I saw that the void in the pit had short black hair and a miserable white complexion.

Almost half of the bone in the whole body has long been shed

Even the head is only half of the mask resembling a helmet, the eyes are closed tightly, and there are dark green lines resembling tear marks on the right side of the face.

It wasn’t until Heribel shouted the words “broken face” in surprise that the void in the pothole slowly opened his eyes.

Showing miserable green eyes.

Ruyue Feng on the side glanced at it and explained

“It should be regarded as a pseudo-face breaking, and in the Vastod level, a very small part of them will independently break the face because the spiritual pressure is too strong.

Although it is still lacking compared to the real broken face, it is completely above the ordinary Vastod Great Void, am I right? , Ulquiorra Sypha!! ”

As soon as the words fell, the void that fanned a pair of pitch-black batwing suddenly rushed out of the pit, and it glanced at Ruyue Feng’s group.

However, turn his gaze to the person who said his name.

“Death, do you know my name?”

“Because I know you, no, to be precise, I should say that I know you all, from birth to a pure white type that retains only vision

was excluded by the same kind and left to wander alone in the virtual circle, and by chance came here to become a pseudo-broken face! ”

Hearing the person in front of him finish his life word for word, Ulquiorra still said flatly

“Death, what is the purpose of what you say?”

“Ulquiorra and I will leave here together, I will take you into a new world, where you will have the opportunity to find a “heart” that was born out of nothingness and lost! ”

Hearing this, Ulquiorra had a throbbing for the first time

“Heart”? What is that? Is it like humans say to dig out the chest and hit the head to see it? ”

“If it’s true, I need to prove that you qualify as you say.”

Ruyue Feng smiled slightly when she heard this:

“How to prove it!?”

“Better than me!” As soon as the words fell, Ulquiorra instantly disappeared from everyone’s sight in mid-air.

“Bang!” Just like detonating the air, his figure came directly behind Ruyue Feng.

“Ringing? Indeed, compared to the instantaneous step of the Grim Reaper, this footwork similar to space movement is really quite fast! ”

Kaede said as he drew his slashing knife and swung it forward

A hand covered in white bone slapped heavily on the blade of the slashing knife, and suddenly two terrifying spiritual pressures collided with each other, and in an instant, the ground sank down, and the entire terrain was collapsing.

Lie, along with Helibel and the others, jumped out of the aftermath of the battle.

“Lord Ruyue, let me deal with him!” As soon as Heribel landed, he was ready to draw the blade behind him.

However, Ruyue Feng in the ring crater said with a smile:

“No need, you stand by and watch, ten seconds, I can defeat him!”

“Ten seconds!? , you were able to beat me in such a short time!? So let me see if it’s arrogance? Or reality? ”

After Ulquiorra finished speaking, he suddenly took his hand away from the blade, and a ring appeared directly on the edge of the pit.

Feng standing in the center of the pit smiled slightly, and the terrifying spiritual pressure on his body began to gush out

“Then let you see a little how my true spiritual pressure has been so far!”

The next moment, blue-white spiritual power appeared on the surface of Feng’s body to form a spiritual pressure storm.

In just a moment, an indescribable heart palpitation filled the hearts of everyone present.

The thick air seemed to turn into a viscous liquid and began to squeeze the surrounding space.

The ground kept cracking just because of the spiritual pressure.

Broken faces like Sunsun and Rhodes, who evolved from Yaskachu, only glanced at Ruyue Feng, who was at the center of the spiritual pressure storm.

The whole person was like being pinched by the neck, kneeling on the ground in fear and vomiting constantly.

“So strong, is this Lord Ruyue’s spiritual pressure? Even if I do it, it’s nowhere near comparable. With cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, Heribel said secretly.

“Is Kaede’s strength already so strong? As far as spiritual pressure is concerned, it completely surpasses Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, and it seems that if I don’t increase my strength, the opportunities to help him in the future will be less and less. ”

A strong sense of crisis appeared in Lie’s heart

At this time, Ulquiorra stood on the edge above the pit, enduring the extreme spiritual pressure of the Maple Perfect level at close range, and even he was slightly moved by the representation of nothingness

“So that’s the case, I took back what I just said, you are indeed qualified, but defeat me in ten seconds, but you underestimate me”

However, the next moment, Ruyue Feng, who was still in the center of the pit, actually disappeared from his sight.

Under the slow flow of time, Xiao Wu will look around

“How is it possible… It completely escaped my perception, where, where!!! ”

“Bang!” A sound that detonated air sounded behind him.

Ulquiorra slowly turned his head, his eyes full of surprise

“The Grim Reaper actually uses the Void Ringing !!!”

“What are you surprised!” Kaede raised his hand and swung his blade in front of Xiao Wu’s body, who didn’t have time to react at all

The silver practice instantly streaked by, and suddenly a line of blood burst out of Ulquiola’s chest, and a large amount of blood splashed in the air.

Ulquiorra immediately flapped his wings and disappeared with a thud, appearing directly fifty meters away.

Raising his finger, a miserable green ball of energy gathered at his fingertips.

“Hey, if you flash it, you’re going in the wrong direction!!”

The shocked Xiao Wugang wanted to turn around, and a hand was already directly behind him on his shoulder, and at the same time a clear voice came into his ears.

“Sixty-one Six Rods of Light Prison!”

In an instant, six golden energy light pieces fixed Xiao Wu in place, and at the same time, a silver blade was already on Xiao Wu’s neck.

“It should be less than ten seconds, Ulquiorra Sypha!”

(New book for collection, monthly pass, flowers, review ticket, thank you).

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