Marine Headquarters, Marinford.

Marshal Sengoku's face was so gloomy that water was about to drip out of it, because just now, he was scolded by the Five Elders, the highest authority of the World Government.

The Navy will become a joke now!

And the initiator of all this is the damned Hundred Demons Pirates!

The three admirals and the troops of the Demon Slayer Order attacked, not only did they not bury the Hundred Demons Pirates in the sea, but they were defeated and returned, with more than half of the 10,000 navy soldiers killed or injured.

Even the five vice admirals were injured, and two of them were seriously injured.

Among the three admirals, only Kizaru had no problem, Aokiji was slightly injured, and Akainu was swallowed by the sea water and needed at least half a month to recover.

And this was a blow to their navy caused by a previously unknown pirate group!

No one thought that the Hundred Demons Pirates would be so powerful!

Being able to leave safely with such a force, and also severely damaging the navy, this is simply the combat power of the Four Emperors!

What is even more unbelievable is that there are people in the Hundred Demons Pirates who can control the sea water. When this news came back, Sengoku was shocked to the extreme. He was more surprised than hearing that the three admirals had failed in their mission, because he knew very well that the ability to control the sea water would cause a huge uproar in this world.

Whether it is the navy or the pirates, they are inseparable from the sea, and once the other side has a person who can control the sea water, it is basically equivalent to occupying the absolute initiative on the sea.

Never underestimate the power of the sea. In Roger's generation, legendary pirates as strong as Golden Lion forced Roger's pirate group into a desperate situation. In the end, because of an extremely sudden storm, most of the fleet of Golden Lion's Flying Pirates was driven into the seabed.

If it weren't for that storm, there might not be the later Pirate King Gol D. Roger!

Even a powerful existence like Golden Lion cannot resist the power of the sea. It can be seen from this that a person with the ability to control the sea water is a great threat, whether it is to the navy or to the pirates.

"Sengoku, the so-called Lord Arakawa, must have limited abilities, otherwise it would not be as simple as more than half of the troops being killed or injured, but the entire army would be annihilated."Lieutenant General Tsuru looked at Marshal Sengoku with a worried look on his face and said rationally.

Indeed, if Lord Arakawa could control the sea water without limit, then Akainu and his men would definitely be buried in the sea.

Moreover, the navy does not need to think about how to deal with such an existence. An existence that completely controls the sea water is definitely more terrifying than ancient weapons.

"Even if it is limited, such ability is too dangerous!"Zhan Guo also knew that this ability was definitely not unlimited, but the opponent could destroy the troops of the Demon Slayer Order by himself. Even if it was limited, it was already terrifyingly powerful.

And who could catch them when they controlled the ocean currents?

To put it bluntly, after the tsunami fell and the ghost power of Lord Arakawa exploded, the navy actually still had the strength to fight. After all, Aokiji and Kizaru were not injured, but they could not catch up with the Fear Ship that left with the help of the ocean current.

"Sengoku, you should think calmly. What we really care about is not the other party's ability to control the sea water, but the source of that ability. According to the information sent back by Aokiji and his men, the other party can not only control the sea water, but also being in the sea does not affect the use of the ability at all. This also shows one thing.……"

A cold light flashed in Vice Admiral Tsuru's eyes, and he said in a deep voice:"The other party's ability does not come from the Devil Fruit. If we infer from this point, we can draw a conclusion... The abilities of the Hundred Demons Pirates are obtained through a way we don't understand. They collect Devil Fruits, which proves that their abilities are related to Devil Fruits, but they are not obtained by eating Devil Fruits."

Hearing this, Sengoku stood up suddenly, and his face changed several times in succession:"In other words, it is possible that they have discovered another way to use the Devil Fruit, and that method can enable people to gain special abilities and avoid being abandoned by the sea!"

If this is true, then the Hundred Demons Pirates are too terrifying!

"No, we must keep the Hundred Demons Pirates and never let them enter the New World! Regardless of whether they have mastered the special use of the Devil Fruit, as long as there is such a possibility, we must control it in our own hands!"

Marshal Sengoku became serious at this moment, and then immediately made a decision:"Gather the troops immediately. If they want to go to the New World, they must be plated in the Sabaody Archipelago, and we will intercept the Hundred Demons Pirates there. Let that guy Garp roll back from the East China Sea immediately, and then call Zephyr as well. There can be no accidents this time!"

"I will also attack personally!"

Hearing this, Lieutenant General He's face changed slightly, and then he said:"If this happens, there will be no one to guard Marinford."

"Even if there is a possibility that the headquarters will be attacked, the Hundred Demons Pirates must be stopped!"


Somewhere on the sea, the Ship of Fear was sailing safely with the help of the ocean current.

With the presence of Lord Arakawa, they were much more relaxed on the sea than before. They didn't need to steer the ship, as the sea would take them forward anyway.

"General, are we heading to the Sabaody Archipelago now? With all due respect, the Navy will never give up just because of one failure. They are likely to stop us in Sabaody, and once they do, the force we will face will be even more terrifying than before outside the Seven Water Capitals!"

At this time, the Ushio walked to Nura's side and said solemnly

"It's not a possibility, it's a certainty!

The Navy is so embarrassed now, how could they let us go to the New World? If we go to the New World through the Shampoo Coating, in addition to the three admirals we met before, we will have to face the current Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku and the Navy hero Garp.

Even with Arakawa, we will have little chance of winning against those guys of the older generation.

"Although the topic was heavy, there was no worry on Nura's face, as if he didn't care what kind of troops the Navy would gather.

"So how should we respond?" asked Niu Gui.

"There is no need to respond. Just let them wait for us in Shampoo Land. By the time they react, we will have arrived in the new world!"

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