27The times have changed, Lord [for support].

The group returned from outside the village full of people.

Of course, there are still quite a few people out there who continue to brush up on their monsters.

Only Whitebeard and others returned.

Whitebeard, in particular, was extremely excited, after all, he would soon be able to start practicing.

By then he will be even stronger.

However, Ying Zheng did pull Tony and didn't know what he was talking about. Soon Tony's face became excited and he immediately went offline.

"Village head, leave it to you to help me extract it."

Whitebeard came to Ye Xuan and took out the huge corpse of the Earth Pulse Dragon and placed it in front of Ye Xuan, causing the ground to suddenly shake.

Ye Xuan smiled and said. "It's OK."

After saying that, Ye Xuan raised his hand and placed it on the corpse of the Earth Pulse Dragon, with a thought, and then when he raised his hand, a drop of golden blood appeared in his palm.

"Well, take it."

"That simple?"

Whitebeard was dismayed.

Ye Xuan shook his head and laughed. "It would not have been troublesome, and you can also do it after you start cultivating and step into the Mortal Transformation Realm."

"So that's it."

At that, Whitebeard suddenly understood, but quickly took the essence of blood, revealing a look of expectation.

"Want to use it straight away?" Ye Xuan asked.


Whitebeard nodded his head, he was waiting for this moment.

However, before taking it, Whitebeard did not hesitate to turn on the live stream.

Don't ask, ask is pretend.

Now he likes the feeling.

When the live stream opened, Whitebeard's studio was flooded with viewers all at once.

Kaido, of course, is one of those people.

Originally, they also intended to go looking for Baccarat, but because of a newspaper from Morgans, directly let Baccarat run away, and finally had to come here and instructed their men to look for Baccarat's trail.

Redhead: " Whitebeard, live again, what do you want to do?"

Golden Lion: "Hmph, what's the point of asking? It must be time to show off."

Kaido: "It's sour sour sour!"

Whitebeard looked at the pop-ups and laughed out loud. "Goo la la la la la la, or Golden Lion understand the old man, yes, the old man open live is to show you guys, the old man is going to start cultivating."

End of story.

Whitebeard directly swallowed a mouthful of seminal blood, and suddenly his face swelled red and veins bulged on his forehead.

Tony just came online and saw this scene, and immediately spoke excitedly. "I'm familiar with this situation, I sometimes do the same when I eat sildenafil."

The others looked puzzled.

However, Xiao Yan could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

You are familiar with your master ah.

Sildenafil that's not fucking Viagra?


It is also fortunate that Whitebeard does not know what this stuff is, otherwise absolutely a slap on the face to kill you.

But then, Xiao Yan looked at Whitebeard again, feeling the aura gradually emanating from Whitebeard's body, and a touch of envy passed through his eyes.


An aura of power exploded from Whitebeard.

After swallowing the essence of blood, Whitebeard felt an extremely large force emerge from within his body.

Without any hesitation, he began to activate his Fierce Blood Body Refining Technique, and even performed the movements recorded in the Fierce Blood Body Refining Technique, so as to consume the energy contained in the essence blood to quench his own flesh body to the greatest extent.

As Whitebeard moved, the aura emanating from Whitebeard's body became stronger and stronger.

Whitebeard itself, moreover, looks like a god and carries an intimidating force.



With Whitebeard's laugh, a breath exploded.

Ye Xuan raised his eyes and looked away, the corners of his mouth hooked up.

This means Whitebeard has successfully stepped into the cultivation, refining body one.

After all, the energy contained in this blood is huge for Whitebeard, so even after crossing into the first level of body refinement is not over yet, it still allows Whitebeard to continue to cultivate.

Body Refining II.

Body refining triple.

Fourth level of body refinement.

Until the fourth level of body refinement, Whitebeard's soaring aura is gradually returning to calm.

It's over.

But feeling the majestic power in his body, Whitebeard couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Hahahaha, this power, what a pain."


Whitebeard took one step and directly stomped the ground out of a deep pit.

This is his power today.

Compared to before, simply in terms of physical attributes, it has at least doubled.

How scary is it?

You know the physical attributes doubled, for Whitebeard, equivalent to double the combat power ah.

In the world of pirates, Whitebeard was one of the strongest, and now doubled the combat power, it is no exaggeration to say that Whitebeard in the world of pirates, is now the strongest, no one.

"So fucking envious."

Xiao Yan watched Whitebeard get stronger and did not hide the sourness he showed.

There's no way not to be envious.

"Stop it, I'm the same." Tony bristled, but then just laughed confidently. "Hey, but it's okay, I've reopened the rocket launcher production line, maximum production, when I come up tomorrow with a bunch of new equipment, fuck those fierce beasts, by then I might be able to cultivate with a bit of luck."

"Oh, you're thinking beautiful."

Xiao Yan rolled his eyes.

If the practice was really that easy to explode, Whitebeard would not be the only one who has it now.

It's completely in your face.

"What's keeping you from even thinking about it?" Tony bristled.

Xiao Yan rolled his eyes, did not want to answer.

On the contrary, on the side, Ying Zheng saw Tony's upper limit, immediately brightened up and walked over and asked. "How?"

"Don't worry, no problem, we can start trading tomorrow."

"Hahahaha, that's good, with those weapons and equipment of yours, it will be easy for me, Qin, to sweep the six kingdoms."

Ying Zheng smiled broadly at his words.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Xiao Yan was dumbfounded. "King Qin, you're making a deal with him?"


Ying Zheng nodded his head, did not hide, said. "I saw that his equipment is very good and powerful, it is called heat weapon, it is very good for my Qin. If all the soldiers of my Qin are equipped with one such weapon, what can the six countries fear?"

"Crap, you want to buy a hot weapon?"

At the sound of the words, Xiao Yan was shocked.

Ying Zheng had a puzzled look on his face. "Yes, what's wrong?"


Nothing, you are happy.


After all, Xiao Yan had traveled from the Earth to the Xuan-fantasy world and still knew that Ying Zheng came from the ancient times.

Of course, the ancient even if, as a result of the King of Qin now actually directly to Tony to buy a thermal weapon, think the number will not be small.

When the time comes, Qin soldiers hand a AK47, to go to war with other countries.


Thinking about that image, Xiao Yan inexplicably, felt sad for Qin's rival countries.

The mind is even more inexplicably floating a phrase to.

My Lord, times have changed.

People a handful of hot weapons Qin, other countries to take the head to fight ah.


Well, twenty-four chapters were reviewed again.

I do not know when to put out, find the editor useless, can only wait, very helpless, but no way. *

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