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The black water transformed by the demonic power rushed out instantly, and under the traction of this black water, the sea around the Cake Island also rushed up, raising huge waves and rushing directly towards the Cake Island, as if to submerge the entire island.

Nura stood in the middle of it at this moment, but he was not moved at all. After all, with the Lord Arakawa here, he was not worried that he would be submerged by the waves. But the aunt who was going crazy in front of him was still unaware that she was in danger at this moment.

"I know how strong you are. You will not die even if you are drowned by the sea. However, continuing to fight here is disadvantageous to me and my Hundred Ghosts. After all, we know that it is not just us who are fighting here, but also other forces. More importantly, this is just the beginning, the prelude to the war between my Hundred Ghosts and your Ten Thousand Nations!"

Yes, this is just the beginning. It is obviously unrealistic to destroy such a powerful force as the Four Emperors in one go, and Big Mom is very powerful. Among the current Hundred Demons, except for Shuten Douji, it is estimated that only Lord Arakawa can compete with her at sea. Therefore, the Hundred Demons need to become stronger, and 16 can truly eradicate the source of the Charlotte family's distortion.

Well, in fact, it is mainly because, although Shuten Douji can now compete with Big Mom, it is difficult to break her defense!

The real strength of Big Mom is not her powerful offensiveness, nor is it the ability of her Soul Soul Fruit, but her incredibly strong body. Ordinary attacks can't do anything to her.

Even Kaido, the beast who claims to be immortal, is not necessarily stronger than Big Mom. If you want to make Big Mom's body fragile, you can only destroy the photo of the nun and attack her when she is too sad. However, that thing has been hidden for a long time. Anyway, Nura didn't see it at the tea party this time. Of course

, it is also possible that Nura acted too early and the thing has not been taken out yet.

In addition to making her body fragile, the only way is to make her attack power exceed the limit that Big Mom can bear, and these two points cannot be done for the time being, so there is no result in this battle.

But the same thing is that the current Bankoku is not a huge threat to Nura and his Hundred Demons.

The high-end combat power of both sides is actually not much different.

It can be said that Bankoku is slightly stronger.

But this is only temporary.

The number of Hundred Demons will increase in the future.

It won't take long to surpass Bankoku!

The only one who was defeated this time was Kidomaru.

But in fact, even Kidomaru can compete with Katakuri.

The reason why he was defeated by Katakuri so quickly is that Katakuri's observation Haki does restrain opponents like Kidomaru.

Another reason is that Nura's order has somewhat restricted Kidomaru's actions.

""General, we should leave now. This island will soon be submerged. Even after the seawater recedes, the island will be full of ruins." Lord Arakawa spoke beside Nurarihyon.

"I see, I'm just looking at the place where I lived before.……"

Nura nodded and said softly,"Let's go. Even if Wan Guo wants to retaliate, it will take some time. During this time, we can expand our trump cards.……"

After the voice fell, Lord Arakawa took Nura directly to the waves.

This time, Nura and his Hundred Demons Pirates can be considered a big victory!

When Nura and Arakawa left, on a ship in the distance, Doflamingo's face became more and more exciting, and there was even indescribable excitement in his eyes.

"Hehehe, the Hundred Demons Pirates are so strong! They immediately went after Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors. What's even more terrifying is that if you count the battle accurately, the Hundred Demons still have the upper hand. Is a new era coming? I just don't know if the Hundred Demons will ascend to the position of the Four Emperors, or will they be destroyed by Big Mom before that?"

"No matter what the final outcome is, the battle at the tea party is enough to make the name of the Hundred Demons resound throughout the world again, and this time it will be even louder than before. Because they are facing the Four Emperors! Hehehe, it looks like I can make some deals with Nura again. They should still be in great need of Devil Fruits, right?"

Doflamingo had already started to plan at this time. Of course, he would not give Devil Fruits to Nura this time. No matter what, Nura had to spend money to buy them. Although his family business was not bad, he couldn't afford to give them away all the time. God knows how many Devil Fruits Nura really needs?

Of course, it would be better to need more, so that business would be easier to do and the relationship between the two sides would get better and better, right?


On another large ship, some of the people who were evacuated from the Charlotte family were on this deck. There were several other large ships around, all of which were people who were previously on Cake Island.

Katakuri was standing at the bow of the ship, looking at the island in front of him that was being invaded by the sea water, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Brother Katakuri, what should we do now?"Smoothie came over and asked

"Hunting down Nura, if it weren't for that kid, we wouldn't be here now……"

Before Owen could finish his words, Katakuri shook his head and said,"Chasing him now is just courting destruction. That Shuten-doji can compete with my mother. Do you think any of you can be his opponent? And on this sea, Arakawa���You have all seen the power of the Lord. We don't have the strength to hunt them down."

"That's right, Katakuri is right, what we have to do now is to wait until the sea water recedes, and then rescue mom immediately, and mom will definitely be fine. As for Nura, just let mom decide later, but no matter what, the war between us and the Hundred Demons Pirates has begun."

Perospero said slowly. He also did not recommend hunting down Nura and others now, because there is a gap in strength between the two sides, and he is also sure of one thing at this moment.

That is, Nura and the Hundred Demons under his command are indeed stronger than the Charlotte family without the big code.

If they are on the sea, they will be much stronger.

"Damn it! That guy Nura has changed so much in just two years!"Owen was so angry that he punched the deck. The brother who was once looked down upon is now standing above them..._

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