["Xiaolan, Sister Xiaolan. Uncle, he..."Conan originally showed a very innocent child's smile when he saw Xiaolan, but when Xiaolan mentioned Maori Kogoro, Conan's smiling face almost couldn't be maintained, and his whole face became very stiff, and after hesitating for a while, he still didn't tell Xiaolan the truth, "Uncle he, he's going to work on a big case, I don't know when I'll be back." "】

"That's right. Xiaolan was looking at the environment in the office, not noticing Conan's unnatural expression, no wonder it was so clean, it turned out that her father was not there. Suddenly there were no cigarette butts and wine bottles at home, and I suddenly became a little unaccustomed. Suddenly, Xiaolan saw a door with clothes and scarves hanging on it, did we have such a door in our house?].

["Excuse me, is Maori-kun here?" At this time, a person opened the door of the office and walked in, this person Xiaolan also knew, it was her father's classmate, stubborn Yumi. I still affectionately call her Aunt Yumi, who used to be a child, and when Xiaolan followed Maori Kogoro to the class reunion, they met each other. 】

["Uncle is not there now, if you entrust it, you can tell me, and it will be the same for me to convey it to my uncle at that time. "Conan is very skillful in accepting commissions in the name of Mori Kogoro, and he has done this kind of thing many times during this time, and he is very skillful. 】

"That's right. After hesitating for a moment, Yumi still took out a photo of a bald uncle and handed it to Conan, she also felt that it was a bit inappropriate to hand over the matter to a child, but she was very anxious at the scene, considering the recent fame of this office, Yumi decided to give it a try, and she said her commission. 】

["Aunt Yumi is going to find someone. While Conan was recording some details, Ran poured Yumi a cup of tea, and the two chatted. For the person Yumi is looking for, Xiaolan also knows, one of Kogoro Maori's classmates, Kazuchi Nakamichi, is a police officer. Xiaolan still didn't understand a little, "But, Uncle Nakamichi is missing, why is Aunt Mei looking for it?".

["Actually, Nakamichi and I have been dating since high school, and we have been dating for ten years now. Yumi was a little embarrassed, she said with a slightly red face, "It's just that a few days ago, I thought I was talking to Nakamichi-kun about getting married, after all, we are not young, and of course these things have to be decided early." It's just that Nakamichi-kun said that he wanted me to give him a little time, and then I couldn't contact him. "】

"It's too much, to leave such a cute girlfriend and disappear!".

"It's really hard to accept that such a person is still a criminal policeman. "

"It's impossible to talk about marriage with that woman. In reality, Nakamichi Kazuchi smiled disdainfully, and he also noticed the strange gazes of his colleagues around him, but he didn't care at all, because he knew that he had done nothing wrong.

"Have they been together for so long? I didn't even see it. Mori Kogoro didn't expect that his two old classmates were still together now, and the usual classmates didn't see how close they were.

["It's too much! I actually left my girlfriend who talked about marriage, I must take care of Uncle Zhongdao. Aunt Yumi, don't worry, we have accepted your commission, and I will definitely find Uncle Nakamichi!" Xiaolan slapped on the table angrily, leaving a palm print on the iron tabletop. 】

["Yes, yes, then, then get rid of you..."Yumi looked at the palm print on the table, her expression a little uncomfortable. Xiaolan was excited, and directly picked up the photo on the table and threatened to find someone for Aunt Yumi, and Conan was stunned. 】

[Conan didn't expect Xiaolan to leave without asking anything, generally speaking, it is customary to ask why he came to ask for the state instead of going to the police, the person who disappeared this time is a policeman himself, and the police don't take money. At the same time, Conan also noticed that the relationship between Yumi and Nakamichi was not very close, because Yumi was still very rusty to call each other by their surnames. 】

[But now that Xiaolan has run out, Conan also left with him, and suddenly Yumi was the only one left in the office, Yumi was also stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Xiaolan to be so anxious, obviously she had prepared a lot of lines and didn't say. No one else in Yumi put away her pitiful expression, closed the door and left the office. 】

[Conan originally thought that Xiaolan was so excited that there was a good way, but she just took the photo and met people along the way after leaving the door of the office to ask, have you seen this person? Conan was stunned by Xiaolan's unpretentious way, without revealing his identity, Conan could only be a 'ah-grin' child to speak, and then guide Xiaolan to the police station where Zhongdao works. 】


"Now that you know you're shy, haven't you done it many times before?" said Gray Yuan quipped, but she seemed to have forgotten that she had said a lot of similar things.

"But at that time, everyone thought I was just a child, but now everyone knows that I am Shinichi Kudo, and it's a shame to still learn how to talk as a child!"

Seeing Conan rolling on the ground, the corners of Gray Yuan's mouth rose slightly, and an unprecedented emotion arose in her heart, maybe this feeling is pleasure, right?

["Uncle Nakado has resigned! When did it happen?" At the place where Nakado and Zhi worked, Xiaolan really inquired about the other party, but she didn't expect that the other party was no longer a policeman, and the resignation report had been handed in, but it had not been approved yet. 】

["A day ago, Nakamichi said that he was going to do what he had to do, and no matter what the result was, he couldn't be a criminal police officer anymore. "It's not a very hidden thing, looking at Maori Kogoro's face, the policeman still told Xiaolan some details. 】

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