"Where did these guys come from? They were obviously unknown before, and they were only in the first half of the pirate group. How could they actually have so much high-end combat power?"

Dalmecia couldn't help but cursed in a low voice at this time. Originally, he thought that even with the pressure from the Tianlong people, sending out so many combat forces was a bit excessive. But now after fighting Qingtianfang, he understood that, It was a wise choice for the Warring States Marshal to dispatch such a fighting force!

Not to mention the monsters that were fighting against the general, the terrifying power of the ferocious-looking and strong-bodied monk in front of him already possessed them. At the level of a lieutenant general, he even feels like a giant lieutenant general.

Moreover, he can also see that during the battle, none of his colleagues can be said to have the upper hand, the one with the rope, and the other one. You know how many weapons are hidden, as well as those who use Fengxue... Each one is extremely strong, and has weird abilities. As mentioned before, the Hyakki Pirates have collected a lot of Devil Fruits. Thinking about these weird... The ability was obtained from the Devil Fruit.

It must be said that Dalmecia was right. The appearance of Kurodabo and others was indeed related to the Devil Fruit, but they did not eat the fruit, but Nura absorbed it. The energy of the devil fruit, and then summoned them

"Be careful when fighting... don't get distracted!"

Suddenly, all the beast rosary beads in Qingtianfang have dispersed, and terrifying power and demon power are emerging crazily at this moment. The next moment, his fist is directly smashed towards Dalmecia.


When the punch fell, it was like a meteorite falling to the ground, erupting in a deafening figure. Even the ice surface with a radius of more than ten meters was shattered by this punch. The power of Qingtianfang under the full explosion was definitely not as powerful as those giants. Weak, even stronger!

And Dalmecia, who was hit by this punch, flew backwards with a mouthful of blood. He was almost dozens of meters away before he stabilized his body, and then looked solemn. He looked at Qingtianfang.

With the terrifying force just now, if he hadn't used the iron block to defend himself in time, he would have fallen down.

But even with the iron block, he felt that his ribs were broken. One, just a broken rib, is just a minor injury to him, and it won't affect the battle much.

It's just not that easy to defeat the guy in front of him with terrifying brute strength, even if he is not injured. At that time, he felt that there was a 50-50 split between himself and Qingtianbo.

These guys from the Hyakki Pirates were probably about the same as the captains of the Yonkou Pirates, that is, under Whitebeard. The people in the Great Vortex Spider and the Ice Witch are famous pirates in the new world!

And if it weren't for the incident in Shampoo, their naval headquarters would not know that they were in the first half of the Grand Route.

How could such a terrifying pirate group still exist?……

"I am a person of justice, how could I be defeated by a pirate like you!"

After shouting angrily, Dalmecia turned into an afterimage and headed towards Qingtianbo. As a vice-admiral of the navy, how could he lose to these damn pirates? Behind him, there were others A group of navy soldiers are watching, looking at the person they usually admire, Lieutenant General!

"Well, it is an admirable belief, but being an enemy of our hundred ghosts and the general enemy is not a wise choice!"

Qingtianfang was like a vajra with angry eyes at this moment, and he walked directly towards Dalmecia with a ferocious face.

The other party was carrying the justice of the navy, so why didn't he carry the honor of the Hundred Ghosts?

On the pirate ship not far behind him, The flying flag of fear is the belief of their Hundred Ghosts and the former Nuliang Group!

Therefore, he also has a reason not to fail!


On another battlefield, Taotu was wary of her surroundings because she didn't know when Nuliang would suddenly attack.

From the moment she grabbed Nuliang's wrist and fought with him in close quarters for more than ten rounds, a special flame suddenly appeared, forcing her to let go.

Just letting go for a moment, Nuliang once again entered the state of mirror flowers and water moon, so she must maintain a highly concentrated state at all times. Only in this way can she react at the moment the opponent takes action..

While being vigilant, Taotu couldn't help but curse secretly in his heart. Of course, the person he was scolding was Nu Liang.

The ability of Jing Hua Shui Yue is really disgusting.

But at this time, Nura was not in a hurry to attack. His eyes were on several other battlefields, watching the battles between the three generals and Ibaraki Doji, Yaodao Princess and Kidomaru. Looking at Niu Gui, Kurodafang, Qingtianfang, Bingli... all the hundred ghosts under his command were very anxious in the battle at the moment, and only he and Niu Gui were relatively relaxed.

It was because of his own abilities. Although Taotu was very strong, he was unable to grasp his physical location. At the same time, he did not have a large-scale attack, so there was nothing he could do to Nanu Liang.

Moreover, Nuliang, who had shown a flaw before, would not attack casually. He would be very careful every time he made a move, in case he was caught by Taotu again.

It would be very troublesome to really engage in a close combat with this candidate.

"What, are you not going to attack? If you plan to continue the stalemate, it is better to surrender quickly. Although your companions are all very powerful, they will not fall behind even against generals.……"

Taotu looked at Nuliang, who was motionless, and said coldly:"But you should also know very well that it is only temporary. After a while, they will not be the general's opponents, and defeat is inevitable. Even if Now, your three companions are also injured. Apart from being arrested and then executed, you will not have any other ending."

Nuliang turned his head and returned his eyes to Taotu, and then smiled slightly. Said:"As far as the current situation is concerned, we are indeed at a disadvantage, but the defeat you mentioned is impossible. Until now, have you seen any fear in the eyes of any of us? ?"

Upon hearing this, Taotu was suddenly startled, and felt a little uneasy in her heart. Then she rushed out quickly and slashed at Nuliang with her sword.

Although she didn't know what Nu Liang meant, she just needed to stop him!

It's a pity that his slash can't stop Nuliang from doing anything, because she is still attacking the flower in the mirror, the moon in the water...

At this moment, a group of green light suddenly came from the ship of fear. The arrows flew quickly from the direction, and Nuliang also said slowly:"Because they believe that no matter what kind of injury they receive, nothing will happen to them. As long as I am here, the hundred ghosts will not suffer any casualties... Therefore, the undead Have nothing to fear!"

"Ghostly entanglement, everlasting green grass!"

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