Oikawa Hyourei, as a snow girl, has considerable strength. In the world of pirates, she is equivalent to a devil fruit user, which is roughly equivalent to the snow fruit, but without the ability to elementalize.

But because her snow has demonic power, it is much stronger than ordinary snow.

Judging from Nu Liang's understanding of the world, Bingli is at least as strong as a rear admiral, and it is not impossible to reach the rank of vice admiral.

And after summoning Bingli, he also felt that his physical fitness had become much stronger than before, and"Jinghua Shuiyue" was also a very good ability. During the battle, he would be hit but not The feeling of missing is just like the moon in the flower in the mirror, it is elusive

"Bingli, now I give you a task to build a small boat in three days so that we can leave this place!"After getting used to his current body, Nuliang immediately said to Bingli.

Now that he has some ability to protect himself, he naturally has no intention of continuing to stay in the kingdom. The dangers here are worse than going to sea. Be big.

God knows when Auntie will go crazy because she can't eat sweets, or if she makes her unhappy, her soul will be extracted...

Anyway, in the kingdom, even Auntie's son will die inexplicably, because like Nuliang It's worthless!

After arranging what Bingli should do, Nuliang plans to return to his residence, at least before he actually leaves here, he can't be discovered. The price of betraying the kingdom is not what he can do now. affordable

"Three-eyed monster!"

"How did you have the courage to show your eyes, monster!"

A group of children gathered around a little girl with light brown hair and kept making mocking sounds. From time to time, some people even punched and kicked the little girl.

The reason why this happened is because this little girl has more forehead than normal people. With one eye, in the eyes of other children, she was a real monster.

Charlotte Brynn was also Nuliang's sister.

Nuliang originally planned to ignore all this and leave, but at this moment she stopped. Even he himself didn't know why he stopped at this time. It was obvious that he had never regarded himself as a member of the Charlotte family.

"Sure enough, after sixteen years, are there still feelings that cannot be let go?"

After muttering helplessly, Nuliang turned around and walked towards Brynn. He ignored all the children who bullied Brynn and stood directly next to her. The shadow of his tall body protected the helpless one at this moment. The little girl.

Nuliang's eyes swept over the other children, and a slightly cold voice slowly came from his mouth:"Get away from me, if you want to bully others, stay away where I can see you!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the children who were originally aggressive subconsciously took a few steps back, as if the person standing in front of them was not a human being, but a... monster!

Brynn raised her head slightly and looked Looking at the tall figure standing beside him, he timidly whispered:"Brother Nuliang……"

Hearing this call, Nuliang sighed and said nothing. He just reached out and patted Brynn's little head, then took her little hand and walked directly through the group of children and walked outside. go

"Yep, it’s just a monster with a long head!"

"That’s right, big monsters and little monsters!"

Nuliang had no intention of paying attention to such ridicule and abuse. He had already experienced such things. In this world, his childhood was not very pleasant.

After sending Brynn back, he

He planned to turn around and leave. After all, he couldn't show anything strange in the past three days. If someone caught him, his plan to go to sea would be ruined. Then he would have to face the punishment of the Big Mom Pirates. When he was about to leave, Brynn's timid voice suddenly sounded behind him:"Brother Nuliang! Am I really, really...really a monster?"

When she said this, Brynn's little body was trembling, and her eyes were gleaming, as if she was going to cry next moment.

Nuliang paused and looked up into the distance. , he himself didn’t know what he was thinking. After being silent for a while, he slowly said:"Whether you are a monster or not is never decided by others. In the end, it still depends on you. As for your extra eye, I have never thought it was ugly, and one day, someone will look at you and tell you without falsehood that it is a beautiful eye.……"

After the words fell, Nuliang left without looking back. He didn't notice at all that at this time, there was a person hiding aside, watching everything that just happened.


On a beach where no one usually comes, a small boat has been prepared. This is Bingli's masterpiece in these three days, and it is also the hope that Nuliang and her can leave this twisted country.

"General, everything is ready. Although it is not big, it should be able to support our sailing for a while. If there is any problem, I can freeze the hull or part of the sea surface, so everything is safe!"

Seeing Nuliang coming here, Bingli immediately jumped on him and said with a happy face.

Bingli liked her general general very much, and she wanted to be his wife. idea

"Well, I feel relieved with Bingli here. The weather in the New World is very weird, sailing on the sea is very dangerous, and we still need this thing!"

As he said this, Nuliang took out an eternal pointer from his arms and handed it to Bingli's hand, and then said:"Sail in the direction it indicates, and we can reach Dressrosa. When we get there, Think about where to go next."

The baggage Nu Liang is carrying contains a lot of food. If nothing else happens, it shouldn't be a big problem until he arrives at Dressrosa.

"Well, I'm ready to let the Nura set sail now!"

The moment she finished speaking, Bingli suddenly blew a cold wind towards the woods by the beach, freezing the trees and the ground in that direction.

Immediately afterwards, a tall man walked out of the forest. , eyes fixed on Nuliang, a low voice slowly came out:"You should know what will happen to betraying the family, come back with me, I pretended not to have seen this matter."

Looking at the tall man, Nuliang's expression also changed instantly:"Brother Katakuri!"

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