Infinity-Pearl City.

Many rooms in the ancient castle are very empty, with only life-size sculptures placed one after another. In the last room, the Lord of Darkness is carving his own life-size statue with a carving knife.

Suddenly, he exerted a little force, and the carving knife immediately left a long scratch on the sculpture.

But the King of Darkness didn't care about the sculpture now. He seemed to be in a daze, and it took a while before he smiled.

"The great destruction has finally come."

The Lord of Darkness inserted the carving knife in his hand into the heart of the sculpture that was vaguely humanoid, and said to himself.

Then he closed his eyes and prepared to summon all the members of the organization. Before he started, he frowned and opened his eyes with suspicion. Dark Phoenix Fairy was dead!

Dark Phoenix is ​​very powerful, even he must admit that Dark Phoenix is ​​the most powerful existence in the organization besides him.

The next moment, with the King of Darkness as the center, the surrounding space was distorted. A ball of light and a ball of dark energy were instantly formed, and then collided together.

He reached into the collision point and slowly pulled out the body of Dark Phoenix Fairy while twisting.


He looked at the body of Dark Phoenix Fairy, and finally showed an expression that he didn't know what to say.

There were no wounds on the body of Dark Fenglingxian. Through the remaining information, he could confirm that Dark Fenglingxian had not suffered any harm before his death.

This is the manifestation of death in the void.

As for whether Dark Phoenix committed suicide or was an accident, the King of Darkness was not interested in knowing. He threw the body of Dark Phoenix back into the twisted collision point, and then began to gather members of the organization.

Now that the great destruction has begun, it is only natural that he destroys as many worlds as possible, and the target he is looking for must be waiting for him to take off the head in a certain world!

Two hours and thirty-five minutes later, with the efforts of a large number of personnel from the logistics team, everyone was evacuated into the mysterious sewer.

Wuming and Lin Renmei were the last to leave. When they left, the entire world had been shattered, and the planet they were on was only a slightly larger piece of space debris at best.

This fragment had separated from its original position in the world an hour ago and was drifting in the void, so in an hour and a half, Wuming and the others could look at the other half of the world, and even see the part of the world connected to the umbilical cord.

maybe only

That part of space will always stick to the umbilical cord of the world stably. If there is life in it, it may be able to escape the great destruction.

"Let's go!"

Wuming said to Lin Renmei.

Then the two returned to the mysterious sewer and instantly closed the connection with the fragment.

"Wu Ming, is it really possible that the great destruction has begun?" Chen Weihua came over quickly, looked at Wu Ming and asked.

Wuming came out of the dragon's shell and nodded: "I just saw that at least two of the surrounding worlds were affected. Although I don't have any evidence, my feeling tells me that this is the beginning of the great destruction."


Chen Weihua fell into deep thought after listening.

"Sister Weihua, start making preparations. Transport all supplies to the headquarters and prepare for a protracted war at the headquarters." Wuming said seriously.

Chen Weihua is a little unwilling to give in. Under her management over the years, many worlds have become what she imagined.

She originally thought that the great destruction would not begin for at least several hundred years, but who knew that the great destruction would come so suddenly.

"I see."

Chen Weihua took a deep breath and finally said helplessly.

With her wisdom, she naturally knows that people are more important than the land.

If there are no people, no matter how good the city is, it is just an empty or dead city. Only when there are people can a city be alive.

"From now on, all rescue team members enter a state of emergency, search more worlds, find more survivors, and... collect resources, land, food, animals, we want them all!" Wuming continued.

Chen Weihua nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, although the great destruction is a bit unexpected, the strategy team has actually made a plan long ago, and we know what to do."

"That's good." Wuming felt relieved.

Now that the rescue team has a plan to face the great destruction, what he needs to do next is to save more people. There are some worlds that only he can save, and he is duty-bound.

A certain world.

Several adventurers are hunting a lizard.

This lizard is about five meters long and three meters high, and its scales are bigger than a human palm. Because of the regenerative nature of lizards' broken tails, lizards in this world are very valuable, especially vegetarian lizards. One can be sold for ten Ten thousand iron coins.

Almost every household will breed a lizard, and when necessary, remove the tail of the lizard as a


Therefore, the favorite prey of most adventurers is monitor lizards, especially the herbivorous monitor lizards that are not very threatening but are large enough.

Chen Muli was born into a family of hunters, and family members have made a living by hunting lizards for generations.

His father was a weirdo who once opened a lizard farm in the city, hoping to obtain a large number of controllable lizards through domestication.

Unfortunately, his father failed.

On a dark and stormy night, all the domesticated lizards ran away, and his father went bankrupt because he borrowed money to start a lizard breeding farm.

Chen Muli has followed his father around to hide from debts since he was a child, so he has a grudge against Lizard.

Unlike his father who loves lizards, he never captures lizards alive when hunting them. Even if he can get more than ten times the price of a dead lizard by catching it alive, he still prefers to kill lizards and sell the lizard meat directly.

"Follow me!"

Chen Muli checked the footprints and said to several companions.

They followed the footprints and soon came to a rocky beach. From a distance, they could see a huge gray-white lizard drinking water near the water source on the rocky beach.

"I'm rich, it's a white stone lizard!" An adventurer looked at the huge lizard and couldn't help but said excitedly.

Chen Muli squinted and said, "Be careful. Look at the light in its eyes. I'm afraid it's a high-level alien beast. Let's set a trap first and then deal with it later!"

"Boss, can we capture it alive this time?" A member asked.

The price of the white stone lizard is very high, mainly because its tail is very, very delicious, which is countless times more delicious than dragon liver, phoenix marrow, abalone, ginseng, shark's fin and belly.

When this lizard encounters a powerful enemy that it cannot defeat, it will break its tail to survive. If the tail is not attractive enough, how can it entice predators to give it up?

So it evolved an extremely delicious tail, so that predators generally do not kill the white stone lizard, but take the tail and leave.

"Have you forgotten my rules?" Chen Muli looked at the questioner with some dissatisfaction.

The adventurer quickly smiled and said, "No, it's just that the price of the white stone lizard is really high."

"If you have any objections, you can all quit!"

Chen Muli did not continue to stare at the adventurer, but looked at everyone and said lightly.

Then he turned around to find a suitable place to set the trap, but did not notice that the adventurers behind him all showed gloomy expressions.

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