I contracted myself

Volume 1: Fox City [007] Training

"Come, drink some water first."

Qiu Qiang stepped forward and handed a glass of water to Zhang Ping.

After Zhang Ping finished drinking the water, he smiled and said: "Yes, I originally thought you would not be able to persevere. It seems that the school has misunderstood. With your current performance, it is more than enough to enter the top three universities."

"By the way, Uncle Qiang, everyone has always referred to the patrol team and the investigation team as the three major organizations. The question is, what is the name of the third organization?" Zhang Ping raised his head at this time and couldn't help but ask the question he had been holding back for many days.

Qiu Qiang was stunned for a moment, then spread his hands and said: "I don't know, anyway, Pearl City has been called like this from before to now. Everyone calls it the Big Three. We all know that in addition to the patrol team and the investigation team, there is another organization, but this organization is called No one knows what it does.”

"So magical." Zhang Ping said unexpectedly.

Originally, he thought that the original owner was only interested in training in the past, so he was not interested in such trivial information, so he did not know what the third organization among the three major organizations was.

Only now did he know, good guy, everyone didn’t know it.

"Okay, don't worry about what the third organization is called. It's nothing more than a secret department similar to the assassination force. Have you rested enough? Come and see what the quality of your first work is like." Qiu Qiang did not continue. This topic, but turned the topic back to forging.

Zhang Ping nodded, got up from the ground, and looked at the mold.

He glanced at Qiu Qiang, who signaled him to open it with his own hands, so he reached out and grabbed the switch and pulled hard. The mold slowly opened, and a black and silver knife appeared in front of the two of them.


Zhang Ping frowned slightly when he saw that the color was wrong, and then looked at Qiu Qiang.

"It really failed."

Qiu Qiang was not surprised. He smiled and stepped forward to pick up the knife.

The appearance of this knife is no different from that of the Pearl Knife. The only difference is that there are many silver threads on the blade. These silver threads are unevenly distributed and do not have the beauty of the red lines of the Pearl Knife.

He walked to the knife testing stand with the knife in hand, first changed a testing stone, and then raised the knife to chop.

The light of the knife flashed past, and the stone did not crack. Instead, the knife made a crisp sound, and then broke into two pieces. The tip of the knife finally landed on a large magnet not far away.

"Clean it up." Qiu Qiang threw the broken knife to Zhang Ping and continued.

Zhang Ping took a look at the broken edge of the knife and found that there were also a lot of silver threads inside the knife, and the silver threads were also entangled with a red thread. Because there was no pattern, the whole knife looked like a tree trunk hollowed out by termites. .

"It should be that the mixing and kneading was not done well, and the materials were not really integrated into one." Zhang Ping thought to himself as he watched.

He silently summarized his mistakes.

In fact, the main reason is that the stove is too hot.

He squatted next to the stove, feeling like he was a roasted pig. If he roasted it longer, maybe the aroma of roasted meat would emit from his body.

And there is power.

In fact, his strength is still quite lacking, so the process of 'making noodles' is very strenuous, far less effortless than Uncle Qiang's.

After packing his things, he walked to Qiu Qiang and sat down next to him.

"Take a rest when you are tired."

Qiu Qiang saw Zhang Ping's tired face and said with a smile.

The first time he learned the noodle forging technique, he was even more miserable than Zhang Ping. He didn't even complete the first step. Later, it was only under the pressure of Liu Tiefeng that he slowly mastered the trick.

Next, he explained Zhang Ping's mistakes in the forging process in more detail. This was more detailed than Zhang Ping's own summary. After listening to Zhang Ping's comparison with the forging process, he really gained a lot.

"By the way, Uncle Qiang, my forging failed just now. How much did I lose?" Zhang Ping couldn't help but ask, thinking of the price of the iron ingots.

Qiu Qiang sighed: "Almost 60,000 yuan."


When Zhang Ping heard this, his heart dropped.

He couldn't afford to repay this loss even if he sold it.

"Hahahaha, you don't really believe it? Don't worry, it's not as expensive as you think. I'll tell you what to do with it later when there's a lot of waste." Qiu Qiang saw Zhang Ping's pale face and laughed immediately.

However, great joy brings sorrow. Liu Tiefeng's cigarette stick fell on Qiu Qiang's forehead, and he immediately covered his head with a grin on his face.

"Stinky Fart Qiang, where did you get this kid back? Your talent has almost caught up with the mountain. By the way, where has the mountain gone?" Liu Tiefeng said, but as he spoke, he became confused again and lowered his eyes. Lost in a daze, looking like he was in a daze.

Qiu Qiang took a look, sighed slightly, then patted Zhang Ping on the shoulder and said in a low voice: "Take care of Uncle Liu for me. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Yeah." Zhang Ping nodded.

Qiu Qiang stood up and originally wanted to walk out, but after thinking about it he felt uneasy, so he explained a lot of things and talked for more than ten minutes before reluctantly leaving Iron Soul.

In the shop, the fire is still burning brightly.

Zhang Ping sat and rested, glancing at Liu Tiefeng from time to time.

In his previous life, he had worked as a volunteer in a nursing home for a period of time, so he knew how to take care of the elderly.

"Grandpa Liu, come on, drink some water."

