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In terms of strength, it is a big improvement, but the ape shadow's demon power and his own demon power added together are not strong.

This ghost entanglement is not very useful. Whether the knife will be used in future battles is uncertain.

But this summoned monster is a bit scary. Fengjian Yuxiang is a monster living in Fantasy Township in the Touhou series. She looks like a harmless girl, but she has extremely strong strength and will not show mercy to any creature~.

She has the ability to manipulate flowers and lives in the sea of flowers all year round. No matter whether it is a human or a monster, anyone who dares to disturb her will be mercilessly blasted into light by her terrifying demon power.

Rather than being a flower monster, she is actually more like the incarnation of nature!

Yuuka Kazami really likes seasonal flowers, spring flowers, summer flowers, autumn flowers, and a small amount of winter flowers in winter. She strives to have flowers bloom all year round.

It must be said that being able to summon this great monster is simply... so lucky! Nura has no doubt that Yuuka Kazami has the ability to suppress Big Mom alone!

"What a beautiful garden, is it prepared for me? General. At this time, Kazami Yuuka turned around and looked at Nura under her umbrella, and asked softly.

It was probably because of the system that she had a natural liking for Nura, and with the beautiful flowers around, she was in a very good mood.

"Well, this is my backyard, if you like.……"

Nura was going to say, if you like, you can come often.

But before he could finish his words, Kazami Yuuka smiled and nodded, then said:"I'll live here in the future, but there are too few flowers here. General, please help me find some more flower seeds. It would be great if flowers bloom here all year round. Oh, by the way, can I expand the area for planting flowers? In fact, this place is a little small."

Without waiting for Nura's consent, Kazami Yuuka waved her hand, and terrifying demonic power rushed out, instantly pushing down the wall in the distance, and then used her demonic power to shape a huge area, and nodded with satisfaction.

This size of flower sea is suitable for her to live in.

"Okay, General, do you have anything to say?"After expanding the place where the flowers were planted, Yuuka Kazami slowly sat in the sea of flowers.

She looked at Nura like an ordinary girl and said slowly.

I have to say that the terrifying demonic power she exuded just now was already extremely powerful.

If she had been there at the tea party before, it is estimated that many people in the big thieves group could have been blown into ashes in an instant!

Fortunately, it was Yuuka Kazami who was summoned this time.

If it was Ozuruma, Nura even doubted whether the system could work on Ozuruma.

If a monster was summoned, first...

If I kill myself, where can I go to seek justice?

After letting out a long sigh, Nura sat opposite to Yuuka Kazami and began to tell her about the things in this world and the current situation of their Hundred Demons.

Fortunately, Yuuka Kazami had a certain liking for Nura, otherwise, she would not allow other people to sit in this sea of flowers. It took Nura a long time to explain the specific situation to Yuuka Kazami.

Then, Nura scratched his head and said softly:"Um, Yuuka, there is something I want to discuss with you.……"

"The general can just say it directly.

"Look, there is no one in the Soul Demon Group now. How about you go out and lead the Soul Demon Group? I think that with your strength, Yuuka, you can definitely lead the Soul Demon Group very well!"

After a moment of silence, Nura directly said what he was thinking. If Yuuka Kazami led the Soul Demon Group, then even if there was only her, the Soul Demon Group would definitely be the most powerful among all the groups in the Hundred Demons Pirates.

Because Yuuka Kazami alone is enough!

"I don't want to!"

Without even thinking, Yuuka Kazami directly refused:"I don't want to run around away from the sea of flowers. I'm fine living here. If there are any enemies coming, I can help the general to deal with them, but I absolutely don't want to go out!"

The flowers were gone. Nura didn't intend to continue persuading her. It was almost impossible to change the decision made by this old lady.

But in this way, although Yuuka Kazami, a powerful fighter, would be gone when fighting outside, Hundred Demons Island would be absolutely safe. Just now, Kurodabo was still saying that the strength of Hundred Demons Island was insufficient and it might be targeted by the enemy. Now... you let those who are targeted try?

Attacking Hundred Demons Island might harm the flowers here, and harming these flowers would definitely make Yuuka Kazami angry. In that case, Nura could only say…….........,..., if one comes, one will die, if two come, a pair will die!

If you fight with Kazemi Yuuka, if there is no Four Emperors level among the pirates, or an Admiral level among the navy, it will be pure gifting!

""Okay, okay, then I'll leave the safety of my mansion to Youxiang. As for what's happening outside, we'll figure it out when the time comes." Nura smiled bitterly and said helplessly.

"Don't worry, General. I will not let go anybody who dares to threaten the flowers here!"Yuuka Kazami nodded, and then showed a lovely smile, but it exuded a chilling chill.

The feeling was that her Hundred Demons Island and the mansion put together were not as important as her flowers.

But this was also reasonable. For Yuuka Kazami, these flowers were probably more important than him as the general admiral.

No, Nura felt that he should be more confident and remove the estimate...

These flowers were definitely more important than him as the general admiral! How about pinning a small flower on your ear when you go out in the future?

In this way, Yuuka Kazami might follow him and protect him. But as a grown man, it seems a bit inappropriate to pin a flower on his ear, right? Forget it

, a real man would rather die standing than...

If he really encounters something he can't beat, he can hide in this sea of flowers for a while?

The plan worked! ps: I want a wave of flowers to collect and customize. Thank you readers for your great experience.

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