The next day, noon.

Drum Kingdom, Royal Palace.

The palace, which was originally stained by the blood of Valpo and others, had long been cleaned at this moment. Nuliang was sitting on the throne, and standing on his left and right were Bingli and Niu Gui.

Kidomaru didn't like and wasn't interested in such a situation, so he slept alone in the room.

Under the throne, stood a group of anxious ministers, and at the front of this group of ministers was the guard captain Dalton, and the most famous and top doctor in the kingdom, Kuleha.

Although I don’t know what method he used, the bull ghost invited Kureha over anyway. As for Chopper, he was still carrying him on the mountain at this time, and Kureha had no intention of bringing him here.

"You should all be very clear about what happened yesterday. Valpo is dead, so from now on, the entire Drum Kingdom belongs to me. There is no doubt about this, and you have no right to object."

Nuliang said slowly, and listening to his words, no one below dared to say more than a word. The only one with a big heart was Kuleha. Even here, she still drank like no one else. Drinking wine.

I don’t know if Kuleha has the strength to back it up, or if she has some other trump card.

"I want you to hear something... Bingli, tell me. Nuliang smiled slightly and said quite casually.

After Bingli saluted Nuliang, she took a few steps forward, took out a small notebook, and read loudly:"The royal family property of the Cigu Kingdom is worth a total of 1.2 billion profits, a devil fruit, and several ships and weapons. Adding them all together, converted into Baileys, is no less than two billion Baileys."

More than two billion Baileys sounds like a big sum, but for a country with top-notch medical care like the Drum Kingdom, it is nothing.

If it hadn't been for that idiot Valpo's fooling around, now the Drum Kingdom's The country's power was at least several times stronger than it is now, and most of the Baileys now included in the royal family were exploited from his subjects.

"Such a country would be in the first half of the Great Line. If it were in the new world in the second half, apart from surrendering to a certain Four Emperors, the only result would be destruction. I don’t care what you think in your hearts now, but after I take charge of this country, everything will change dramatically!"

Nuliang suddenly stood up from the throne. His eyes swept over the ministers present, and a sense of majesty slowly spread out at this moment. It was at this moment that Dalton once again had the idea of surrender in his heart..

That kind of majesty and momentum can be called a leader and a king!

"Now you all listen to me, remember it word for word, and carry out my orders!"Nuliang stood in front of the throne, and a slightly cold voice slowly came out from his mouth.

When Dalton and a group of ministers heard this, they couldn't help but secretly groan in their hearts. This country had already been surrendered by Valpo. It’s almost ruined, and now it’s being ruled by this pirate, I’m afraid the people will suffer terribly!

At this moment, Nuliang said:"Dalton, you will take out 600 million beli from the treasury later. As funds, half of it will be used for the people on the island. Remember clearly, it is not given directly, but to allow them to produce well. All taxes will be canceled within two years, and taxes will be paid after everyone's life is better."

For a moment, Dalton's eyes showed shock, as did the ministers below. They never thought that Nuliang, a pirate, would say such words.

Let The people are recuperating and recuperating. Is this something that a pirate can do?

"What, can’t you believe it? I want to truly rule this country. In this case, I naturally have to let it develop well. As for the remaining half of the funds……"

Nuliang's eyes immediately fell on Dalton, and he said slowly:"I want you to invite back all the doctors who left the Drum Kingdom. Please bring back as many as you can. Do you understand? This is medical treatment." How can the Kingdom deserve this title if there are not enough excellent doctors?"

"From now on, all doctors who want to go overseas for medical treatment will be protected by me, the Hyakki Pirates. The expenses and commissions of the protection will be used to subdue those who need diagnosis and treatment. In the first year, the Kingdom will not charge any fees for all doctors who visit. In the second year, 10% of the consultation fee will be charged, and from the third year onwards, 20% will be charged. Do you understand?"

As soon as the words fell, all the ministers in the palace, including Dalton, knelt down directly in front of Nuliang. Many of them even had their eyes sparkling and shed tears.

Even Dalton's There were also many emotions on his face. In his eyes at this moment, the man standing above was a pirate!

He was clearly a wise king who cared about his people! How could he compare to Val Bo ?

Is a fool like Bo qualified to be compared with Nuliang?

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"The ministers and Dalton all shouted in unison at this time.

They were not thanking Nuliang for themselves, but for the people of Cigu Island and for this country.

"Dr. Kuleha……"

Before Nuliang finished speaking, Kuleha just looked over, and then said with his signature catchphrase:"What's wrong, Your Majesty Nuliang wants to know the secret of my eternal youth?"

Hearing this ? At these words, the corner of Nuliang's mouth twitched subconsciously.

I'm thinking about a ghost!

And how can you be considered eternally young?

At most, his physical fitness is a little better than that of people of the same age...well, much better. After all, Kuleha is almost 140 years old, so her physical fitness is still good.

But this is far behind compared to himself. As a big monster and a slippery ghost, Nuliang himself doesn't know how long his life span is in this world.

Anyway, in the original world of Hua Tuo Gui, Shao Lao Shao is already five hundred years old, isn't he still alive and well?

"From now on, Doctor 20 and the doctors invited back in the future will be under your control. You are the chief medical officer of the Drum Kingdom, and your status is equivalent to that of the chief guard. I guess you won't refuse, right?"Nuliang looked at Kuleha and said.

After a moment of silence, Kuleha gave a direct answer:"For the sake of your two orders just now, I reluctantly agreed, but I have one request. Allow all doctors to treat the people of this country!"

Nu Liang thought it was a request, but he didn't expect it to be such a small thing. He smiled and agreed:"That's of course!"

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