The nine-tailed fox headquarters.

A group of vampires wandered in, but to their surprise, the number of nine-tailed foxes here was pitifully small.

"Can you feel where the True Ancestor is?"

"Well... I can't feel it."

"Could it be that it was moved away in advance?"

"Impossible, when we came the day before yesterday, we felt the breath of the True Ancestor. We waited for a whole day and the nine-tailed fox didn't move. How did they have time to move the True Ancestor?"

A prince walked over and looked at them, "Still haven't found the True Ancestor?"

"We can't feel the existence of the True Ancestor, Lord Nord."

Prince Nord frowned. Not only these low-level vampires couldn't feel it, but he, as a prince, couldn't feel the existence of the True Ancestor either.

They had come here in search of the blood source of the True Ancestor and found the headquarters of the Nine-Tailed Fox. They had been stationed here for more than half a month and finally waited for an opportunity.

"Since we sneaked into the headquarters of the Nine-Tailed Fox, the perception of the blood source has become weaker and weaker, until now, it is almost non-existent."

Just then, Prince Shar rushed over, "The five senior directors of the Nine-Tailed Fox are all dead, and no valuable information was obtained."


Nord fell into deep thought, "I always feel something is wrong."

"If the True Ancestor has not been transferred away, then he can only be locked in a room sealed by mithril."

"Only mithril can cut off our blood source induction with the True Ancestor."

"But we did feel the blood source of the True Ancestor before, although it was very short." Shar said.

Nord was suddenly stunned, "Do you think there is a possibility that they deliberately let us sense the True Ancestor?"

"When you say that, I suddenly have a bad feeling."

Tap tap tap!

Suddenly, a dense sound of footsteps came. Nord aimed at the direction and instantly condensed blood into a line and swept out!

But when a group of nine-tailed fox private soldiers appeared, the blood line disappeared directly!


Nord reacted and found that these nine-tailed fox soldiers were all wearing mithril pendants!

A group of soldiers raised their weapons, "The bait battle was successfully executed, the targets have all entered the facility, the gate is closed, and the execution of the cleanup has begun!"

It really is!

Nord was about to take action, but unexpectedly, Shar grabbed him and ran away, "Their weapons are mithril weapons, don't fight head-on!"

Mithril weapons...

Why are there so many mithril, where do these things come from!

Damn nine tails!

At the same time, various armed groups have surrounded from different directions with mithril weapons.

Some low-level vampires were killed in seconds after just one encounter.

Mithril bullets and mithril fragment grenades are too lethal for vampires!

Until now, they still don't know where the Nine-Tailed Fox found the mithril and how it was processed!

After all, mithril is toxic, and the dust splashed during processing can also cause death if inhaled!

There is still no solution to this problem.

All the people engaged in mithril processing died without exception.

But these processing personnel are not people in the strict sense.

They are clones split from the Lord of Flesh and Blood 012.

Including some Nine-Tailed Fox soldiers, they are also clones split from 012, and these soldiers are collectively called "moles".

The mission of the mole is to exchange life for intelligence, or to perform some missions that must be killed.

So for now, 012 is extremely important to the Nine-Tailed Fox.

The reason why Qin Leng kept him behind is for this reason.


The blood clan has been wandering outside the Nine-Tailed Fox for a long time. If it is not dealt with in time, it will eventually be a big trouble.

So Qin Leng came up with a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

Let them evacuate, evacuate part of the defense, leave a gap, and expose 008 at the same time, so that the blood clan can sense the existence of the True Ancestor.

Lure these undercovers and the blood clans wandering outside to come in together.

In this way, they can be annihilated in one fell swoop.

Qin Leng used a layer of messengers to calculate these two groups of people at the same time.

The plan was very successful, all the low-level blood clans were cleared, and the two princes were detained and taken in.

In this way, the internal and external troubles of the Nine-Tailed Fox were resolved at the same time.

But the two princes were taken in, which was undoubtedly another blow to the blood clan outside.

Excluding Li Heng, who was missing, and Lilith, who served as the second-generation True Ancestor, there was only one prince left in the blood clan.



The gate of the Nine-Tailed Fox base opened, and a bloody smell hit his nose.

Qin Leng walked into the base, which was full of blood and corpses, not only of vampires, but also of nine-tailed foxes.

He walked through the bloody corridor and came to the deepest meeting room.

He pushed open the door, and his clones and the bodies of the other three directors were neatly laid out in a row.

A Nine-Tailed Fox soldier came and saluted Qin Leng, saying, "Chief, it has been confirmed that all vampires have been eliminated."

"In addition to the complete destruction of the 'mole', our casualties are also nearly a hundred."

Qin Leng nodded, "Well, count the specific list, and contact their families later, or pay pensions and merits according to the status of second-class merit and martyrs."

012 followed behind Qin Leng, "Chief, is it really worth sacrificing so many people just to deal with these vampires?"

"When you calculate whether it is worth it, human lives have become bargaining chips." Qin Leng said and turned his head.

"If everyone evaluates this sacrifice based on whether it is worth it or not, my answer is, how many people does a vampire eat every day?"

"Everyone will die eventually. If one person's life can be exchanged for the survival of 100 people, isn't it worth it?"

012 nodded, "If you look at this matter from a higher perspective, it is indeed so, but if you look at it from a personal perspective."

"They may think you are cruel, Chief."


Qin Leng closed his eyes, "But someone has to do it, and someone has to sacrifice. Nothing is finished, and no one is perfect."

"If the day comes when I sacrifice, I will also be happy to die. This is my mission."

"I will take all the responsibilities and bear all the charges."

"No matter the gains or losses."


Under the deep sea.

Li Yuan closed his eyes tightly, as if he fell into a deep sleep.

He had a long dream.

He dreamed of his birth, dominating the ocean today, and the future when the gods were rampant and fighting in the chaotic world.

No one can dominate this world, and everyone has to do their best to survive, and they have experienced many twists and turns.

Some people fell the moment they ascended the throne of power, and some turned into yellow earth on the way to dominance.

Monsters are not immortal.

Even the gods and demons of the future will eventually die.

Humans have even created many mechanical life forms based on monsters.

Li Yuan saw a mechanical life form with aqua blue color and tentacle patterns on its body.

They called those things holy armor, holy armor made of monster flesh and blood.

That era was in a very long and distant future.

It was an era when humans were almost extinct.

But at least before that era came, there was a man who, with his own strength and a tiny mortal body, sealed monsters like gods one by one.

He opened up a prosperous era, a prosperous era where humans could live in peace.

Unfortunately, that prosperous era was very short, just like his life.

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