I Copy Under One Punch

Chapter 235 Battle Tornado and Machine God Base

Chapter 235 Battle Tornado and Machine God Base

The battle between Aomori and Tornado naturally cannot be held in the Hero Building, no matter how high-level the battlefield is, it cannot bear the aftermath of their battle.

So, they went to an inaccessible place, Fubuki was abandoned in the Hero Building, and was not taken there.

"Okay, here it is." Aomori led the tornado to a Gobi desert full of gravel.

"I told you in advance, I won't let you down just because you are the president, be prepared to be beaten up by me." Tornado said while looking down at Aomori.

"Heh, let the horse come here." Aomori said, hooking his fingers.

The two confronted each other for a while, and the tornado was the first to attack. When she raised her hand lightly, there was a strong wind howling.

All the sand and gravel on the ground floated by her side, and as she pointed to Aomori, all these things gathered together and swept towards Aomori like a sandstorm.

However, when the sandstorm was about to touch Aomori, it stayed in place strangely, forming a wall of sand in front of him.

"Don't you think that such a tactic can take me down? After all, I am also the president of the Heroes Association." Aomori flicked his fingers, and the sand wall collapsed and fell back to the ground.

"Oh, your superpowers are improving so fast, no wonder you have the confidence to challenge me. But, you are still a little tender!" The superpowers in Tornado exploded, and the powerful telekinetic force directly acted on Aomori's body .

Although Aomori was ready to resist, the burst of power at that moment caused him to be controlled by the tornado. After making a series of irregular movements in the air, he fell headlong into the ground.

Afterwards, she dug out a clod the size of a football field from the ground, and Aomori was trapped in the clod like a bug sealed in amber, unable to move.

"Admit defeat, you are not my opponent." Tornado sneered, and the superpowers exerted on the clod and Aomori became stronger and stronger.

‘Without those fancy abilities, the tornado that specializes in telekinetic power is much stronger than I imagined. '

Aomori, who was a little swollen, immediately regained his original intention: 'In the world of One Punch, my strength is far from enough. '

He recognized that he was not the opponent of Tornado, but he would not admit defeat so easily, at least he had to make Tornado uncomfortable for a while.

There was a flash of light in Aomori's eyes, and he said silently in his heart: '[100% hugged by the princess] activate! '

Then, Tornado suddenly felt his body fly towards Aomori on his own, and he felt a strong urge to hold him in his arms.

"What exactly is going on?!"

Before she could react, amazing energy erupted from Aomori's body, which shattered the clod of soil that imprisoned him into pieces, and then he took the first step to hug the tornado tightly into his arms with bright purple light.

"You, you, you, what are you doing!" Tornado looked at Aomori's face that was close at hand, a blush immediately climbed up his cheeks, and he couldn't speak clearly.

"I've caught you." Aomori smiled smugly, "I'm not your opponent at long distances, but at close range I rule the world. In this battle, I'm the winner."

"Good idea, don't think you can win by hugging me, see if I don't break your arm." Long Juan didn't care about being shy anymore, in her opinion, victory is the most important thing.

Looking at Aomori with a serious expression, the tornado was so angry that he shouted angrily: "You, you, you, you dare to touch my place, I will fight with you!"

Now even if the blast came, the tornado couldn't be stopped, and she completely entered the runaway mode.

Driven by the surge of super powers, Tornado and Aomori are like riding on a malfunctioning jet plane, drawing a dense star map in the sky for a while, crashing into the ground for a while, digging out Even a gopher would be ashamed to see such a complex tunnel.

Under such a strong impact, even the Psychic Shield that Aomori exerted with all his strength would be crumbling. Fortunately, he added hundreds of strong seals to his arms so that he would not be thrown away by the tornado.

After destroying nearly half of the Gobi Desert, they suddenly broke through a thick metal wall and entered an unfamiliar underground base.

