With one blow, Garp was blown away!

In other words, the attack just now was a sneak attack, but it was Iron Fist Garp!

Even with a sneak attack, how many people can knock him away? Well, only Wang Lufei, the grandson of Garp and the halo holder of the protagonist, has that ability. After all, in the original plot, in the future war on top, he was knocked away by Garp with one punch.

Moreover, at that time, Garp didn't give up at all!

What he released was the sea!

"Even Lieutenant General Garp... Isn't this girl too strong?"Seeing such a scene, Qingzhi's face was full of disbelief. He admired Garp very much. Whether it was his conduct or strength, he was a person he admired greatly. But at that moment, he saw When Garp came to his senses, he reacted hurriedly, but his reaction had no effect at all, and

Tekken Garp was blasted away by a girl's fist. Fei, no one would believe it, and no one would believe it!

"Don't be scared by the enemy, she's just a girl! Hell dog!"

Akainu himself is the most powerful person in the world. Even if the opponent has just blasted away Garp, he will not be afraid at all. In other words, he thinks that the responsibility he shoulders and the justice he carries are not the same. Allowing a trace of fear and kindness to appear in his heart, as long as necessary, he will use his own strength to defend the justice he firmly believes in.

Seeing Akainu take action, Kizaru and Aokiji naturally cannot stand by and watch, and Tiancong Yunjian and Bing. The"Storm Pheasant Mouth" was launched at the same time, and at the same time, the Warring States Marshal also used the Buddha's Impact to blast towards Feng Jian Yuxiang.

The other navy followed closely, with sword energy, abilities, six styles... all kinds of things. The attacks were all directed towards Feng Jian Yuxiang. Even the Four Emperors could not withstand the attacks of so many powerful naval men. After all, the generals themselves were equal to the Four Emperors, and the ones taking action at this moment were three generals, plus more Marshal Sengoku, two alternate generals, and many lieutenants.

Even Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, had to avoid such an attack, but Feng Jian Yuxiang didn't even bat an eyelid. When she moved, she simply stood there with a calm expression, but a strong demonic power surged out of her body, and a translucent barrier formed around her body.


The deafening sound, like a thunderous explosion, broke through the sky. The powerful force completely submerged Feng Jian Youxiang's petite body. Kanshui Island was shaking crazily at this moment, as if it was about to sink into the sea the next moment..

Looking at the area where countless forces mixed and exploded, the people present had different expressions, some were worried, some were wary...

Only Nura and Tamamozamae looked indifferent, as if they didn't care about Kazami Yuka's side at all. What's the situation? Because the two of them know very well how strong Kazami Yuxiang is. She is powerful enough to suppress everything. If she is angered, she can overthrow the navy headquarters alone.

"As far as humans are concerned, your strength is already very good, even some ordinary monsters will not be your opponent, but……"

As those powers gradually dissipated, the unharmed Feng Jian Youxiang once again appeared in everyone's field of vision:"Compared with real monsters, your strength is still too weak. If it weren't for your injuries, My flower, I'm not even interested in taking action against you."

Feng Jian Yuxiang is not a monster who likes fighting, and in her eyes, the three generals and the Buddha's Warring States are all too weak. The strength of these people is about the same as the one called Aunt before, but she can completely crush them, defeat them with one blow, and injure them severely.

Moreover, that is not a case of all-out action.……

"This is really, really scary, little girl."Kizaru was suspended in mid-air at this time, looking at Kazami Yuka below, and said with a solemn expression.

Although he likes teasing and joking, this time he didn't joke at all. Kazami Yuka is really scary. , a strong man who can survive the attack just now, unscathed, how can it not be scary?

"This is simply impossible. How can it be so strong?"Momotu said that she couldn't believe everything she saw at this moment. All this had already caused her world view to collapse.

But there was one thing she couldn't understand. Since there is such a terrifying existence as Kazami Yuka in the Land of One Hundred Demons, Why not just bring the entire new world under their rule?

As it stands now, she feels that no matter Whitebeard, Kaido or Red Hair, they will be the opponents of the Kingdom of Hundred Demons, not for any other reason, just because they have it. A fragrant existence

"It's so boring……"

Saying that, Feng Jian Youxiang slowly floated into the air using her demonic power. She stretched out one of her hands downwards, and the powerful demonic power on her palm quickly condensed and emitted a bright light:"Nu Liang, that's all. This guy has made you so embarrassed, and your current strength is simply unimaginable."

These words made Nuliang's face turn red with embarrassment.

"Get away!"

Warring States felt a huge crisis and just let out a loud shout, but he had no intention of retreating. Instead, he stepped forward, gathering all the strength in his body into his palms, trying to resist Feng Jian Youxiang. The power. He is the marshal of the navy. Although he is seen as a wise general who likes to play tricks, he will still stand at the forefront when facing a crisis!

"How could it be avoided? Big fire!"Akainu has no intention of avoiding it. He would rather die in battle than survive."

"Ice Age!"

"Eight-foot magatama!"


None of the naval generals chose to retreat.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the sea. Yuebu and Shao used them one after another, and quickly moved towards Feng Jian Youxiang. Seeing the appearance of this figure, many navy eyes became more determined.

"Iron Fist!"

There is still blood hanging from the corner of Garp's mouth at this moment, but his momentum has risen to the extreme. He cannot retreat at this time, and the navy cannot retreat!

Defeat is okay, but defeat without fighting is absolutely impossible!

"The will is commendable, but the strength... is still too weak!"

A faint voice came from Feng Jian Youxiang's mouth, and then the demonic power in her hand spread to the ground like sunlight. The dazzling light blocked or swallowed everything in an instant, but it did not make any shocking noise. The whole world has become so quiet at this moment, it's terrifying...

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