I contracted myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [056] Blood of the Old King

Looking at Mount Everest.

The Zhao brothers were tied up with ropes and rings were placed around their necks.

This ring contains ninety kinds of poisons. Once it penetrates the neck, it will kill two people instantly.

It has to be said that the lives of these two brothers are really tough. Their bodies were almost split into two, but they are not completely dead yet. They are even slowly recovering. If no one takes the last hit, they will probably be able to survive after just lying down for a few days. Recover.

When Liu Sishan saw that the man was still alive, he was not going to make a last-ditch attack, but planned to torture the two of them to see if he could get some information.

"How could you... ahem... have two abilities?" Zhao Yanhu woke up and looked at Liu Sishan with the eyes of a monster. He asked with difficulty the doubts in his heart, coughing out a large amount of coagulated blood clots in the middle of speaking.

Liu Sishan did not answer his question, but asked: "How many people are there in your Saint Ancestor Village?"

However, Zhao Yanhu also had no intention of answering, and instead looked at Liu Sishan stubbornly.

"Why don't you let me do it?" Lu Han stepped forward and said.

He is the oldest here, and he is the only one who has some experience in torture methods. Although Liu Sishan has learned it, he actually has very few opportunities to torture the enemy and does not have much experience at all.

"Yes, Senior Lu Han, please." Liu Sishan nodded.

She turned around and backed away, and Cheng Xuejie stepped forward curiously and asked, "Is he still in your body?"


Liu Sishan felt that this sentence had a lot of ambiguity and a strange feeling.

However, Cheng Xuejie obviously did not expect that level, and continued: "I heard the voice was male. What is his name? It is safe now, won't he come out?"

"Zhang Ping, come out." Liu Sishan thought for a while and said.

Zhang Ping actually didn't want to get out of Liu Sishan's body, but Liu Sishan opened his mouth and he had no choice but to get out.

So, when Liu Sishan stretched out her hand, a large amount of blood gradually dripped from her palm to the ground. Then the blood gathered into a human shape, and a large amount of dark mist spurted out from the blood.

"Sister Sisi, my bracelet." Zhang Ping's voice came from the mist.

Liu Sishan took off the bracelet and threw it into the mist. After a while, Zhang Ping got dressed and walked out of the mist.

"Sisi, he actually has narrowed eyes. I heard a senior say before that all those with narrowed eyes are monsters. I must have said something right just now, right?" Cheng Xuejie immediately approached Liu Sishan and asked in a low voice.

Liu Sishan said angrily: "Okay, don't be weird."

"Sister Sisi, call me out

What's the matter here? "Zhang Ping stretched and then asked.

He consumed almost nothing in Liu Sishan's body, but formed some kind of wonderful symbiotic relationship with Liu Sishan. Therefore, he clearly separated his blood twice, but now he does not feel weak, and even his shape is normal.

This means that his divided blood can stay in Chen Weihua and Cheng Xuejie's bodies permanently. When he needs to notify them of something, he can transfer his attention to their bodies at any time to communicate with each other.

But there are pros and cons.

He uses the identification technique, and the results of the identification will be shared with the other party.

If the other party is smart enough, then he can deduce what happened to him through some appraisal results.

Therefore, if you are not a trustworthy person, it is best not to keep the blood snake in the other person's body to avoid inadvertently leaking your own information.

"Zhang Ping, go try it and drink some of Zhao Yanlong's blood." Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and said seriously.

Zhang Ping was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Well, I'll give it a try."

"Wait a minute, Sisi, are you crazy? Isn't Zhao Yanlong's blood poisonous?" Cheng Xuejie whispered.

Zhang Ping had just identified brothers Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu, and she also saw the attributes of the two brothers, so she knew very well that Zhao Yanlong's poisonous blood was definitely not simple.

If Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan hadn't used a combination of skills to kill them instantly, Zhao Yanlong's ability would actually be more difficult than Zhao Yanhu's.

"Don't worry, Zhang Ping is fine." Liu Sishan said calmly.

Zhang Ping smiled, and then walked towards the unconscious Zhao Yanlong. He glanced at Zhao Yanlong's blood bleeding all over the floor, and then looked at the wound on Zhao Yanlong's chest. For a moment, he couldn't find a place to start.

The blood on the ground looked a bit dirty and he didn't want to drink it, but the blood on Zhao Yanlong's chest...

Zhang Ping always felt that if he lay on Zhao Yanlong's chest and drank blood, he would definitely become a black history that could not be washed away.

After thinking for a moment, he took out a small bowl from his bracelet, and then used the mist to turn it into a knife. When Zhao Yanhu saw this, he immediately roared: "Whatever you want to do, come at me if you have the ability."

"Shut up." Lu Han threw a wet towel into Zhao Yanhu's face and said coldly.

Zhang Ping glanced at Zhao Yanhu, and then used the Mingwu knife to cut Zhao Yanlong's wrist and let out some blood. He was not worried that Zhao Yanlong would die because of this. After all, the physiques of awakened people were quite abnormal. Especially Zhao Yanlong's physique is the best among the awakened ones.

Even Liu Sishan's ice blade could be blocked with his bare hands, so this minor injury would definitely not be a problem.

A small half bowl of blood exuded an unpleasant smell.

Zhang Ping held the bowl, took a deep breath first, then raised his head and drank it in one gulp, his face suddenly wrinkled.

"How is it? Is it useful?" Liu Sishan asked immediately.

Zhang Ping put the bowl on the ground, squinted his eyes and said, "Wait a minute, I feel a little uncomfortable. The taste of this blood is really bad. It's just like stool, or diarrhea."

"How do you know? Have you eaten it?" Cheng Xuejie asked curiously.

Zhang Ping rolled his eyes and quickly took out the water to drink. Now he couldn't immediately become a pure water body or a pure blood body, otherwise the blood would be drunk in vain.

Both the pure water body and the pure blood body have the ability to detoxify, and at the same time will cause him not to absorb any substances. In simple terms, the food he eats will not be digested.

The alien food can only gain abilities after digestion, so he can only suffer.

After a while, he felt it, so he quickly used the identification technique.

Liu Sishan and others also saw the changes in his attributes.

The first choice is that the potential has increased by one star. Liu Sishan remembered that Zhang Ping's potential was six stars last time, and now it has become seven.

There are no new changes in other abilities, but in the end there is a new talent:

[Blood of the Old King: The body can draw strength from its own pain. The more painful the experience, the more obvious the effect.

Note: Everything that can't kill you will make you stronger! Oh, please, I don't want to be stronger anymore, woo woo woo. 】

Although the note is a bit strange, there is no doubt that this is a very powerful talent.

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping, who quickly stepped back and said, "Sister Sisi, please don't, I don't want to be strong!"


At this moment, Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie both understood the meaning of this note, and Cheng Xuejie was a little amused.

However, Liu Sishan still created the water whip and smiled slightly, "Just try it once, don't worry, I won't use too much force."

The next moment, she directly controlled the water whip to whip Zhang Ping.

In fact, Zhang Ping was just joking. When he saw the whip coming, he immediately blocked it with both hands in front of him and took Liu Sishan's whip.


When the whip fell on him, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, but at the same time he also noticed that the blood flow was accelerated, and his physical fitness seemed to have improved very slightly.

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