'Finally came in. ’ Aomori smiled slightly. Naturally, he didn’t choose the battle location at random. With such a high-level combat force like Tornado, he wanted to explore the base of the suspected Mechanism organization he had encountered a long time ago. (See Chapter 51)

Especially there is a big treasure there, Aomori has been thinking about it for a long time.

Under their rampage, the entire base was lit with red lights and sirens.

"Warning! Warning! There are intruders entering the base, please gather all advanced battle sequences and wipe out the intruders!"

For these two uninvited intruders, the base directly chose to kill them.

At this moment, in the center of the console, two humanoid robots are looking at Tornado and Aomori, who ignore the security system of the base on the screen. They have the highest level of authority in this base, and they are also the robots with the highest level of AI in the organization. It is countless times stronger than ordinary humans.

"Have you confirmed the identities of those two people?" One of them was a larger robot that looked like a muscular man among human beings.

"Well, one is Aomori, the president of the Hero Association who has recently gained fame, and the other is the S-class hero Tornado. Said the robot with the broad sword.

"Huh? How could such a big man come here suddenly? Could it be that he discovered us?"

"No, according to the previous video, they didn't know why they went to fight nearby and crashed into the base by accident."

"...This is too much of a coincidence."

"According to data analysis, the possibility of directly targeting us is only 2.1%, basically ruling out this possibility."

"Is this a small probability event that we hit? In human terms, it's really unlucky."

"The question now is how to deal with them? After conducting a simulation analysis based on their fighting situation, the probability that all our combat forces will gather together to defeat them is only 14.7%, and there is a 73.2% probability that our entire army will be wiped out."

"Is the success rate so low?" The muscle robot looked very upset, and said, "Then call the two nearby bases to go together."

"Increased to 38.2 percent."

"Less than 50%? Although very unwilling, there is no other way but to give up here." The muscle robot said: "I propose to implement the C1 evacuation plan, clear all data, detonate the base, and leave no future trouble."


While the two robots were discussing, Aomori was also trying to appease Tornado.

"There is a mysterious base of this size underground. The situation here looks very wrong. Let's stop fighting for now."

After flying with Aomori for so long, Tornado has already regained her sanity, but she couldn't get rid of Aomori's sticky brown candy, her face was dull, so she had to continue.

It was rare for a step to be placed under her feet. Tornado snorted, stopped in the base, and gritted his teeth at Aomori: "Let me go first!"

"Then you promise me first, let's stop the war first, this time we count as a draw, how about it?"

Long Juan took a deep breath and said, "I promise you, let go of your dirty hands."

"Okay, right away." Aomori carefully removed the seal on his arm, let go of his hand, and immediately opened the distance.

Unexpectedly, Tornado didn't make a move, she stopped in mid-air, her eyes fixed on Aomori, her face turned red and white.

Seeing Aomori's surprised gaze, she snorted coquettishly and raised her head: "I, Tornado, always keep what I say, and I'm not as mean and shameless as you."

"Ahem, you misunderstood. It was just a strategy used in battle. I have to use everything to deal with you, otherwise I am not your opponent at all." Aomori said half-truthfully.

Hearing these words, Tornado's complexion improved a lot. She turned her head and looked at the robots swarming out of the passage to surround them, and she couldn't help showing a mocking smile.

"Let your boss come out and send these toys to play with the children?"

The robot didn't answer, and at the same time raised its arms, releasing dense heat rays towards Tornado and Aomori.

This level of attack didn't even break their shields, but instead made Tornado smile.

"Very good, you are not a good thing at first glance, let me remake them all!" Tornado took all the anger that Aomori had annoyed her on the hapless robot.

With every gesture of her hand, a large number of robots were dismantled into fragments.

Seeing that Tornado was having so much fun, Aomori ignored her and opened his [Mind Eyes] to find two suspected bosses who looked different from the standard robots below.

He was not in a hurry, and took out the [laptop] from the system backpack first.

