"Summon character, Kidomaru (Onmyoji version)!"

"Reward the host with improved basic physical fitness, and reward the host with Nura's ability, Secret Technique·Mirror Shisui·Sakura!"

"The host completes three summons and is rewarded with the Demon-Exorcist Sword Mimi Kirimaru (Enhanced Version). Mimi Kirimaru is a good and fast sword that can cut natural entities."

Nura heard all the rewards, but his attention at the moment was almost entirely on the handsome boy in a ghost skin who appeared in front of him.


A half-human, half-ghost, cruel and cunning, paranoid and fierce monster!

And his strength is unquestionable. As an SSR-level monster in the world of Yin-Yang magic, the demonic power emanating from his body is not weaker than that of the Ushi-gui. Even his chilling appearance is better than that of the Ushi-gui. At least he is a quasi-general!

"Ah, nice to meet you, General! It seems that there are not many ghosts now, but this is also good, if there is a battle, I can fight to my heart's content!"Kidomaru said slowly with a weird look on his face.

His eyes were full of fierceness, and deep in his eyes he was still eager to fight, or to fight.……

"New guy, watch your words and actions. If you dare to be rude to the general, I will never let you go!"At this time, Ushiki suddenly took a step forward and stood directly in front of Kidomaru, and even grasped the long sword at his waist with his right hand.

As the former chief of the Nura Group's One Hundred Demons Night Parade, in addition to being somewhat dissatisfied with Kidomaru's words and deeds, he may also feel that his position is threatened.

After all, he can see that the strength of this demon boy in front of him is definitely not inferior to his own.

"Hey, are you planning to fight me first? The Ushi-Oni is also a good big monster, and should be a good prey!"Kidomaru will not be scared by the Ushi-Oni, he even thought of fighting him directly on Funayama.

Nura also realized at this time that if no one restrained Kidomaru, he would be a bloodthirsty madman!


A low shout came out from his mouth, and a powerful aura burst out from Nura's body. After three enhancements, he already had a good power, and a Nura like him was a real big monster! He was also the general of the Nura group. Even if his strength was still a little weak, his aura was not weaker than anyone else.

"The hundreds of ghosts under my command are not in the habit of killing each other. If you want to fight, go and fight the enemies on the sea!" As he said this, Nura's eyes were on Kidomaru,"Kidomaru, this world is bigger than you think, and more powerful than you. There are many opponents worthy of your fight, and they will never let you down!"

Hearing this, Niu Gui also took a step back. He didn't know whether it was because of the system or something else, but he still respected Nura very much.

Kidomaru raised the corner of his mouth at this time, then turned his head and looked into the distance, with the endless sea in his eyes:"Haha, since the general commander said so, then I will accept it. I hope it will be faster, faster! There will be opponents worthy of my fight!"

Sighing, Nura shook his head. It seems that it will not be an easy task to control the hundreds of ghosts now.

Just when he thought he could take a break for a while, Kidomaru's voice suddenly rang again:"Hey, general commander! Is the one in front someone who can be fought? I feel that there are good prey there, hehe!"

Hearing this, Nura walked forward at once, looked up at the approaching ship, and his face changed slightly.

It was a pirate ship, and the flag flying on it was a skull with a hat and collar decorated with fluff and lipstick waving.

At this moment, a tall man appeared directly in Nura's field of vision.

The man had golden orange hair, a hairstyle in the shape of three blades like flames, a beard on his chin, no clothes on the upper body, only a cloak, a pair of gloves, and orange pants.

To be honest, Nura didn't want to see this person, because meeting him here meant that his defection was exposed. In addition, he actually didn't want to fight with this person, even though he was sure of defeating him now. Charlotte


Big Mom's fourth son, the user of the superhuman Heat-Hot Fruit!


Owen saw Nura on the opposite ship and shouted,"Boy, I remember that mom would not let you leave Wanguo, right? Why are you here?" Even if

Big Mom asked Nura to leave, the ship should have the flag of Big Mom's pirate group, but there was no flag on the pirate ship in front of him.

"I'm not going to fight you, Brother Owen! If possible, can you pretend you've never seen me and let me go?"Nura's eyes condensed, his expression did not change at all, he just said lightly. For Katakuri's sake, he really didn't want to fight with Owen, but he knew in his heart that Owen was not only extremely loyal to the family, but also had a very hot temper. If they met here, there would inevitably be a battle between the two sides, and only the winner could make the choice!

"Nura...you, have you betrayed your family? I can never forgive you for this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Owen stomped his feet on the ground and rushed towards Nura and the others like a cannonball.

Nura looked at the���Owen's eyes became colder as he approached, and he said in a cold voice:"Kidomaru, try to spare his life. After all, he has been the one who took good care of me in the past."

After saying this, Nura turned around and went back to the cabin. The battle here had nothing to do with him, and Owen would not be a match for Kidomaru.

""Nura!" Owen shouted, and his fist instantly became scorching hot, and he blasted towards Nura with the hot fist.


A loud sound was heard, but it was not the fist that landed on Nura, but the chain in Kidomaru's hand.

"Hey, if we let you fight the general so easily, the existence of us ghosts will be meaningless!"

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