The sound of a stunt was heard, and the sound was a song.

Over in North America.

A broadcast was spreading rapidly, and the content of the broadcast was a song.

Li Yuan was walking on the mainland carrying several speakers, and the speakers were playing songs sung by 007 Siren that had been recorded in advance.

In short, a large-scale extinction-shaped treasure for hearing creatures.

The troops that were dispatched to fight against him and the fishmen gave up resistance and knelt on the ground after hearing the song in the speakers.

This is the terrifying thing about 007. For those who are not prepared, 007's ability has an absolute overwhelming advantage.

And Li Yuan and a group of sea creatures, they either wear earplugs or block their hearing, and have already prepared a response strategy in advance.

Under the influence of the tide and the singing, the army of deep divers pushed across half the continent in an unstoppable manner.

Until, an angel appeared.

In an abandoned building, a white-haired man with hundreds of wings on his back was sitting on a concrete pillar.

Li Yuan turned up the speakers to the maximum, and 007's singing swept out at this moment.

But strangely, the angel was not affected at all.

The sound had no effect on him?

No, it was not.

It was the angel who absorbed the sound waves emitted by the speakers!

The angel stood up and said something to Li Yuan.

But Li Yuan, who closed his hearing, could not hear it.

Without saying a word, he punched the angel directly!

The angel flew up and punched too!

The huge fist and the tiny fist collided in the sky!


The angel was instantly knocked out, and the white figure cut through the sky and fell to the ground.

Li Yuan moved his wrist. Although his own strength was not top-notch, with the amplification of the Bull Talisman, the power of his punch could reach the peak of the third level.

The angel stood up in the ruins, with golden flames attached to his wings, "Third level peak... ugly and hateful life."


The angel burst out with great power and rushed towards Li Yuan again. Li Yuan threw another punch, but the angel dodged it with a flexible turn!

The figure of the angel turned and moved in the sky, and directly turned around and swung countless wings to cut towards Li Yuan's huge body!

Puff puff puff!

Countless green blood splashed, and countless wounds were cut on Li Yuan's body.

But in just a moment, these wounds healed.

Li Yuan grinned. With the Horse Talisman, he had a nearly immortal body!

Unless the angel can evaporate it in an instant, otherwise this level of attack is not even a tickle!

Li Yuan waved his arm again, and his arm instantly split into countless tentacles to grab the angel!

The angel was extremely flexible and dodged the tentacles' sudden attack. At the same time, his body was divided into hundreds and surrounded Li Yuan!

Li Yuan swung his tentacles again, but the angel's speed was far faster than his, and it was difficult for his tentacles to hit the angel!

Even if it was the phantom that the angel split out, his tentacles could hardly catch up.

Li Yuan frowned, but unfortunately the rabbit talisman was not in his hand...

After several unsuccessful attacks, Li Yuan gave up attacking the angel and swung his huge arm to smash the ground!


The earth rumbled and trembled at this moment!

The priests continued to chant the spell and began to summon the tide to engulf the land!

The angel turned back to the ground, and countless white-robed believers were watching their battle!

"Look, our angels are fighting the evil god that has climbed up from the ocean!"

"Believers, pray, the angels will definitely save us!"

"Let us offer our prayers!"


Li Yuan unblocked his hearing. Anyway, the sound was smashed by the angels, so it didn't matter.

The huge waves came, and Li Yuan planned to ignore the angels and continue to move forward.

But at this moment, a pillar of fire suddenly gushed from a distance and instantly pierced Li Yuan's palm!



Li Yuan looked at the big hole in his palm, "Is this... Dragon Explosion?"

Under the effect of the horse spell, the big hole in Li Yuan's palm healed in an instant.

He waved his hand, and the priests stopped chanting and instead froze the huge waves in the sky.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Li Yuan raised his head and saw a black-haired girl with black wings standing in the sky, holding a stone engraved with a dragon pattern in her hand.

"What are you doing, Raven?"

001 put his hands on his hips and asked back: "What are you doing, stinky fish?"

Li Yuan looked at the frozen waves behind him, "Use the big flood

Water destroys the world, isn't this obvious? "

The raven girl flew to Li Yuan in an instant, "Are you kidding me? The dessert shop downstairs was supposed to launch new products today, but it closed down because of you!"

"Why did I come all the way here?"

Li Yuan was speechless, "When I transform them into deep divers, I will let them launch new products for you day and night, so please don't bother me now."

001, the most powerful creature that deserves it.

The first person under Lord Os, the original creature named No. 1.

If possible, no creature wants to fight 001.

In most cases, 001's mind is like that of a child.

Li Yuan knows 001 best, and of course, he is the one who least wants to fight 001, because even if 001 performs poorly, it can still tie with you.

The raven girl thought for a while, "Well... okay then. "

Li Yuan's huge body turned, "I'm so surprised that you can still recognize me after I become like this, but, considering that we have known each other for a long time, can you do me a little favor?"

"You say."

"Give me the rabbit."

Li Yuan stretched out his big hand, and the three talismans in 001's hand were rabbit, dragon, and pig.

Now the only thing Li Yuan lacks is speed. As long as he can get the rabbit, he can make up for this last defect!

Strength, speed, flight, immortality, plus his current ability, he is the real peak of the third level!

Half a step to the fourth level!

As long as there is speed!

The raven girl took out the rabbit talisman from her small pocket.

"Well... I can't give it to you for free, what can you exchange with me?"

"What do you want?"

Just as the two were talking, the angel turned and came to the believers.

Looking at the countless believers of the Church of Light on the ground, the angel grinned, and its wings instantly wrapped a believer!

"Uh ah! ! "

A hysterical scream emanated from the feathers!

And wings began to grow on the angel's body, entering a directional evolution!

Mo spread his wings, "Believers, listen to my teachings, I am light, I am darkness, I want you to use your flesh and blood to become a bridge to help me ascend to God!"

After that, his huge wings swept out and wrapped up the remaining people!

The screams of these people once again prompted Mo's evolution.


And in the sky, Li Yuan seemed to have reached some kind of deal with 001 and got the rabbit spell that increased speed!

Just then, Mo suddenly came!

Li Yuan turned around, his overall speed increased dramatically, his huge body twisted at an incredible speed, countless tentacles burst out, and instantly entangled the high-speed moving Mo!


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