Aomori had already prepared, and brought Akihiko Kayaba with him before coming here with Tornado. He had been coveting the data of the Mekami organization for a long time.

After finding a data socket to connect to, Aomori told Akihiko Kayaba to start working, and at the same time threw Absolu to help guard the [laptop], and he left alone to go to the location of the two unusual robots locked just now.

After breaking through dozens of blockades, Aomori finally stood in front of them, blocking their escape route.

"Sorry, this way doesn't work."

Seeing Aomori, they were very shocked. They didn't expect that the maze-like base would not stop him.

"Who is your Excellency? Why not only broke into our place, but also killed us? We are the doctor's personal belongings. If you want to destroy us, you will be held accountable for huge compensation." The muscle robot took the lead and wanted to Sue Aomori.

"I'm sorry." Facing its questioning, Aomori replied politely: "I suspect that you have not obtained a production license and belong to the three-no products. All of them will be confiscated and used as evidence. As for the doctor in your mouth , we will also investigate."

"You are not a law enforcement officer, and you have no right to do this." The robot with the sword on its back pointed directly at the core.

"Oh? Looks like you know me?"

"The president of the famous Hero Association, I've heard of it before, and I just recognized you."

"Since you know my identity, why are you arresting me without a fight? Who doesn't know that I am the embodiment of justice, and I have never wronged a good person. If you really have no problems, I will naturally let you go later." Aomori said without leaking anything.

The two robots immediately fell silent.

Secretly, they discussed on the internal channel.

"What should I do? The other party is very smart, it seems that I can't fool it."

"The base is about to explode in two minutes. If it is delayed any longer, we will also be affected."

"Then there's no other way. The chances of us jointly defeating him are 45.9%, nearly 50% of the winning rate. It's worth a fight. Let's fight!"


Suddenly, the two robots jumped up at the same time, one raised a big fist and slammed at Aomori, the other pulled out the wide sword behind him, and rushed forward at lightning speed.

"A million tons of punch!"

"Overclocking stabbing sword!"

Then, a blinding light burst out, and a strong vibration erupted in the passage.

Holding the head of a robot with one hand, Aomori walked out from the smoke.

"Impossible, the winning rate is close to 50%, why are we instantly killed?"

"No way, do you really believe that computer data can simulate my behavior patterns and moves?" Aomori smiled disdainfully, "Human beings are not something that can be summed up so simply."

Aomori did not hear the answer, because the system center was destroyed, and they were already dead.

"The guy who made me run away before has become a little guy now. It's really embarrassing."

Aomori sighed while holding up the wreckage of the two robots.

With these things, it is not difficult for Tongdi to reproduce the corresponding robot.

In the future, the painting style may become a robot vs. robot.

With Kayaba Akihiko's best efforts, the base avoided the end of self-explosion, and he also recovered part of the deleted data, waiting for him to study with Tong Di.

The rest of the little robots were all wiped out by the tornado, and she was not so depressed because of this.

Seeing Aomori appearing in front of her unscathed, Tornado snorted and said, "The things here are over. It's really boring. Is there anyone who can fight? I'm going back!"

Without waiting for Aomori's answer, she smashed through the ceiling of the base and flew out.

As if remembering something, she flew back again and asked Aomori: "At that time, what trick did you use against me, why would I...can't control my body?"

"That, it's hypnosis, I can temporarily control other people's thoughts." Aomori said casually.

"Hypnotism?" Tornado thought of some unsuitable scenes, and immediately pointed at Aomori and said loudly: "Despicable and shameless! You are not allowed to use this trick on me in the future, and you can't use it on Fubuki, do you hear me?!"

"Oh, I'll try my best."

Tornado glared at him viciously, and flew away again.

Back home, Tornado immediately went into the bathroom to take a bath.

"How dare you touch me here, next time I must give him a good look!"

"Haqiu!" Aomori sneezed, but he didn't pay attention, his eyes kept staring at something without moving.

In front of him was a black box.

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