The desert is full of people.

The centaur looked at the huge sun and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Finally arrived."


A figure was thrown over and hit the centaur in an instant.

The centaur blinked.

Ye Long struggled to get up from the ground.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then staggered and fell on the desert in just three or two steps.

The centaur scratched his head, "What's going on?"

Just when he was stunned, a huge figure appeared in his field of vision!

The moment he saw Li Yuan, the centaur lost his mind.

An inexplicable fear permeated his heart.

It can only be said that he is not even qualified to challenge Li Yuan.

Unlike the Thousand Throats, after losing their minds, the Thousand Throats will not be contaminated by fear, but the Centaur will.

The Centaur held his head with both hands and knelt on the ground with a painful look on his face.

"Real, false, not... uh uh!"


The main battlefield in the desert.

Li Yuan looked at the angel who had fallen into a deep sleep and the unconscious Ye Long with a calm face.

Now, except for 001, who else can stop him?

Of course, 006 Death God does not count.

And at this moment, a fishman priest suddenly contacted Li Yuan.

"Master, the Qin Leng on that head is fake. The head we cut off disappeared. The Qin Leng on this side is the real body!"

Li Yuan turned his head and looked behind him, and saw several tiny figures passing through the fishman army and coming to the entrance sealed by cement.

Several right-hand members quickly released the lava elements of earth + fire at the entrance, and created a gap in the cement!

At this moment, Li Yuan's huge figure suddenly appeared in front of several people!


A strong airflow exploded, splashing dust, and Li Yuan and Meng Qing were immediately repelled by this terrible wind pressure!

"Nice to meet you, Commander Qin!"

Li Yuan's huge pupils looked down at Qin Leng on the ground.

But his eyes did not stay on Qin Leng for too long.

He quickly looked at Meng Qing holding the trident, "Oh?"

"Can you please give me that fork, kid."


Meng Qing's mouth twitched.

At this moment, Qin Leng suddenly took the trident from Meng Qing's hand.

This action made Li Yuan's eyes return to Qin Leng.

He put the trident behind his back and pointed the sword at Li Yuan.

"What's your name?"

Li Yuan sneered, "I am the Abyss, the Raging Wave."

"I have heard of your great name for a long time, Commander Qin. You are a mortal, but you dare to stand in front of me. I have to admire your courage."

"I don't even need to make a move. It's enough to deal with you."

After that, a tiny bone hand suddenly emerged from Li Yuan's fingers.

The bone hand suddenly rushed in front of Qin Leng and punched Qin Leng in the stomach!


Qin Leng's figure retreated violently, and his abdomen was severely injured. "Is this... 009-14?"

009-14: The Hand of Greed.

In the previous riot at the Nine-Tailed Fox Base, it was taken away by Li Yuan.

The bone hand proudly gave Qin Leng a ye sign.

Qin Leng suddenly reached out and grabbed it. His hand did not touch the bone hand, but the bone hand was dragged to the ground!

Then, Qin Leng swung the steel sword in his hand and pierced the bone hand.

This ability to touch objects in the air is different from Nara Sokin's ability.

That is Qin Leng's hand of another world. He can not only touch objects in another world, but also objects in this world.

Seeing this scene, Li Yuan suddenly realized something.

This feeling...


So that's it.

Qin Leng, Qin Leng, you actually drank the potion too!

No wonder those members of the Chaos Insurgency would listen to your orders.

Li Yuan twisted his neck, "If that's the case, I can play with you."

After that, he swung out a tentacle!

Qin Leng saw this and held the sword with both hands, and took a step forward to cut off one of Li Yuan's tentacles!

Li Yuan saw this and flipped his wrist, and another tentacle shot out quickly!

He didn't use the tiger spell to concentrate his power, he was just testing or playing with Qin Leng.

After several attempts, Li Yuan suddenly sped up his movements!

Qin Leng, who was a mortal, began to breathe heavily!

Until one moment, Li Yuan's tentacles turned into blades and cut off Qin Leng's arm holding the steel sword!


