The only thing you can do is to wake up.

"What are you waiting for, **?"

Who is talking...

"How long are you going to sleep, **?"

Who is...

"It's time to wake up, **."

Calling me...


The one calling is not me...

"I'm calling you."

Who are you?

"Have you forgotten?"

"You can't remember our names."

"Okay, it doesn't matter, just forget it if you can't remember it."

"Are you tired?"

Not yet...

"Why don't you get up?"

I'm not, am I dead?

That monster, something like the god of death, killed me...

"Although he cut off your soul, he didn't take it away, so there is still a chance."

You said, can I still survive?

"Yes, but you have to think about it. Once you wake up again, you will no longer be you."


"Because your soul has been branded by that person."

Who is that person?

"Didn't you just say it, the god of death."

"Ye Long, listen carefully, you are guarding a huge treasure, that is the power that belongs only to you, but you can't fully accept this power."

"And an external force is pouring into your body, that external force will distort your body, if you accept that power, you will become anything possible."

"After that, you will no longer be you, not only physically, but also spiritually, understand?"

What should I do?

Open that treasure?

"If you open that treasure, you will also no longer be you."

What should I do?

"A little bit."


"Take a little bit of power from that treasure. Remember, only a little bit."


"I still want to emphasize that this is not allowed, but that person, He gave you a chance, a chance to break the rules."

"Causal rebirth."

Causal rebirth?

What is that?

"For example, tampering with history, if you travel back in time and kill a destined emperor, there will be all kinds of accidents or things that will bring the emperor back to life."

"Whether it is elixir or sorcerer, there must be a way to revive the emperor."

"This is your current situation. Are you a little more sober?"

Yes, sober...

"Then I will emphasize to you one last time, no matter what you choose, you..."


No need to say more.

I will accept whatever comes, but I will only be me.

"Then, good luck."

"I hope we will never see each other again, **."

What did you say?



Dazzling light.

Ye Long suddenly opened his eyes. In front of him was a huge sun, and he was lying on a wet beach.

"I... came out?"

Ye Long looked at his hands. For some reason, all the fishman characteristics on his body disappeared.

Although his body was very wet, he had always maintained an extremely pure human state.

In addition, he felt very weak.

It was as if he had lost the power of a fishman and became an ordinary person.

Ye Long got up and looked around. This should still be the island of the other shore. He had an impression of the terrain nearby.

"Then why am I outside..."

"Because my sanity was restored and I couldn't touch the temple, so I fell out from it?"

Ye Long raised his head and looked at the sea. The sea breeze made him a little confused for a while.


At the other end, inside the temple.

Countless bloody faces were terrified, "What is that? It's so scary..."


"So many, so many!"

"That must be Kenfa, an ancient Old One, and his followers!"

"No, no, no, no, that's not it, it must not be!"

"Those hands, those eyes, they are more than us!"

"Too many, too many to count, too many to count!"

"It's an illusion, it must be an illusion!"

For some reason, the sentient beings showed horror on their faces, as if they had seen something particularly terrifying!

But you know, there are very few things that can scare the sentient beings. Even seeing the Old Ones waking up in groups is not enough to scare the sentient beings.

At most, they will be surprised.

But the scene that just happened really scared every face to lose color!

Just in the middle of

Hours ago, they were still arguing about what that person was.

As for the corpse on the ground, no one paid attention to them.

And it was at that time that the corpse floated up, but it could not be said to be floating up.

It was countless hands that lifted the corpse up!

A crack was torn from the sky, and something was poured down.

And it was the scene in the crack that made all the sentient beings numb!

That was a glimpse from ancient times.

Or, it was the tip of the iceberg of the old world that was destroyed after countless epochs!

The abnormal movement of the sentient beings was quickly fed back to Chen Ye.

When Chen Ye's figure appeared above the other side of the island, he saw Ye Long on the beach.


Chen Ye's face was a little strange, and he took a magnifying glass and looked at Ye Long from high in the sky.

"Is there something wrong with the medicine?"

"Why... is there no effect?"

Yes, the medicine has no effect.

There was no change on Ye Long's body.

And not only did it not change, it even regressed.

Ye Long was a fishman before, but now he has become an ordinary person, and all his characteristics have disappeared!

Why is this?

Chen Ye threw the magnifying glass back into the crack space.

The potion he gave Ye Long was based on the fear characteristics extracted from 002. After many fusion experiments, it was combined with other things with fear characteristics.

The sequence of the potion is called Ultimate Fear.

It is a pure fear characteristic, and all the extra characteristics have been filtered out by Chen Ye.

Logically speaking, when the characteristics grow to this level, they should be able to evolve into absolute characteristics.

That is, absolute fear.

The concept of absolute fear is that even Chen Ye can affect it, so he did not stay to observe Ye Long's changes.

As a result, Ye Long now has no fear characteristics at all, and has lost all his original abilities!

This potion has not only not evolved, but has degenerated?

"Why is this happening?"

There is definitely something strange about this matter.

Thinking, black flames began to burn on Chen Ye's body.

The flames enveloped his body and turned into a black robe, and Chen Ye directly entered the state of the god of death.

He waved his hand and pulled out a sickle, and then his figure flashed and disappeared in the air in an instant.

At the same time, Ye Long turned around and saw Chen Ye suddenly appeared behind him!

Before Ye Long could react, the space in front of the two of them was directly broken!

A layer of invisible darkness instantly enveloped the two of them.

This is a dark and closed space.

Ye Long looked around and could see any corner of the world here.

Is this the underworld?


"What field is this?"

Just when Ye Long was puzzled, the god of death in front of him began to turn the huge sickle, and flashed in front of him in a blink of an eye!

The breath of death came head-on, but Ye Long did not retreat!

The sickle went straight to his neck, but stopped in mid-air.

"Why, don't you hide?"


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