Zhang Ping stood up and walked behind the counter, poured a glass of water from a cup, and carefully handed it to Liu Tiefeng.

However, Liu Tiefeng did not pay attention to Zhang Ping, but lowered his head and smoked.

A few minutes later, Liu Tiefeng looked up at Zhang Ping and said calmly: "Okay, put the cup down, that kid has gone away."

"Uh..." Zhang Ping blinked, feeling that something was wrong with Liu Tiefeng.

Liu Tiefeng sighed and said: "Okay, actually I'm not sick, and I know very well that Dashan is probably in trouble."

"What about you?"

Zhang Ping put the cup on the table aside and looked at Liu Tiefeng in surprise.

The main reason is that Liu Tiefeng's acting skills are so good, and when he first met Liu Tiefeng, Liu Tiefeng really looked like he was demented.

"I know Dashan's strength very well. Qiangzi wanted to investigate Dashan's whereabouts, but I was worried that something unexpected would happen to him, so I had to pretend to be stupid so that he would have no time to take risks." Liu Tiefeng said slowly.

Although he really wanted to find out who killed his son, he didn't want Qiu Qiang to be involved in the danger. He already lost a son, so he didn't want to see the son of his old comrade disappear.

After Zhang Ping thought for a moment, he already understood why Liu Tiefeng was pretending to be ill. He couldn't help but ask: "Then Uncle Qiang won't take risks now?"

"No, that kid will be like a tortoise once he has concerns in his heart and will not easily seek death." Liu Tiefeng smiled bitterly.

He knows Qiu Qiang's character better than anyone else.

Although Qiu Qiang usually looks carefree, he is actually very thoughtful, which is why Qiu Qiang can live to this day.

At first he was against Qiu Qiang becoming an adventurer, but Qiu Qiang verbally agreed.

, turned around and ran away. When he came back again, he had many scars on his body, but he also became mature and capable.

From that time on, he knew that verbal dissuasion could not stop Qiu Qiang from doing what he wanted to do.

So this time he chose to pretend to be sick.

Only in this way will Qiu Qiang, who is worried, not take risks easily.

"Grandpa Liu, aren't you afraid that I will tell Uncle Qiang?" Zhang Ping couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

Liu Tiefeng glanced at Zhang Ping and asked, "Can you do it?"

"No." Zhang Ping said.

Liu Tiefeng smiled and said, "That's enough."

All right.

Zhang Ping felt that he had been completely seen through.

"But Qiangzi is right about one thing. You are very talented in forging. However, Qiangzi is not very good at teaching, and he is not particularly interested in forging, so there are many omissions. In the next few days, I will teach you the real skill of dough kneading and forging." Liu Tiefeng puffed out his smoke and looked at Zhang Ping and said seriously.

This craft is not a top secret to begin with, but it is the basis of Liu's unique skills.

Originally, all this had been passed on to his son, but something happened to his son.

Liu Tiefeng cannot bear to lose his skills. This is the heritage of mankind. If it is lost in his generation, he will be ashamed of his ancestors and all mankind, so he must try his best to pass it on.

Originally, he planned to write the secret method into a secret book, but when Zhang Ping just forged it, he realized that he had a better choice.

The next day.

Zhang Ping got up at around four o'clock. Looking at the scenery outside the window, he realized that he had left the school dormitory.

He came out of the room and found that Liu Tiefeng had gotten up earlier than him.

Liu Tiefeng sat on a chair in the living room, looking intently at a sword not far away. When he saw Zhang Ping coming out, he said, "Okay, come with me."

With that said, he got up and went upstairs.

The third floor is Liu Dashan's studio, which is mainly used for weapon processing, such as inlaying special materials and gems on weapons, or replacing hand guards and redesigning scabbards and scabbards.

Liu Tiefeng took Zhang Ping to the workbench, first asked Zhang Ping to get flour, and then directly taught Zhang Ping how to make dough.

This time I’m really making noodles!

Liu Tiefeng kneaded the dough skillfully with both hands and said with a smile: "Actually, Qiangzi was already able to knead dough when he was a child, so he may not have realized that the basis of dough forging is actually kneading dough, but he started practicing it since he was a child. So you have already become proficient, and as long as you have the strength to keep up, things will come naturally. But if you don’t have the foundation, you can only take shortcuts.”

As he spoke, he put many iron beads of different sizes into the dough and kneaded them quickly. Finally, the dough and the iron beads were fused together. From the outside, it was impossible to tell that there were a large number of iron beads hidden in the dough.

"Now come here, put on the blindfold first, and then knead out all the iron beads in the dough." Liu Tiefeng stepped aside and looked at Zhang Ping and said.

Zhang Ping nodded. After putting on the blindfold, he pressed his hands on the dough. He found that the dough was very tight. It was obvious that Liu Tiefeng had tried to make the dough feel as close as possible to the forging material.

He kneaded the dough carefully and found that after putting on the blindfold, the dough felt very clear. He quickly peeled off the iron beads in the dough.

But the process isn't 100 percent accurate.

Some of the tiny pieces of dough actually feel similar to iron beads.

He didn't know how Liu Tiefeng did this, but it did cause him a lot of trouble.

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