The dead body suddenly stood up, but the priests insisted in unison that it was not their doing.

That was strange.

Could it be that this member of the Serpent's Hand had some kind of ancient relic that could bring the dead back to life?

Li Heng looked at the corpse and saw it slowly pointed a finger at Li Heng, "Who... are you?"

The corpse's voice was extremely hoarse and very slow, with uneven tones, not like the voice of a living person.

Li Heng walked forward, "Don't you know me?"

The corpse repeated what he had just said, "Who... are you?"

"Who am I... who are you?" Li Heng asked back.

The corpse shook its head, "I... can't... tell... you... can't... say..."

Li Heng's eyes fixed, he felt a little strange.

It seemed that it was not the corpse that was speaking, but someone who was controlling the corpse to speak.

"Why don't you come out and see if you are hiding?"

The corpse did not answer, but instead covered its mouth with its hand.

Not long after, the corpse closed its eyes and fell back.

Li Heng squatted down, "What is going on?"


In a residential building.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Meng Qing suddenly opened his eyes, and a book was placed in front of him.

Meng Qing picked up the book, "The second mouth that can speak for people, uh... my head hurts, it's reached the limit again..."

"The Man with Both Eyes Gouged Out"

His first chapter is called, My Voice, His Mouth.

What story is recorded in it? Meng Qing can't remember it no matter how hard he thinks about it. He is the kind of person who forgets while reading.

This feeling is very strange. He just read a sentence, but the next second he can't remember what he just read.

After he gritted his teeth and spent a few days reading this chapter, he seemed to have received some revelation and gained a strange ability.

He can sense the corpse within a certain range and let his voice pass through the mouth of the corpse.

And he doesn't need to speak.

Just now, Meng Qing felt that there was a dead person nearby. He tried to let the corpse speak, and his consciousness seemed to be connected to the corpse in a trance.

He can feel the body of the dead person and even hear the sound through his ears, but he can't see anything.

This is very strange. He obviously has eyes, but it's pitch black in front of him.

Then he heard someone whispering. He tried to ask who the person in front of him was, but the person in front of him asked him who he was.

Of course, Meng Qing couldn't say it. Then the person in front of him seemed to guess that someone else was controlling the corpse and asked Meng Qing if he dared to come out.

Meng Qing's answer was, no.

So he covered his mouth and cut off this strange connection.

"Let's be more cautious. What if someone can find me through the corpse?"

"Being low-key will keep me alive."

Closing the book, Meng Qing turned on the computer and logged into a game.

Recently, there is a very popular game on the Internet, and many local tyrants spend a lot of money to buy equipment and materials in it.

In order to save enough money for the ticket of the 079 game, Meng Qing didn't want to go out, so he had to try to make some money on the Internet.

After logging into the game, Meng Qing went to a scene according to the location indicated in the strategy and started mining. The pictures in the game were very realistic, just like the real thing.

Because the pictures and modeling were too realistic, plus the hardcore difficult and deep RPG gameplay, this game became popular on the Internet in a very short time.

However, the popularity of this game has also attracted many questions.

Such a popular game, which has no recharge entrance and is free to play, was released by a small and unknown company.

Millions of people are online at the same time, but there is only one server, and there is no lag. It is hard to imagine what kind of server this is.

The technical application is undoubtedly beyond the current limit of human beings.

At this point, the problem arises.

They have innovative top technology, free to play, and no in-app purchases. How can they make money?

How much does it cost to maintain such a server, and how much does it cost to develop the game?

Everyone makes games to make money. Not only does your game not make money, but it also loses money for players to play. What is the purpose?

To find out the reason, first we need to understand who is the developer behind this game?


Nine-tailed Fox Headquarters.

Several technicians suddenly stood up, "Captured!"

"That flowing information source is in Jianghai!"

Qin Leng looked at the flowing information screen in front of him and slapped the table, "Take action immediately. This action is to block the information source. The target may not have a physical body, or even just a string of flowing data information."

"We must try to trap this string of flowing information in a computer that is disconnected from the Internet and power. Group A is responsible for setting up the venue, Group B is responsible for luring the information source to intervene, Group C is responsible for cutting off the power and cutting the network, and Group D is squatting at the source of information in Jianghai City."

012 The Lord of Flesh and Blood walked out from behind Qin Leng, "020 will not be caught so easily. The speed of his information flow is much faster than the speed of your power outage."

Original Chaos Splitter Eleventh Seat.

No. 020: Computer.

He is literally a computer.

He has lost all the characteristics of a carbon-based life form and has merged with the machine. His consciousness can be transmitted through the Internet. So far, he is the only monster without a physical body.

"But it's not necessarily true that he has no entity at all."

"Although 020 has digitized his consciousness, it doesn't mean that his life form has also been digitized."

"In theory, there is a very simple way to contain 020."

Qin Leng turned his head, "What?"

012 Lord of Flesh and Blood raised his head, "Find the computer engraved with 020's original code, cut off its power, and 020's data consciousness will stop moving directly."

"With this, 020 can be easily captured."

Qin Leng looked at the screen, "But the specific location of 020's computer is difficult to capture unless a large area is powered off."

Just as the two were talking, a string of expressions composed of digital information suddenly appeared on the screen in front of them.

Then the screen suddenly began to flash red, and countless exclamation marks appeared!

A researcher turned around and said, "Chief, our firewall has been breached, and the flowing data has entered our database!" Qin Leng stepped forward and saw a few words appear on the screen. "Are you looking for me?" Qin Leng frowned and said, "Is it convenient to chat, computer?" Two words appeared on the screen again. "Sure." After that, Qin Leng's phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone and saw the expression composed of characters on his phone. "You want to find my body, I can tell you where it is, and I can also let you take in my consciousness, but you have to promise me one thing." "Help me take care of someone." ...

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