The current director of GOC sneered, "The Nine-Tailed Fox has completely collapsed. I said you can't suppress those monsters." "Qin Leng, isn't it a bit too late for you to think of us now?" Qin Leng's blood-crystal eyes burst into blood, and an invisible fear instantly enveloped everyone, "I'm not discussing with you." Qin Leng took out the broken steel sword and put it on the neck of a director, "Anyway, you don't plan to live, I can fulfill your wish." Under the influence of absolute fear, Qin Leng became the most feared thing in their hearts, and they were undoubtedly overwhelmed by this layer of fear! Qin Leng thus successfully took away the command of GOC. A director of GOC had cold sweat on his forehead, "It's too late to say anything in the current situation. What else do you think you can do?!"

"Detonating the cobalt bomb is the only way!"

Qin Leng showed his fangs when he heard it, "We will die together. If I fail, you can detonate the cobalt bomb and drag all lives to death together. There is no problem!"

"But now, take back your cobalt bombs. It's not over until I say it's over!"

The director gritted his teeth, "Then what do you want to do?!"

"Angel, Red Mist, Sea King, True Ancestor, as long as these four are solved, mankind will be saved, and I know how to deal with them!"


The world is not fair, and Chen Ye is not fair either.

There has never been fairness in this world. Balance is just the self-consolation of the survivors after the chaos.

For humans, this is an unfair and unsuspenseful massacre.

Whether it is Chen Ye's indifference or the cruelty of the monsters, they are the main factors that have created the current situation.

Some humans are denouncing God and shouting that it is unfair.

Why not let those people recall their own lives?

The newcomers of the Tobacco Bureau are always the direct relatives of the Tobacco Bureau, no matter how high your education level is or how professional your knowledge is.

The children of businessmen can live better than you without doing anything.

Whether it is school or company, when have you ever seen true fairness?

No, because fairness is not the rule of the world, it is shouted out by people.

Chen Ye let the monsters fight to the death. Did he consider whether the strength between the monsters is fair?

The answer is no.

Because he made it very clear from the beginning that it is unfair.

Do you think this is a 5v5 fair competition game?

The world needs balance?

Only in this way can it be stable?

No, no, no, it has never been.

If the combat power and resources of every country in the world are equal now, then war will be imminent!

Because everyone is the same, if his equipment does not crush you, why can't you beat him?

So it is a lie that equality can lead to stability.

It is impossible for all people to yearn for peace from the bottom of their hearts. Only when the opponent is so strong that you can't beat it, some people will yearn for the so-called stability and peace.

Capitalists often understand this better than ordinary people. People are divided into levels, and the strong and the weak are judged. Only with layers of slavery can there be so-called stability.

If Li Yuan ruled the world, and everyone was transformed into a deep diver by him, how could the world be unstable?

But that must be a world without people.

Li Yuan is very strong, Li Heng is very strong, and their individual strength is much greater than that of their peers.

Those weak monsters, they can't compare with these two individually.

But there is a saying that is good.

Cows and sheep only travel in groups, and wild beasts always walk alone.

This sentence does not tell you that the strong always walk alone, but tells you that the weak must unite together.

In this world, the law cannot restrict you, morality cannot restrict you, and parents cannot restrict you.

The only one who can restrict you is yourself.

Of course, from this moment on, things are no longer like this.

Chen Ye saw a countdown.

A countdown to destruction, most creatures and all life in this world will die at the moment the countdown ends.

Chen Ye has seen countless futures, but it is still unknown which path the future will lead to.

But if it is on the road to destruction, then Chen Ye will do something.

It may be to turn back time, or to open up a new world and move the experimental field to another world.

Chen Ye once imagined creating a new world.

He didn't have that ability before, but now he has it.

Open up a new timeline, and from it, a brand new world can be derived.

But the new

Chen Ye, who was in a different form, brought a new rule to the world, which would affect all the worlds in the future.

However, Chen Ye was trying his best to restrain the advent of this rule.

Because he wanted to see which way the future would lead.

Thinking of this, Chen Ye waved his hand and knocked over all the potions on the cabinet.

More than a dozen bottles of potions fell to the ground, but the containers that contained them were not damaged.

More than a dozen bottles of potions floated up and began to spin around Chen Ye.

"From now on, let's make our experiment a little crazier, okay?"


In a bomb shelter in the former headquarters of the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Queen Bee 004 is in a sleeping state at the moment, but sleeping does not mean that she is really asleep.

The Queen Bee, who has the ability to leave her body, is always conscious.

Not long after, the Queen Bee woke up, and three stones appeared in her hand when she stretched out her fingers.

Dog, sheep, snake.

"009 is here to find me."

"Insect, do you dare to beat him?"

A figure walked out of the darkness, it was 019.

"Why not?"

"But... Queen Bee, the Sea King is back."

The implication of what Insect said is not difficult to understand, meaning that if the Sea King comes here now and he is asked to choose between the two, he will definitely stand on the side of the Sea King, not the side of the Queen Bee.

This is very simple, there are only four known fourth-level existences.

No matter who you are with, you must at least stand in a fourth-level team.

The Queen Bee obviously does not meet this standard.

Insect turned his wrist and left the room directly.


Outside the base.

A group of soldier bees blocked 009 and others.

At this moment, 009 has returned to normal, unlike before, with muscles all over his body and six arms.

But now, behind him are all the Chaos Insurgency except 019 Insect and 020 Computer!

010 Joker, 011 Beast of a Thousand Maws, 012 Nightmare, 013 Lord of Flesh and Blood, 014 Priest, 015 Nara Sokin.

016 White Walker, 017 I Ching, 018 Centaur, 021 Swordsmith.

Plus the right-hand troops pried from Nine-Tail.

Although there are thousands of guard bees with superpowers in the Queen Bee's base, it is hard to say whether it can be defended.

Facing these soldier bees, Nara Sokin waved his hand, and the powerful repulsive force directly knocked them to the ground!


"Queen Bee, why don't you just call out all the guard bees? There is really no need to let these little bees come out to die."

009 said and grabbed the head of a soldier bee.

The soldier's eyes suddenly lost their focus when he heard the words, and it was obvious that the Queen Bee's consciousness had descended.

"009... If you have the guts, come down, I'll play with you."

009 grinned, "Okay, I want to see what surprises you have prepared for me!"


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