This fruit is shaped a bit like an avocado, with a large number of W-shaped patterns on the surface.

Wuming stepped forward to pick off the fruit and directly used identification techniques to identify the attributes of the fruit. The result of the identification turned out to be a bunch of confusing question marks.

"Can't you identify it?"

Wuming frowned, wouldn't this mean he was looking for a new guinea pig?

He didn't know why, but he suddenly thought of Wu Ka. Back then, he fished a fruit in the void and was eaten by Wu Ka in the end.

"First of all, we can't feed these scum. After all, this fruit contains powerful power."

Wuming took the fruit and left the dream world the next moment. He appeared outside the headquarters building. After contacting Chen Weihua, Chen Weihua was also interested in the wish fruit, so the two came to the prison again.

"Use death row prisoners?" Wuming asked while walking in the prison passage.

Chen Weihua shook her head and said, "No, I have an absolutely safe candidate. Just come with me."

After saying that, she took the lead and soon came to an ordinary cell.

There was a woman sitting in the cell. She had a very hot figure, and her prison uniform looked like a famous brand.

At this time, she was holding a book in her hand and reading seriously. Because her chest was too high, her posture when holding the book was different from ordinary people. She needed to lift it up slightly, so this posture was very special.

Wuming was stunned for a moment when he saw her for the first time, and asked curiously: "Are the quality of prisoners now that high?"


When the woman saw Chen Weihua, she put down her book, stepped forward and shouted respectfully.

Wuming's eyes suddenly widened, he looked at Chen Weihua and asked, "Sister Weihua, do you still have an apprentice?"

"She is not an apprentice, she is my student, her name is Wu Zhishi." Chen Weihua explained.

At this time, the woman in the cell looked at Wuming and silently saluted again.

Martial arts master?

What a strange name.

Wuming asked strangely: "Since Xiao Wu is your student, why..."

"Her boyfriend cheated on her, and she cut off his hands and feet in a rage..." Chen Weihua explained.

Wu Zhishi showed an awkward but polite smile to Wu Ming, and whispered: "It makes the captain laugh, I have had bad eyesight since I was a child.

, it’s easy to misjudge people. "

"How many years was the sentence?" Wuming asked.

Wu Zhishi replied: "Twenty-five years, now is the second year."

"Then I'll give you a chance. I'm not sure what the consequences will be if you eat this fruit. You may gain powerful strength, or you may die. But if you're lucky enough to survive, I can make the decision to commute your sentence." Wuming Na Looking at the fruit of wish, he said directly.

Wu Zhishi glanced at the wish fruit and asked curiously: "Is this also a product of the void? I think a group leader named Wu Ka said that he once ate your fruit, captain."

"It's not a product of the void, but a wish fruit." Wuming then told the martial artist the origin of the wish fruit.

He knew very well that since Chen Weihua brought him here, he obviously wanted Wu Zhishi to be the guinea pig. Although he didn't know why Chen Weihua made this choice, his choice was to trust Chen Weihua.

"I'm willing to give it a try!" Wu Zhishi agreed with a smile after hearing Wuming's explanation.

Firstly, she wanted to commute her sentence and get out as soon as possible. Secondly, Wuming had made it very clear that anything was possible with this fruit, and she was willing to bet her luck.

If you encounter a scumbag who is riding two boats, your luck has already declined, and it’s time to bottom out and rebound.

She took the fruit from Wuming's hand and ate it under the watchful eyes of Wuming and Chen Weihua. For a moment, her eyes widened and her aura quickly increased.

In the blink of an eye, she was promoted from an ordinary intermediate awakened person to a transcendent one.

She clenched her fists and said, "I feel like I have become a lot stronger, and my whole person seems to have been reborn, and my use of superpowers has become stronger."

As she spoke, her body suddenly split into two, and her clothes were also separated into two pieces.


The two martial arts masters said in unison.

Wuming suddenly realized, "I see, I probably know that woman's wish."

Moreover, when the martial arts master ate the fruit, he kept using his mind to analyze the martial arts master's body, and Xiao Xi also monitored the changes in the fruit throughout the process.

Now he has mastered how to identify the wish fruit.

"Thank you, captain, thank you, teacher." Wu Zhishi looked at Wuming and Chen Weihua gratefully and bowed.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "This is your luck, take advantage of it."

"Don't worry, I will help you apply for a commutation of your sentence." Wuming said with a smile.

As the captain, he does have the power to reduce the sentences of some people, but under normal circumstances he will not use this power.

The two leave prison.

Because the rescue team is currently temporarily suspending rescue activities, Chen Weihua has some free time these days, so she simply goes to the theater with Wuming.

They returned to the dream world, and then Wuming extracted a guard's wish and injected it into the body of a flame yak.

"Is this enough?" Chen Weihua watched the whole process and asked after the Wuming injection was completed.

Wuming nodded and said: "Just wait until the fruit grows. I have already mastered the method of identifying the wish fruit. I should be able to directly know what the wish fruit has."

In this case, all they have to do is wait.

Chen Weihua looked at the branches growing on the flame yak and asked: "Do you want to use this method to arm the rescue team to fight against the disaster team?"

"Well, the Disaster Team has the power of the Dark King. Unless one of us can surpass the Dark King, it would be a joke to use the power obtained by the Dark King's base rune to fight against the Dark King, so I want to try using the power of a non-Dark King." Wuming nodded.

Chen Weihua asked: "How do you know that everything here is not inferior to the Dark King's system?"

"There is a difference, Sister Weihua, you should study the base rune more. Fat Cat and Guaranteed Bodhisattva are not the base rune system. Although part of my current dream world belongs to the base rune system, the world that dreams lead to is more vast and cannot be constructed by base runes." Wuming explained.

His ability is very special.

The legacy of the fallen god is just an introduction. After the birth of the dream world, many things have been separated from the base rune system.

For example, he can go to the dreams of other creatures. Those dreams cannot exist because of superpowers, but because they exist by themselves, so he can observe their existence.

Even ordinary animals have dreams.

The bodies of ordinary animals are very clean, and there are no traces of basic runes in their genes.

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