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The aunt, who had become extremely fragile, could not withstand such a huge force at this moment. Her body was penetrated by the attacks of Tamamonomae and Shuten-doji, and blood spurted out of her mouth.


A loud noise was heard, and the huge body fell to the ground at once. The original rich vitality also quickly dissipated at this time.

The source of the Charlotte family's distortion no longer existed.

"It's so sad that at the end, you still don't know one thing.……"

Nura looked at the fallen aunt and couldn't help but sigh:"Carmelo is not worthy of your remembrance and respect. What really deserves your concern are all the children of Charlotte who are not valued by you and even deprived of their lives by you.……"

Sister Carmelo is actually a sinful orphan dealer, who goes by the name"Mountain Man" and collects qualified children everywhere and then sells them to the CP organization.

The reason why she appeared in Elbaf and"saved" Charlotte Linlin at that time was because she acted out a play with the navy and saved the giants who were about to be killed, so she was honored as the Virgin Mary and lived in the village of the giants.

Who would have thought that in 687, the person that the Four Emperors Big Mom cares about the most is actually a ridiculous orphan dealer?

"Such a strong person can actually be so weak at times. There are so many strange things in this world."Shuten-doji couldn't help but speak as he looked at the fallen Big Mom.

He had fought with Big Mom twice, both times with great force, but he didn't leave any injuries on her. And just because a photo of unknown use was torn, he easily defeated this powerful enemy.

"Everyone has weaknesses, whether they are humans or monsters. Don't you have weaknesses as well? Otherwise, how could the Demon King of Ooeyama become like this? If it weren't for a certain person, with your strength in your prime, you could have won without the general targeting Big Mom's weaknesses."

Tamamonomae glanced at Shuten Douji and said with a chuckle. After saying this, she didn't care about Shuten's changing expression at all, and jumped directly to Nura's side.

At this moment, the Lord of Arakawa also came back.

The long bread had been killed by his school of fish, while he himself was unharmed.

Although he can only exert his strongest power at sea, his strength on land is also extremely powerful.


"Stupid Lingling, you actually left such a big weakness to the enemy, hum!


Suddenly, Kaido snorted coldly, and the whole person turned into a dragon.

He broke through the hurricane of Daitengu with his powerful body and fled directly into the distance.

Although he was not afraid of Daitengu, Shuten and others, he was not stupid.

Now that Big Mom has been killed, there is no point for him to stay here, and facing the entire Hundred Demons Pirate Group alone, even if he is very confident in his own strength, he believes that he will not gain any benefits.

Moreover, he came to help Big Mom in the first place, and for the favors he owed. Now that Big Mom is dead, what is the point of him staying and fighting with the Hundred Demons?


Nura looked at the ruins around him, and then said,"Let this island be destroyed. There is no point in staying here. Let it and Big Mom be swallowed by the sea. It is also a good ending."

After saying this, Nura turned and walked towards the Ship of Fear. The battle was still over, and the Hundred Demons Pirates won a great victory!

After Nura and others boarded the Ship of Fear and left, the Lord of Arakawa set off a huge wave, constantly bombarding Cake Island, submerging it again and again, and finally sinking the entire island completely into the sea.

In the future, there will be no more Ten Thousand Countries, no more Cake Island, and no more Four Emperors Big Mom in the New World.


In half a month, the Hundred Demons Pirates completely controlled the territory that originally belonged to Bankoku. However, due to the large number of islands, they could not manage them all at once, so Ushiki had been worried about the lack of manpower during this period.

However, when they captured Bankoku, they did find fifteen devil fruits. Although they did not summon a big monster that could compete with the three great monsters, or the Demon Sword Princess and the Lord of Arakawa, they did add a lot of manpower, which was just enough to manage some of the occupied islands.

In addition, both the Daruma Group and the Spirit Demon Group had someone acting as the leader.

The Daruma Group’s acting leader was the former leader of the Nura Group’s Daruma Society, Muyu Daruma. Although he was not very strong, he was a consultant to the Nura Group and had some management skills.

The Spirit Demon Group’s acting leader was the Demon Music Master, whose strength was not weak, and was about the same as that of Shumu and others, so he was only acting as the leader.

At this moment, Nura was sitting in the study, and in front of him sat two people, one was Katakuri, and the other was Perospero. The Big Mom Pirates were destroyed, but the Charlotte family was not.

After all, during the general attack on the Bankoku, the Hundred Demons showed some mercy to the Charlotte family, and even Owen and Daifuku survived, they were just captured.

The only unlucky guy was Cracker, who was killed by Kidomaru. It was Cracker who asked for his own death. While making cookie soldiers, he also provoked Kidomaru, and was finally killed by the blood-thirsty Kidomaru.

"Just like I said just now, I hope that Perospero and Katakuri can lead the Charlotte family to join the Hundred Demons Pirates. Half of the islands that we occupied and originally belonged to Bankoku will be given to the Charlotte family."

Nura looked at Katakuri and Perospero and said slowly

"I have no objection, but it is up to Brother Perospero to decide." Katakuri's expression did not fluctuate at all, he just said lightly. After a long silence, Perospero raised his head and looked at Nura:"I can agree, but Nura, you must ensure the safety of your family, not just Katakuri, Smoothie, Snamon and others, but all Charlotte!"

"What I can guarantee is that my family can continue to survive on this sea with the flag of fear on their backs. As long as they don't do anything to let me and the demons down, I will never let them down... The same goes for Owen and Daifuku, I will treat them equally!" Nura said without hesitation.

Although some people were not nice to him when he was a child, he doesn't care about those trivial matters now.

With this promise, Perospero immediately nodded and agreed:"Okay! I agree! And I will also let family members who have prejudices against you let go of their prejudices. Nura……"

"We are family!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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