The so-called trial of the God's Island was meaningless to Nura. He didn't even need to really make a move. He just walked directly to Enel's temple with his Conqueror's Haki. Those priests were too weak and couldn't withstand Nura's Haki at all.

""Invaders, you have broken into my territory and are guilty of an unforgivable crime, but I am magnanimous and consider that you have some strength, so I plan to give you a chance. Become my priest and manage Sky Island for me!"

A shirtless young man with four magatama beating drums behind him and long ears, holding a golden stick, sat in the temple and looked at Nura and Robin with an arrogant look.

But to be honest, Enelu's pretentious look really made people feel uncomfortable. Although Nura thought that he had a very good temper, when he saw Enelu, he still had the urge to twist his head off.

"Just because he got the power of the Nature-type Thunder Fruit by coincidence, he thinks he is a god? Then shouldn't the three admirals of the navy be called great gods?"

Nura smiled slightly and started to tease.

Indeed, if Enelu can be called a god, then the three admirals of the navy are indeed great gods. Then what is the admiral of the navy who leads them, Sengoku? Buddha or God King?

Fortunately, Enelu is the only one with chuunibyou. If everyone in the world is like him, the world of pirates will be a mess.

"There are gods in Qinghai too?"

Eneel was stunned for a moment, then he reacted immediately, his face turned cold:"No, you dare to blaspheme the gods! It seems that you no longer need to live, feel honored, this god will personally punish you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Eneel directly turned into an element and rushed towards Nura. He was the user of the Thunder Fruit, and his movement speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he appeared directly in front of Nura, and the surging thunder immediately swept away from Nura.


A huge thunderous sound rang out, but everything did not go as Eneel had imagined, and Nura was not solved in an instant. What he saw at this moment was that Nura raised his left hand, and the rich demonic power directly formed a barrier, completely blocking his own lightning.

In fact, Nura did not need to do this at all, because although Eneel's lightning was not weak, it could not hurt himself who could perform Mirror Flower and Water Moon. However, he was not worried, but Robin beside him was not. If Robin was affected by Eneel's lightning, Robin would definitely not feel good.

"Not bad. If you go down there, you will at least have the strength of a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, or even a candidate admiral, but there is still a gap compared to a real admiral. After all, you only have observation Haki, and your personality is too arrogant.……"

Nura resisted Enel's attack and slowly began to comment. If Enel could be brought into the Kingdom of Demons, that would be quite good.

"Mortals are not qualified to judge God!"

A roar burst out from Enelu's mouth, and then his whole body flashed with lightning, holding a golden stick and smashing towards Nura.

At this time, Robin had already retreated, so Nura didn't need to block all of Enelu's lightning. He had a mocking smile on his face and let the lightning hit him.

But of course, these lightnings couldn't really hit Nura, they just passed through his body and fell to the ground.

"The advantage of your observation Haki is that it covers a wide range. Even the top observation Haki masters below may not be able to beat you. If it was seven years ago, it would be okay, but now it has no effect on me."

Nura was holding the Mimi Kirimaru at this moment, but he had no intention of actively attacking. Instead, he chatted with Enel. However, his indifferent look was the biggest insult to Enel.

"You call yourself a god, but there is a huge difference between you and a god. If you were a real god, I think he could easily defeat me."Nura shrugged, with an expression on his face that showed that he didn't take Enelu seriously at all.

"Damn it, damn it! I will never forgive you!"Enel's anger grew stronger and stronger, and the thunder that exploded from his body became more and more terrifying, but he could not cause any harm to Nura.

In the state of Mirror Flower Water Moon Nothingness, no harm could act on Nura's body.

"Have you had enough fun?"

Nura looked at Enelu at this moment, smiled slightly, and then punched him in the face.

Seeing Nura's attack, Enelu crossed his arms and sneered:"Even if I can't hit you, you can't touch the body of God.……"


A loud noise was heard, and before Enel could finish showing off, Nura punched him in the face, and then his head was smashed into the ground. The demon power itself can target the natural system, and Nura's fist was wrapped with armed color domineering, so Enel had no possibility of resistance.

""Enelu, I only ask you one question, are you willing to be my subordinate? If you are willing, I can teach you a lot of things, such as this kind of armed color domineering that can touch your elemental body."

Nura retracted his hand and said calmly

""This god said it!"

After slowly standing up, Enelu stared at Nura with murderous intent on his face:"I will personally punish you with God! Two hundred million volts, Thunder God!"

At this time, he also understood that Nura was abnormally powerful and threatened his status as a"god".

Although Enelu was a middle school student, he was not stupid, so after a brief silence, he made a decision to use his most powerful move to completely wipe out this mortal who threatened the god from the world.

Thunder and lightning surged wildly at this moment, surrounding his body and turning into a huge Thunder God, which seemed to have opened Susanoo with thunder and lightning. It has to be said that this so-called god with middle school syndrome has developed his fruit ability quite well. If it weren't for the protagonist's halo, Enelu would never have lost to King Luffy.

Even if Luffy's rubber fruit could restrain him, Nura didn't think Enelu would be defeated!

But that was against Luffy, and now his opponent is himself, the master of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons!

"It's really too much trouble to subdue you, a chuunibyou. In this case, I'll just get rid of you. I can take the gold on the sky island and supplement some household expenses. After all, the country of a hundred demons is very expensive.……"

At this moment, Nura swung his sword and shattered everything in front of him like a mirror. Even if he didn't fight with the Yamabuki Otome ghost, he could still perform this slash.

Secret Technique: Mirror Flower, Water Moon, Shattered Moon!

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