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Dessert Island, the island guarded by Charlotte Owen. Because of the diligent work of the Arakawa monsters, the distribution of the islands in the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons has been changed, so now Baked Dessert Island is also one of the outer islands of the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons.

In the past five years, Nura has treated the people of the Charlotte family and the Hundred Demons under his command equally. In addition, with Perospero and Katakuri mediating, the people of the Charlotte family have no prejudice against Nura.

After all, the Big Mom Pirates have become history, and even Big Mom has died. There is no point in them insisting that they are members of the Big Mom Pirates. In addition, five years have also allowed them to integrate into the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons.

Owen is now responsible for guarding the outer islands. After all, he is a big pirate with a bounty of 300 million Baileys, so it is not a problem to guard an outer island.

But now, there are some problems...

On the Snack Island, there are at least hundreds of corpses around Owen. Those corpses include pirates under his command, as well as some other guys who were killed by him.

At this moment, many pirates 22 are holding weapons and surrounding Owen with mocking smiles on their faces. The guy in the lead is a man with green hair, sharp teeth, a military cap with two horns on his head, clogs on his feet, and a hideous appearance.

He looked at Owen with a mocking smile on his face and said in a cold voice:"Surrender, Charlotte Owen, with your strength, if you are willing to work for our governor, you will be reused. But if you don't surrender, you will only die today!"


Owen was panting heavily at this moment, and at the same time he roared:"Bringing so many people to raid the Grilled Snacks Island, do you, the Beasts Pirates, want to go to war with our Hundred Demons Country?"

He was very tired at the moment, mainly because those pirates who fell to the ground and the guys he killed consumed a lot of his physical strength, and when he was fighting before, he was also ambushed by that guy Sasaki.

After all, he never thought that the Beasts Pirates would raid the Grilled Snacks Island, and the person who came was Sasaki, a cadre-level, one of the six strongest real fighters.

Originally, in a head-on fight, Owen's strength could not be said to be able to defeat Sasaki, but there would definitely be no big problem in competing with him. However, after being ambushed, he had no strength to fight against him.

"Hahaha, are you kidding me, Owen? You are just a member of the Charlotte family, not a core member of the Hundred Ghosts. And this baked snack island is just an outer island. Do you think that the Lord of Ghosts will go to war with my Governor just for you?"こ-.Sasaki laughed loudly and sarcastically said,"Besides, although they are both Four Emperors, everyone knows that the guy named Nura can only hide in the Hundred Demons Island. If he leaves there, he will not be a match for any emperor!"

"You are just a piece of trash who can only show off your skills with words. If you have the ability, you can fight with your brain with real swords and guns. What's the point of sneak attack? Besides, no matter what Nura is, he is countless times stronger than you, a piece of trash!"

""Go to hell!"

With a roar, Owen directly activated his fruit ability, the temperature of his fists rose wildly, and then he rushed directly towards Sasaki. His eyes flashed with a special look, and he was already full of death.

He still had some opinions about Nura, but in the past five years, he had thought a lot. After all, Nura was his family, so it was not bad to be called a member of the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons. Moreover

, Owen was a very responsible person. No matter what happened before, he was now a member of the Kingdom of One Hundred Demons, and he was responsible for guarding the baked snack island. So before he fell, he would never allow the island he guarded to be breached by others!

There was only one thing, Owen was really not Sasaki's opponent now.

Seeing Owen rushing towards him, Sasaki suddenly turned into a huge Triceratops. He was the ability user of the ancient Triceratops form of the Dragon Dragon Fruit, and he was also a powerful swordsman!

The next moment, Sasaki directly activated the domineering aura of the armed color, and then rushed towards Owen.


A loud noise was heard, and Owen, who was already exhausted, was instantly thrown backwards by the collision. Not only did his eyes almost turn white, but a mouthful of blood also spit out from his mouth. He felt that he was about to lose consciousness.

However, before he lost consciousness, he saw a familiar figure, the figure of the lamp demon.


A small boat on the Grand Line. Compared to when it came out of the New World, there is one more person on this boat. The extra person is naturally little Nami. I don’t know if Luffy can enter the New World in the future since Nura has taken away Luffy’s navigator.

However, that has nothing to do with me. Besides, the protagonist has a halo. I have taken away Nami, but Luffy may find a powerful navigator somewhere else.

Moreover, Nami didn’t want to bring it with me. She took the initiative to follow, and then Tamamonomae brought her with her.

""Pulu Pulu!"

Just as Nura was enjoying the bright sunshine, the sound of the Den Den Mushi brought his attention back to the present, and he picked up the Den Den Mushi lazily, and the Den Den Mushi turned into the cold appearance of Ushio-ki.

"What happened? I remember I said before about this Den Den Mushi that you can only use it to contact me when it is extremely urgent, right?"Nura escaped because he didn't want to be disturbed. The only Den Den Mushi he brought with him was this one for emergency contact. Only the team leaders have Den Den Mushi that can contact him.

"The Beast Pirates attacked the seven islands outside of us. The seven people responsible for guarding the islands were basically injured. Among them, Charlotte Owen was the most seriously injured and has not woken up yet."Niu Gui said at this moment with a serious face, and there was anger in his words.

"Kaido? I'm on my way back. For the time being, I'll leave everything to you. Since Kaido wants to start a war, let's make the New World lively! We haven't taken action for five years. Don't let those guys look down on us!"

Nura's eyes flashed with a cold light, and the whole person was filled with murderous intent.

Although he and Owen have a bad relationship, after all, they are his family and now a member of the Kingdom of Demons! _

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