Blood spurted, and Qin Leng's arm fell neatly to the ground mixed with blood.


Seeing this scene, Li Yuan couldn't help but feel a little funny.

How to describe it.

"Ants trying to shake a tree."

The trident fell to the ground and was pulled back by Li Yuan's tentacles.

Meng Qing and the right-hand members rushed down, but without the trident, what could they do even if they broke through the cave sealed by cement?

Now that the trident was in hand, Li Yuan had no worries.

But Meng Qing suddenly rushed out at this moment!

Seeing Qin Leng kneeling on the ground with serious injuries, Meng Qing was deeply stunned for a moment.

Damn, isn't this over?

"Meng Qing, the road, do you see it clearly?"

At this moment, Qin Leng, who had a broken arm, suddenly said.

Meng Qing looked at Qin Leng with a puzzled face: "Look, I see it clearly, but..."

But the trident is not there!

Qin Leng put down his hand covering his broken arm after hearing this. From beginning to end, he never cried out because of pain once. He gritted his teeth and raised his right hand to grab the air.


A sound of breaking through the air came, and the golden trident instantly appeared in Qin Leng's hand!

"That's enough."

After saying that, Qin Leng directly stabbed the trident under his feet!

At the same time, Li Yuan's tentacles attacked and hit Qin Leng just right!


The terrible force directly knocked Qin Leng out!

But strangely, the trident in Qin Leng's hand disappeared.


Li Yuan frowned.

Qin Leng smiled after spitting out a mouthful of blood.

He fell heavily on the desert and stared at the sky blankly.

"As long as people are alive, they will calculate each other. Otherwise, they can only calculate for others..."

At the moment the trident disappeared, Li Yuan immediately looked for the trident.

And the golden trident appeared in Meng Qing's hand!

At the moment he took the trident, Meng Qing suddenly realized Qin Leng's plan!

He had taken the trident from Meng Qing before, just to show it to the Sea King!

In this way, the Sea King's attention will be focused on Qin Leng!

In this way, even if they go to open the entrance, the Sea King will not care, because the trident is outside!

As long as the Sea King gets the trident, it will be useless even if they open the entrance!

But Qin Leng's alien hand can not only take objects from a distance, but also send objects away from a distance!

Sacrifice yourself as bait and fight for a chance, this is Qin Leng's final plan!

Meng Qing thought of this and turned around and ran with the trident!

But Li Yuan found him the first time he made a move!

"How dare you!"

Meng Qing gritted his teeth, "You can't see me!"


Li Yuan's perspective was suddenly reversed, and the entrance he saw and Meng Qing's position all changed!

"Control the five senses?"

The same ability as that angel?

No, that's not right!

It's just a visual deception!

This visual deception was very short, but it was enough for Meng Qing to rush to the bottom with the trident in his arms!

In front of him was a huge circular altar, and several members of the right hand had melted the surrounding cement!


Hearing the urging of the people around him, Meng Qing directly inserted the trident into the altar!

"Brother Neptune, forgive me, I just want to live. If you break the seal one day, remember not to come to me!"


At the moment when the trident was inserted into the altar, the sky outside suddenly dimmed!

A huge vortex twisted under the feet of the crowd, releasing infinite suction, and instantly sucked all the fish people down!

Li Yuan immediately took off and rushed madly to the distance when he saw this!

But the huge suction made him unable to move, and his body was constantly pulled to the ground!

"Damn, no!!"

Li Yuan roared, and his body was completely trapped in the vortex!


With a loud bang, the huge vortex closed!

All the fishmen and priests present, including Li Yuan, were dragged into the vortex.

There were constant vibrations from above, and Meng Qing saw this and loosened his hands holding the trident with sweat dripping down his back.

"Is it over?"

"What if I pull it out again?"

Hearing Meng Qing's words, several members of the right hand instantly grabbed his arms!

"Are you kidding, I'm kidding!"

Even though Meng Qing said this, several people still didn't let him go.

And at this time, a line of words appeared on the altar.

"Eternal sleep may not be death, it may also be a new beginning."


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