"This uncle is really a scumbag! to do such a thing to such a lovely niece and girl!".

"And that An Yilun, he seems to be quite familiar with that scumbag, and I don't think he's a good person. "

"Although the killer is indeed a bit of a cross-line, considering the situation at the time, it is also possible to find a better lawyer and let Mitsuki in this case be found not guilty. "

As it stands, Mitsuki did kill someone, but no one thinks it's Mitsuki's fault, and they are even willing to speak for her.

[After a while, the lawyer hired for Mitsuki also arrived, which was also a little selfishness of Officer Twilight, and he hired the best lawyer he could find for Mitsuki, Fei Yingli. At the same time, I also invited the best detective I could invite, Shinichi Kudo. Officer Twilight and the others are able to prove that Mitsuki is not the real murderer, even if Mitsuki herself has now confessed to her guilt. 】

["Lawyer and child?" Mitsuki looked at Conan who was following Fei Yingli with a little surprise, and Conan could only say that Shinichi couldn't come if there was something, so he came to collect information on behalf of Shinichi, and Conan also promised that he would definitely pass it on to Shinichi intact. 】

["Miss Mitsuki Lankawa, regarding your justifiable defense case, now that the camera found in the dry well has been repaired, if you can find a video that matches your statement, there is absolutely no problem in reducing the sentence. The most important thing now is, what happened during the time you killed this person and Mako Igarashi?"].

[After a simple self-introduction and showing the business card, Fei Yingli looked at Mitsuki, Fei Yingli looked at this girl who was younger than her daughter, and Fei Yingli could only feel heartache, such a child actually had to go through these things. Fei Yingli still has a certain amount of sanity, and she will not let her personal emotions affect her work. 】

[Mitsuki didn't speak directly, but looked at Conan, who was sitting next to Fei Yingli, and she felt that it was a bit bad to tell a child about her experience. Conan showed a smile that looked innocent, "It's okay, I've seen more cases with Shinichi's brother, and I can't count how many there are, so I won't feel scared at all!"

["Yes, yes, you're really good."] The corners of Mitsuki's mouth twitched slightly, and she didn't know if she wanted to complain for a while. After taking a few deep breaths to calm her mind, Mitsuki continued to tell her story. 】

[Even if one person is erased, the world will continue to run, not to mention that there are so many people who have accidents every day in Rice Flower Town, and Mitsuki spent a few days without incident after that. Mitsuki suddenly found out that Mako's current state was wrong, and she thought it was because of her uncle's incident that put a lot of pressure on Mako, but it wasn't all. 】

[Under Mitsuki's questioning, Mako mentioned a person named Makoto Ito.] I also know this Mitsuki.,It's Mako's ex-boyfriend.,A boy who looks pretty good.,It's a senior at other schools.,I've heard that it's also liked by many girls.,But Mitsuki just doesn't like this Ito Makoto.。 】

[Mako has often met this Makoto Ito in various places in the past few days, and Mako has rejected him every time. But the day before yesterday, Mako received an email from Makoto Ito, asking why Mako didn't go to work at the ramen shop anymore, and the manager was gone, so if Mako was in any trouble. 】

[Mako is very worried, is it this Makoto Ito found something. Mitsuki thinks that Mako's encounter with such a situation is her own reason, and she is the root of everything, so Mitsuki decides to protect Mako, and in the next few days, Mitsuki skips the cram school and has been inseparable from Mako. 】

[Mitsuki's behavior of course caused her mother's dissatisfaction, and when she came home one day, her mother stopped Mitsuki at the entrance, "What the hell are you going to do! You don't go to cram school, what are you thinking about!]

"Don't. Mitsuki rejected her mother with an indifferent face, "Even if you tell you everything, you won't understand my feelings, you only know that you are using your own values to suppress me." In that case, what's the point of me telling you about it?"


[After that, Mitsuki has been staying with Mako, and the two of them are very happy together, during this time, Mitsuki is the only time to feel comfort and peace, knowing that on the fifth day, originally Mitsuki because as long as she and Mako are together, Ito Makoto will not come again, but Mitsuki still found out that Ito Makoto was following their traces. 】

[Mitsuki felt that she couldn't use such a gentle method, she deliberately concealed Mako, discovered Ito Mako's whereabouts, and then secretly followed Ito Makoto, but Ito Makoto came to the ramen shop, he walked to the back of the ramen shop, stood in front of the dry well, and observed the dry well where the body was hidden. 】

[Mitsuki felt that she couldn't wait any longer, whether it was for herself or for Mako, she had to deal with this Makoto Ito. Mitsuki picked up a shovel at hand and prepared to sneak up on Makoto Ito, who was looking at the dry well. Just as Mitsuki was thinking, the phone in her pocket sounded, and Mitsuki knew she was exposed. 】

[Mitsuki could only put down the shovel first and came out to face Makoto Ito, Mitsuki took the first step to speak, "Mako doesn't like you to do this, don't follow her in the future, don't block her on the way from school, please let Mako go, don't have anything to do with her!"].

["I remember that your name is Mitsuki Lankawa, and you are a friend of Mako. It turns out that people are so annoying, so you're here to speak for Mako, does that mean Mako doesn't want to see me in the first place?".

[What Mitsuki didn't expect was that Makoto Ito actually behaved like a good person who was a little affectionate and embarrassed, as if he really liked Mako, and Makoto regretted it very much after letting go with Mako, and now he just wants to find a way to get Mako back. 】

["Actually, it's all a misunderstanding.,I'm not following Mako.,But now I'm really causing a lot of trouble to Mako.,I'm really sorry.,If Mako encounters something.,You can tell me.,I want to do my part too.】 Makoto Ito said that he really left, and Mitsuki didn't expect things to go so smoothly. 】

Pictured: Mako Igarashi

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