On the street.

Today, the sun is shining, the sky is clear, and the atmosphere is peaceful.

But Meng Qing was nervous when he walked on the street, fearing that a monster would suddenly jump out and tear him apart.

He looked left and right, and the people around him thought he was sick.

But Meng Qing didn't care what others thought of him, he only cared whether he could survive to the end smoothly.

During the day, Meng Qing went to several nearby garbage stations, but he didn't find anything after searching for a while, and was scolded by the old man who collected rags.

"Yeah, the world is so big... How could I be so lucky to pick up the garbage thrown by the Grim Reaper?"

As the sky was getting darker, Meng Qing sighed and prepared to go home.

Survival rule one, you must go home before dark, and you must not go out when it rains.

Because most of the scenes of monsters killing people happen at night or on rainy days. If both happen at the same time, then you can only wish for the best.

Meng Qing ran all the way home. As the sky was getting darker, he always felt that something was chasing him from behind!

Meng Qing had experienced this feeling when he was walking alone at night before!

Meng Qing was running and suddenly stopped. Of course, it was not because he could not run anymore, but because he saw something!

A, bookstore?

Meng Qing widened his eyes and his breathing suddenly became rapid.

The bookstore looked ordinary and simple from the outside. There was only a half-lying black-haired man in the store.

"No way?"

"The Library of the Exiled, I really encountered it?"

"Could it be that the Grim Reaper heard my prayer?"

Meng Qing thought about it and took a deep breath and walked forward.

He grabbed the door handle of the bookstore and pulled it outwards first, but the door of the bookstore was like a welded iron door, motionless.

Meng Qing tried to push it again, but the door of the bookstore remained unmoved.

Gradually, sweat began to appear on Meng Qing's palms.


"I am not... the destined person."


The library is clearly in front of him!

Why can't it be opened?

Why? !

Meng Qing's heartbeat began to accelerate. Should he continue to stay?

Should he try to call the Grim Reaper?

What if, what if the Grim Reaper gets impatient and kills him directly?

Damn, the opportunity is clearly right in front of him!

Meng Qing is unwilling!

At this moment, the black-haired man in the bookstore suddenly closed the book in his hand, turned his head and glanced at Meng Qing.

And it was this gaze that made Meng Qing feel a chill on his back and tremble in his hands and feet.

This feeling was like a sickle on his neck!

Seeing this, Meng Qing slowly stepped back, and the black-haired man opened the book again and started reading.

Let's go...

Meng Qing was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind!


Meng Qing looked at the door of the bookstore again, and raised his right hand and swore:

"The Serpent's Hand will reshape the world."


As soon as Meng Qing finished speaking, the closed door of the bookstore opened!

Guessed it right!

The Serpent's Hand was created by the 024 snake. It has always longed for freedom. Although this is impossible, it still holds a glimmer of hope!

It believes that the Serpent's Hand will definitely come to save it!

The door was open, but Meng Qing's legs and feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he just stood there motionless.

It's over...

Don't dare to go in!

Meng Qing really wanted to slap himself in the face, Meng Qing, Meng Qing, why are you so cowardly at the critical moment, the door is open, just go in!

You'll miss it if you miss it!

"Don't you want to come in?"

Just then, a voice suddenly came from the bookstore.

Meng Qing gritted his teeth and walked into the bookstore.

As soon as he came in, the door behind him closed with a click!

Chen Ye put down the book and looked at Meng Qing. With a wave of his finger, a chair instantly appeared in the bookstore.



Meng Qing looked at the chair and didn't dare to sit down for a long time.

Seeing this, Chen Ye tilted his head and looked at Meng Qing, "Sit."


Meng Qing waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, I can just stand!"

Chen Ye waved his hand to pull out a lifeline, and then suddenly laughed.

"You are not Chu Yang, right?"


Meng Qing was stunned for a moment. How did the Death God know that?

Is it the fate line?

Because the fate lines are different? !

How should I answer?

'The Death God knows that this body of mine is Chu Yang, and at the same time

And you know that the soul in this body of mine is not Chu Yang, how should I explain it? ’

‘Tell the truth? ’

‘Actually, I am a time traveler. No, no, no, if I say that, the Grim Reaper will definitely stick me headfirst into the pot! ’

“I… am not Chu Yang.”

Hearing Meng Qing’s words, Chen Ye directly picked up the magnifying glass beside him.

He pointed the magnifying glass at Meng Qing, and countless information began to flash on the magnifying glass.

“Possession is not a rare trait.”

Chen Ye threw the magnifying glass aside casually. The first time he saw Meng Qing, he recognized this body.

This is Chu Yang’s reborn body, but the soul inside is not Chu Yang’s soul.

Chu Yang’s soul was erased, and there is a new soul inside.

Interestingly, this person’s lifeline is even tougher than Chu Yang’s.

At the moment when he was scanned by the magnifying glass, Meng Qing felt like he was stripped naked and cut open.

Chen Ye didn't say anything, and Meng Qing didn't dare to say anything either. He just stared at the counter blankly, because there were two bottles of medicine on the counter.

Feeling Meng Qing's gaze, Chen Ye's mouth slowly opened.


"Tell me, who are you?"

Meng Qing took a deep breath, "I was originally an ordinary student. One day I was walking and reading online articles. Because I didn't look at the road and didn't see the red light, then a car suddenly rushed out on the road and hit me to death. Then I was reborn into this person. I don't know who this person is and I don't know him!"

Meng Qing spoke very fast and didn't take a breath in the middle. Chen Ye felt that he was suffocating when he said the last part.

I always felt that he was very nervous, no, not only nervous, but also uneasy and afraid.

But despite this, he still stood in front of Chen Ye resolutely.

It felt like a good fun.

Chen Ye picked up the bookmark beside him and pushed it in front of Meng Qing.

"You can come in and have the courage to stand in front of me. I recognize your courage and allow you to borrow a book."

"For your personal safety, I suggest you choose the books on the first row of shelves."


Hearing Chen Ye's words, Meng Qing suddenly recalled that the Exile Library would constantly split out various books with mysterious knowledge or forbidden powers.

If Meng Qing remembered correctly, ordinary people would go crazy or die suddenly if they read these books!

Dangerous, very dangerous!

To be honest, Meng Qing didn't want to choose.

But Chen Ye obviously didn't intend to give him the potion, and he spoke again, so Meng Qing had to bite the bullet and choose one!

Meng Qing looked at the books on the bookshelves, but just seeing the names made him feel an inexplicable twist and pain.


"Key of Solomon"

"Eternal Dream"

"Death and Life"

Meng Qing walked forward, but unexpectedly a pair of eyes suddenly appeared on the bookshelf.


A book was suddenly pushed out by something, Meng Qing quickly caught the book, and saw that the name of the book was.

"The Man with His Eyes Gouged Out"

Meng Qing turned to the first page, and the first sentence he saw made him feel a chill down his spine.

"Don't let them know that you can see, don't go to see people who can understand you, if you want to live, please take your secret to the grave, my beloved blind uncle."


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