The sword energy surged like an ocean, washing away everything in front of it in an instant. Even the thunder and lightning of 200 million volts could not stop Nu Liang's sword energy.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

In just three breaths, the huge thunder god collapsed in an instant, Eniru was completely swallowed by the ocean of sword energy, and every sword energy of Nuliang was entangled with demonic power. Even elementalization is not immune to these terrifying slashes.

At this moment, the system that would never happen if Nu Liang didn't scream, actually made a sound.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission: killing the false god Enel"

"Rewards the killing factor and 5% of the initial fusion degree."

Suddenly, Nuliang felt an unprecedented power emerge from his body. Although this power was not much, it traveled through his limbs and bones in a very short amount of effort, and a feeling of relief flowed through his body. The feeling was also impacting his brain at this moment.

This feeling was like a transformation from a cocoon to a butterfly. The demonic power in his body had increased by at least 20% in this short period of time! Twenty percent of the demonic power is already a very terrifying thing, and what is more obvious than the increase in demonic power is that his physical fitness and the three-color domineering have been improved to varying degrees.

The most obvious one is the seeing and hearing domineering. His attainments in Se Haki are all above average, so his attainments in Seeing and Hearing Se Haki have definitely reached the top level, although it is not like Katakuri who can predict the future, or Roger who can listen to all things. voice, but he clearly felt that he had a special feeling, it was a bit like the super intuitive feeling of the tenth generation of Vongola in the world of tutors!

"Let me go, there is a hidden mission. Why haven’t I heard you tell me about it before? System, if you had told me earlier, I would have come to Sky Island seven years ago. If there had been such a killing factor, would I still have had so many troubles when I first entered the new world?"

Nuliang couldn't help but complain to the system. He always thought that the system only had the function of summoning and amplifying monsters' power. Who knew there were any hidden tasks?

"It has been said that it is a hidden mission. If the host is informed in advance, can it still be called hidden?"The system didn't hesitate to criticize Nu Liang. It should be said or not, but the system is quite temperamental.

"Okay, okay, let’s forget about the past for now. You have to tell me what this killing factor is, right? Just 5% of the fusion degree has increased my strength? So if it's 100% fusion, how strong do I have to be?"

Nuliang is very curious about the killing factor. It is not a simple thing that can make his strength so obviously improved. But he can't think of what the killing factor is, so he has no choice but to ask the system.

"The killing factor originated from the slick ghost in the killing city. He claims that there are many gods in the world, and he is just one of them. He has unlimited possibilities of evolution. Theoretically speaking, when the fusion degree of the host's killing factor reaches 100%, it can have the same ability as the slick ghost in the killing city.……"

The system was not stingy at this time and directly gave Nu Liang the answer he wanted.

However, Nu Liang was stunned when he heard this answer, and then his eyes showed a look of ecstasy. He had thought before that since he was a slippery ghost, would he be like the one in the killing city? The slippery ghost got involved, but he didn't expect that there was actually a relationship. It just had to be stimulated through hidden tasks.

He knew very well what kind of existence the Slicker Ghost was in the killing city. First of all, there were several evolved forms of the Slicker Ghost. Nu Liang was basically sure that the increase in domineering he had just seen reached the level of super intuition. It is derived from the flexibility of the first form of killing urban slickers.

The second form can be regarded as a kind of clone, which differentiates into more versions of itself. After all, it is a form composed of a group of human bodies.

The third form greatly strengthens its own strength. It looks like a bull demon with tentacles. Nuliang just hopes that he will not become so ugly. After all, appearance is justice.

The fourth form evolves itself through battle, and the fifth form is a powerful existence that can be called the god's form.

As long as it realizes that the other party wants to kill itself, the Slippery Ghost can avoid death.

Of course, these forms are not what makes him truly scary. What makes Killing City Slicker really scary is his infinite evolution. Through fighting, he can evolve himself to a higher level. In addition, The ability can almost be called immortality.

In a sense, the slick ghosts in the killing city are very similar to Bengyu in the world of death, and a being with these abilities is almost a real god!

"System, what method should I use to increase the fusion of the killing factor? Are you also absorbing devil fruits?"Nuliang asked a little eagerly.

After all, if he could make the integration of the killing factor and himself reach 100%... or even not 100%, there would be no one or thing in this world that worries him!

"The host should note that the energy points obtained by absorbing the Devil Fruit are limited to liberating demon power and summoning hundreds of ghosts, and cannot increase the fusion of the killing factor. The fusion degree of the killing factor requires the host to kill in order to be improved. The more powerful the enemy is killed, the greater the fusion degree of the killing factor will be."

The name is Killing Factor, which comes from Killing City. It naturally requires killing to improve. This is reasonable.

"Killing? It seems that I will have to take the lead in future battles, but there seems to be no fighting recently. Otherwise, after I leave the sky island, I can go directly to the Navy headquarters? But in that case, wouldn't it be a bit too deadly?"

Nuliang's brain started to work quickly, but he couldn't think of any good method. He is not the kind of person who takes the initiative to cause trouble, but as the master of demons and monsters in the new world, there are almost no people who will come to provoke him.

This makes him He was a little embarrassed. If this was the case, how should he improve the fusion of his killing factor?

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and a smile appeared on his lips, and he whispered to himself:"Yes, I will go to the Shampoo Islands to hang out. , those short-sighted Celestial Dragons will definitely offend me, and after I kill the Celestial Dragons, people from the Navy Headquarters will also come. Isn’t that enough?"

Well, the plan works...

If the Tianlong people know what Nuliang is thinking at this moment, they probably won't dare to leave Marigio...

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