The big snake was shocked when the big snake was about to leave.

Library of the Exiles

Chen Ye's sudden appearance startled the snake, and then he suddenly walked to the wall and kicked it.

"Open up."


Chen Ye's kick directly extended the space in front of him, and an area was pulled out of thin air in the Library of the Exiles.

Through simple words and descriptions, the snake understood what Chen Ye meant.

Simply put, he wanted the snake to stretch its body and expand another room.

After a new room was expanded, the snake also created a door and countless exhibition stands, and also carefully made the wall pattern and floor.

Dark green is the best!


Chen Ye frowned at the green room, "Ugly."

Big Snake: "..."

"Change it to another color."

Chen Ye didn't like this color, so Big Snake 024 could only change it to black with tears.

"It's okay."

As he said that, Chen Ye began to reach out and tear open the cracks to take out the ancient relics and place them on the exhibition stands.

There were a total of 214 ancient relics, neatly arranged, but there was a green apple that was bitten by someone, which somewhat destroyed the beauty.

After putting these, Chen Ye clapped his hands, "Not bad, it's much more comfortable now. If there are any more sets of things in the future, I will expand it for a few rooms."

"Then you can change your name to the History Museum of Ancient and Modern Times."

Big Snake: "..."

As Chen Ye said this, his face suddenly became strange.

He fumbled around in the crack space, and then took out a golden trident, "Why is there another one?"

The golden trident was not recorded on the stone tablet. A total of 214 ancient relics were all there, so what happened to this extra one?

Isn't this an ancient relic?

Chen Ye picked up the treasure map to confirm it. The map showed that this was an ancient relic, but it was not included in the information of all the ancient relics he had copied on the obelisk.

Chen Ye carefully observed the golden trident, and then found a row of winding characters at the tip of the trident.

These characters are very similar to those he saw in the old temple.

And in the blink of an eye, the characters on the tip of the trident began to turn into Chinese characters.


"Are these things natively translated into Chinese?"

"Or is this actually my inherent characteristic?"

Chen Ye didn't know. Anyway, as long as the characters he couldn't understand would turn into characters he could understand in the blink of an eye.

He looked at the words on the golden trident, which had only four words on it.



Chen Ye shook the trident, and suddenly remembered the statue holding the yellow trident outside the old temple.

"Meaning for that person?"

"It feels like there is another story line that I haven't discovered yet. Should I try to find it?"


Asia, above the sky of a certain city.

The sky was thick with dark clouds, and a huge and hazy figure was suspended above the clouds.

Nerasokin took a deep breath, "If something unexpected happens, at my speed, no one can catch up with me except the centaurs."

"Come on, let me see your true face, Shenlong!"


The clouds were surging, and a pair of huge vertical pupils suddenly appeared in front of Narasokin!

Nerasokin swallowed his saliva secretly when he saw this, this sense of oppression...


Looking at the tiny Narasokin in front of him, he was not even as big as Ye Long's claws.

"Hmph..." Ye Long opened his mouth and made a dull sound.

The sound was very strange, like the sound of the throat vibrating and spraying from the nostrils.

However, is this a response?

Narasokin was a little unsure of what this meant.


Ye Long opened his mouth and made a roar. Narasokin quickly covered his ears when he heard the sound. The sound was extremely loud, as if someone was holding a loud speaker and shouting into his ears.


Narasokin didn't understand what Ye Long meant.

Or rather, even Ye Long himself was a little unclear about what he meant by saying this word.


He lost some memories.

And now his brain is extremely confused, with various memory fragments intertwined.

He can remember some at one time, and completely confused at another time.

This change began after he drank the potion.

Including from his collapse in the temple for an unknown reason to his transformation into a dragon in the sky, he can no longer remember what happened in between...

The only thing he could remember clearly now was saving his mother, and the date and location of the next flood.

That should be what was transmitted into his mind when he was still a fishman.

The place where Aquaman would launch the next flood was Asia.

As for Asia, Aquaman had always been cautious. His plan was to start from the periphery and conduct a test to see how many forces and monsters could be attracted.

So this time, he would not do it himself. He would temporarily mobilize all the deep divers in Asia to launch a surprise attack.

A suicide bait tactic.

The specific date was three days later.

Ye Long's mother, as a deep diver in the coastal area of ​​Asia, would follow his orders and join this suicide operation.

This could not be stopped.

Even if Ye Long took his mother away, as long as she was a deep diver, she would definitely follow Aquaman's orders and rush to the designated location like crazy.

If Ye Long took her out of Asia and threw her to the other side of the world.

If this move was noticed by the Sea King, he would immediately order him to commit suicide in the same way as dealing with a traitor.

Ye Long had thought of these things half a month ago.

So he had been looking for the ancient relic that could break the curse of the fishman, that is, the silver needle.

But he was still a step late.

The silver needle had been presented by the Sea King to a more mysterious existence.

Some deep divers and priests called this existence the God of Gods.

But He is good at anything, Ye Long doesn't care about this.

After the hope of the silver needle was broken, Ye Long still didn't give up.

He continued to search until he met the group of people from the Serpent's Hand and saw the thing in Adam's book.

The old temple, the golden trident.

The golden trident is the key to sealing the things in the sea.

After getting this clue, Ye Long changed his mind.

Since you can't avoid the problem, then solve the source of the problem.

Using the golden trident to seal the monsters in the sea seemed to be an unattainable dream for Ye Long, who was still a fishman at the time.

Or, it was an overconfident fantasy.

But he had to do it.

Because it hurt his mother, so even if it was impossible, he had to do it!

"Remember, only you dare not try, there is no dream that you cannot realize, Ye Long."

Ye Long has forgotten when all that started.

The above memories are in disordered order, and some have completely disappeared. Only the words his mother said to him are still vivid.

But he can't remember what his mother looks like, and can't remember her name.

Everything is gradually becoming hazy, leaving only gentle voices.

"Ye Long, if you can leave, don't come back..."


No. 025: Dragon (??)

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