The only thing is that the enemy is the enemy.

This group of monsters.

Qin Leng covered his forehead with his hand while checking the list.

009 Splitter can control this group of things. In a sense, he is indeed a bit good.

"Confirm the basic information, 010, the clown."

Arthur raised his head and waved to Qin Leng.

"Your ability is to control the flying knife?"


As soon as Qin Leng finished speaking, a flying knife floated directly in front of him!

Seeing this, Qin Leng reached out and grabbed the flying knife, but the flying knife flashed and returned to Arthur's hand.

"The ability is not strong, but the use is wonderful. Apart from his eccentric personality, he is a useful person."

Speaking, Qin Leng looked at a dog or wolf-like creature with a red body.

"011 Beast of Thousand Throats, the strongest single ability, no need to say more."

Then, 012 Lord of Flesh and Blood.

At this moment, 012 was sitting on a swivel chair and spinning continuously.

He was not very old, only 21 years old. Apart from being a little naughty, he did not have many personality defects.

And his ability, Qin Leng named it Flesh and Blood Factory.

His clones are invaluable to the nine-tailed fox. With its own split, it can form a death squad called "Mole".

Then there is 013, Nightmare.

Nightmare is the most normal person among this group of monsters.

He is a college student named Fan Ye. He has no bad habits and no extreme emotions, but he is a little obsessed with money.

His ability is not complicated, it is an inherent characteristic of the spiritual system.

When Fan Ye is asleep, he can enter other people's dreams. This ability is mostly used to spy on intelligence.

For example, first let the target fall into a dream, and then Fan Ye will ask questions very naturally in the other party's dream.

This is much more useful than confession.

People are in a hazy state in dreams. If the conditions in the dream are enough to make the target tell the truth, the other party will definitely tell the truth.

It's like a spy who dreams of his boss. The boss asks him to report the progress of the mission. He won't even be confused because everything in the dream is very natural.

Unless Fan Ye tells the other party in person that you are dreaming.

This is Fan Ye's first ability, and his second ability is to drag a certain number of targets into the dream woven by him.

This kind of dream is called an eternal dream. In theory, as long as Fan Ye does not have an accident or does not resolve the dream, the target will always be deeply trapped in the dream.

There are only two ways to resolve this dream.

The first way is that the dreamer's body is greatly stimulated, forcing him to wake up forcibly.

The second method is that the target realizes that he is dreaming in the dream, so that he can wake up.

These are the two methods known so far, and there is another method that cannot be called a method.

Fan Ye can control a limited number of dreams at most.

Once this limit is exceeded, the dream at the front will be squeezed out, and the person in the dream will wake up.

Just like a full server, some people squeeze in and some people are squeezed out.

But it cannot be denied that Fan Ye's control ability is absolutely the most stable.

Because this is a conceptual level control, and it cannot be avoided.

Next is Father 014.

He is not a newcomer, and he is also one of the five people who have stayed in the original Chaos Insurgency.

He and Nara Sokin have surrendered to Qin Leng since a long time ago.

But Qin Leng has never dared to use this person because he is very evil.

Almost all major religions have gods that he believes in, and he himself is a Catholic bishop.

At the beginning, Qin Leng personally visited 014 once.

But his first feeling when he saw the other party was not strange.

He felt unusually calm and his heart was extremely peaceful.

This feeling even made Qin Leng subconsciously feel a sense of trust.

It was as if 014 had opened his heart, and he actually had a feeling of wanting to confide in the other party.

In the end, it was discovered that Father 014 had a kind of spiritual pollution.

As long as you are within a certain range of him, this effect will occur.

But this is just an inconspicuous passive effect of 014.

His real ability is very terrifying, it is an ability called miracle.

To give the simplest example, 014 told the believers, 'God said that if the evil people in one area blasphemed God and did not repent, God would punish them. In three days, a great flood will come down and wash away the area. '

As long as there are enough people who believe this sentence, three

Such a miracle will really happen in the future!

And this is not the most exaggerated.

No matter what this miracle is, 014 can make it up.

Even if he said that a meteorite hit the earth, as long as it is reasonable, as long as people can imagine it, and as long as there are enough people who believe it, a meteorite will really hit the earth!

However, so far, the biggest miracle caused by 014 is just to make a lake full of flowers.

To explain why, it is naturally because there are not enough people who believe in him.

According to the conversion of faith, the nine-tailed fox gave an answer.

Theoretically speaking, to cause a miracle of a meteorite hitting the earth, at least 34.6 billion people need to believe what he said.

Moreover, belief alone is not enough, they must also be able to imagine the scene.

Yes, the specific scale of the miracle depends on the imagination of believers.

For example, believers imagine that the flood fell from the sky, then the flood fell from the sky.

Believers believe that the flood rolled up from the sea, then the flood rolled up from the sea.

The best situation is to directly provide the scenes that appeared in the myth.

In this way, people will have a clear understanding, rather than a vague concept.

For example, God destroyed the world with a flood, which is particularly clear, and believers will have a unified understanding.

At present, Qin Leng has never used the ability of Father 014.

First, it is difficult to control, and second, there are too many preconditions, and it is unknown what kind of consequences will be caused at that time.

In case 014's meaning is not clear, it will be finished if a storm comes to send their own people away.

So for 014, Qin Leng's opinion is that you just need to stay alive, and you don't need to do anything else.

Then there is 015, the greedy one.

That is, Nara Sokin, his ability is not strong or weak, but it is remarkable.

Now he leads the magician team of "Right Hand" who cultivates spiritual power.

Next is 016 White Walker, this person's ability is very interesting.

In addition to the inherent ability to freeze objects, he also has a rather terrifying conceptual ability called "stop".

Simply put, he can make the frozen object stand still in time.

To give the simplest example, he freezes the moisture in the air and condenses it into ice, and the ice will float in the sky!

No matter how people step on it, even if the ice breaks, it will not fall down.

It is also through this ability that 016 White Walker walks in the sky with his hands in his pockets every day, as if he is flying in the air, which is very pretentious.

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