Half a month later, the Land of Hundred Demons became joyful, and there was a joyful atmosphere everywhere.

Even Nura himself didn't know why it turned out like this, because this time things were all handled by Tamamo Mae, Yamabuki Otome and Hyourei, with the help of Oniden.

He had just returned to the Land of One Hundred Demons three days ago when he was directly stopped by Tamamozen and Yamabuki Otome. At first, he thought there was something very important, such as another idiot with no eyesight in the Land of One Hundred Demons. Attacked. However, what he heard was that a grand birthday celebration was going to be held, and the person celebrating the birthday was Nuliang.

In fact, he even forgot his birthday, because in the Charlotte family, birthdays are not something worth being happy about.

But this time he felt pretty good. After so many years in the pirate world, this was the first time someone celebrated his birthday, and it was so grand. In the past seven years, it's not that Bingli and the others didn't celebrate her birthday, it's just that they didn't know when her birthday was.

As for the Charlotte family, they did not take the initiative to mention their birthdays, and others did not think of this.

It was one afternoon almost half a year ago, when he was taking a nap in the fragrant sea of flowers, that he revealed his birthday.

Today's Hyakki Island is decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and the one with the best decoration is naturally Nuliang's mansion.

At this moment, in this mansion, Nura is sitting on the main seat, and in the same room with him are the leaders of the Nine Hyakki Groups, the chief executive of the Hundred Demons Country, Oni Deng, Katakuri and The organizers of this birthday celebration are Tamamo Mae, Yamabuki Otome and Hyori.

The door of the room was opened, and a banquet was arranged in the courtyard outside. The members of the Nine Hyakki Group and Charlotte's family were sitting in the courtyard enjoying the banquet.

It is also in the courtyard, but a little further back. Sitting here are the captains of the major pirate groups who are attached to the Kingdom of Hundred Demons, such as the previous Ghost-Eyed Al, the Heart-Drawing Hand Yorus, the Ink Bird Korn, and the Silver Blade. Da Rosa sits in this area.

Not far from their area, there were some people who came to congratulate or were invited, including the emperor of the dark world, Tenyasha Doflamingo and so on.

Everyone who has connections with the Hyakki Pirates has been invited. Such a grand event is much grander than the tea party held by Big Mom before.

At this moment, a figure slowly walked in from the outside. No one dared to block her way forward. She just walked all the way in front of Nuliang, and then took out a flower:"Birthday gift, for the sake of it." Today is your birthday, so I reluctantly left the sea of flowers and came over to take a look."

Yes, this figure is none other than Feng Jian Youxiang, the strongest fighting force in the Kingdom of Hundred Demons.

Although she has only attacked twice, there are few pirates in the New World who don't know her. After all, the first attack severely damaged Big Mom, and the second time she directly suppressed the navy. It can be said that she must not be provoked. strong

"Oh my god, this is the first time I’ve met Mr. Kazami Yuxiang. In that room is the strongest combat power in the Kingdom of Hyakki, the leader of the Nine Hyakki Group, and the leader of the Charlotte family, Lord Katakuri?"

"Don’t just remember them, Aide-de-camp, Tamamo-sama and Hagoromo-sama are not weaker than the nine group leaders!"

"If you ask me, the most powerful one is Lord Arakawa. His ability to control sea water is simply a nightmare for everyone on the sea!"

Many pirates are communicating with each other. Although they are attached to the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons, few of them can enter the core island, so they have little chance to meet the real senior leaders of the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons. In normal times, they can What they saw were the members of the Nine Hundred Demons Group, or beings like Charlotte Owen and Dafu.

Therefore, they were very excited to see the leaders of the Nine Groups and other real senior officials of the Hundred Demons Country. Especially when they saw the demon lord sitting on the main seat and Feng Jian Youxiang who had just sat down next to him, their hearts were filled with excitement.

"It's really a gathering place for monsters. Even the Whitebeard Pirates can't compare to the current strength of the Kingdom of Hundred Demons, right?"Morgans took pictures everywhere with his camera and couldn't help but say.

He can be regarded as watching the development of the Kingdom of Hundred Demons. At the beginning at Auntie's tea party, there were only a few members of the Hundred Demons Pirates. Individually, he didn't even have the current Nine Hyakki Groups. But it didn't take long for the Hyakki Pirates to replace Big Mom's position as the Four Emperors and establish the extremely large Hyakuki Kingdom.

Two years ago, he. I even thought that the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons would be destroyed by the attack of two Yonko and the navy. I didn't expect that the former defeated the Whitebeard Pirates, captured the navy, and killed Kaido. Any of the feats were unbelievable, but all of them were unbelievable. It happened in this land of a hundred ghosts

"Hey hey hey Morgans, do you know what it means to be one master and four emperors? The lord of demons and monsters is superior to the four emperors, and white beard has become a thing of the past."After the Sea Transport King Wumit finished speaking, he burst into laughter.

For him, the stronger the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons becomes, the happier he will be. Because in the past few years, cooperation with the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons has been the most successful. Apart from Doflamingo, he is the only one who is close.

Relying on the big tree of the Land of Hundred Demons, he can avoid a lot of troubles.

"There is no doubt that the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons is powerful. This celebration has gathered almost all the combat power of the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons on Hyakki Island, which means that the outer islands and the eight core islands are all empty. But look, does anyone dare to attack the Kingdom of One Hundred Ghosts at this time?"

Doflamingo also said at this time. Although he is often beaten by people from the Demon Group or the Ox Demon Group, his cooperative relationship with the Kingdom of Hundred Demons is still very close.

"Everyone here!"

At this time, Gui Deng stood up and walked outside. He glanced at everyone and said loudly:"Today is the birthday of our general, the lord of demons and monsters. You can all drink to your heart's content. Share the celebration. But I'll put the ugly words first. If anyone dares to cause trouble today, not only will you be killed, but the forces behind you will also be uprooted by us!"

This sentence is a threat, but no one present will feel dissatisfied, because the Kingdom of Hundred Demons has such strength, strength that is superior to them!

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