laixian were the first to react and launched attacks one after another. Some drew their bows and shot arrows, and some threw spears. The other awakened people were not slow to react, but they were just not used to being ordered by strangers. Waiting for the instructors After taking the lead in the attack, they also took action one after another. Suddenly the south wall was filled with lightning, thunder, and fire.

Two hundred and fifty meters away, a living corpse stepped out. Oncoming was a fireball the size of a face plate. With a loud bang, the upper body of the living corpse was blown away, leaving only the lower body standing on the ground. , fell down after a while.

Then other living corpses were attacked one after another. A huge gorilla living corpse was cut in half by the sword energy on the spot. The body was still moving, and both halves of the body were crawling forward. It was extremely disgusting and terrifying.

Suddenly, all the living corpses seemed to wake up from sleep, and looked up at the living people on the city wall.

The green light in their eyes suddenly brightened, and they all became extremely agile and charged directly towards the city wall.


A three-meter-tall giant ape opened its already torn mouth and let out a hoarse roar. The next moment, it grabbed a human corpse next to it and simply threw the corpse into the city wall as a cannonball.

However, the living corpse collided with a fireball in mid-air and fell directly into the air.

It exploded in mid-air and countless fragments fell to the ground.

The giant ape roared again, and a monkey happened to run by it. It grabbed the monkey's tail and threw it into the air. The monkey roared and landed on the city wall. Although one of its legs was broken, its limbs were still intact. Use them together to quickly crawl towards an awakened person.

Qiu Qiang kicked the monkey off the city wall and fixed his eyes on the giant ape. When he was about to jump off the city wall, Bai De held his shoulders and said calmly: "Look at Master Feng, there is no need to fight with them now." "


A burst of hot breath burst out. Qiu Qiang immediately looked at Feng Laixian, only to see Feng Laixian's upper body bulging like an inflated balloon. The next moment he opened his mouth and spat out, and a stream of red air spurted out.

The giant ape under the city wall sensed danger and immediately grabbed a living corpse to block it in front of him. However, the living corpse was instantly carbonized by the high temperature and then disappeared into ashes.

The giant ape was hit in the front by the red airflow, and its flesh and blood were blown away, exposing its thick bones. However, the bones only lasted a few seconds under the high temperature, and the result was that it still followed the footsteps of the living corpse.

After its body disappeared, the ground was melted by high temperatures, forming a lava pit two meters in diameter.

"This is the secret of the Beast King Boxing Gym, the energy of chaos?" An insider couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing this scene.

Bai De said proudly: "The Chaos Qi itself has no attributes. It is just a pure air flow attack. What you practice is a breath of Chaos Qi. The master's Chaos Qi is combined with his own abilities, so it has such a high temperature."

"It can also be combined with one's own abilities!" A junior awakened person said in surprise.

Bai De said proudly: "Of course you can. Otherwise, why would the Beast King Boxing Gym charge so much? Each of the nine styles of Beast King Boxing has its own merits. The Chaos Qi of Mystery has the power of swallowing the sky. If you can learn the complete Beast King Boxing, it will be equivalent to one more thing." A super power!”

Many awakened people were very moved after hearing Bai De's words and wanted to sign up to study at the Beast King Boxing Gym in the future.

Why the museum owners are willing to take the main responsibility for defense is precisely because this is a good publicity opportunity. As long as they can defend the city wall and show their strength, they will have no worries about tourists for decades to come.

Of course, the premise is to keep it!

Feng Laixian looked into the distance with solemn eyes and did not relax.

He knew very well that tonight's zombie siege was not simple, and there was an air of conspiracy inside and out.

The problem is that the captain of the patrol team, Lin Kedi, has disappeared, and the city owner has not shown up for a long time. If they, the owners of the martial arts hall, do not shoulder the responsibility of guarding the Pearl City, the Pearl City will most likely be breached.

The awakened people present are all locals born and raised in Pearl City, and Pearl City is equivalent to everyone's home.

Protecting our homeland is everyone’s responsibility.

Martial Arts School Business

, the instructors will be responsible for recruiting, the witnesses will help spread the word, and what Feng Laixian needs to do is to defend this wall.

The zombies in front are just cannon fodder.

Even the giant ape zombie that he just dealt with is only as strong as a high-level awakener.

He is looking for the real enemy, the one that can really pose a threat to Mingzhu City.

Under the city wall, zombies gradually piled up into a mountain, but many zombies also caused some damage to the city wall. The city wall was bumpy and even stained with blood in many places.

The awakened ones took turns to attack, and the awakened ones who were exhausted retreated behind the city wall and were eating the food prepared by the logistics.

Suddenly, a green electric light shot from outside the city wall to inside the city wall. The three awakened ones didn't have time to avoid it, and their bodies exploded on the spot, and a piece of scalp fell on Qiu Qiang's shoulder.

He took a look at the bloody scalp, took a deep breath, and gently swept it away with his hand.

How could there be no deaths when 70,000 or 80,000 zombies attacked the city?

Now it's just the beginning.

Qiu Qiang was not sure he could survive, so he turned around and handed the rabbit to a female awakener who was in charge of logistics, and said, "Please take good care of it for me. It can contact a brother who is investigating outside the city. If you have any latest news, please come to me immediately."

"Well, you should be careful too." The female awakener gently took the rabbit and nodded.

Qiu Qiang responded, turned around and walked to the city wall, replaced the awakener who was blown up before, took a spear, and threw it out instantly after aiming.

There were zombies attacking the walls on all four sides, shouting, calling for help, and explosions one after another. The residents of Mingzhu City had already been awakened, but most ordinary people could only wait, regardless of the result of victory or defeat.

In the city lord's mansion, Zhu Zeming was also paying attention to the changes in the situation.

This was definitely an unexpected situation for them. He and his family behind him didn't know where these zombies came from and why they came.

Vaguely, he felt that things were a little out of control.

He gritted his teeth, walked out of the room, and quietly approached Chen Junting's room. He planned to transfer Chen Junting tonight.

Chen Junting is a very critical part of the family plan. Only by controlling Chen Junting can they be sure to deal with Situ Shibai and quickly control Mingzhu City.

However, he saw Prince Yue before he went far.

In the corridor, Prince Yue's tall body was bathed in the moonlight.

It was holding Chen Junting at this time, and its eyes seemed a little turbid, looking up at the bright moon in the sky.

Zhu Zeming couldn't help but step back.

He saw that something seemed to be constantly squirming in Prince Yue's back, and an ominous premonition enveloped his heart.

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