The hand of the black mist grabbed Narasokin, and he was dragged into the dream without a doubt. But Narasokin, who had a high-intensity mental power and knew Fan Ye's ability, could clearly know that he had entered the dream. And Fan Ye immediately entered his dream! At this moment, Fan Ye's body was infinitely stretched and enlarged, turning into a huge monster with purple eyes and a body made of black mist! "Enter the eternal dream and never wake up again. This is for your own good, Narasokin!" Narasokin's eyes condensed when he saw this, "You want to kill me?" The concept of the eternal dream is actually very simple. It is to make people fall into a dream and never wake up! The method to create an eternal dream is for Fan Ye to enter that person's dream and kill that person's consciousness in the dream!

In this way, that person will never wake up.

Only an empty shell body is left, like a vegetable!

When Fan Ye turned against him, Narasokin's first reaction was to wake him up.

But this is extremely difficult, because now he is in a dream.

Unless Narasokin can slap him in reality and wake him up!

Obviously, it is impossible here.

Then we can only kill Fan Ye here first, and then go out to wake him up!

Narasokin stepped on the ground, and countless flying swords broke out of the ground!

"This is my dream, you have to understand it, nightmare!"

When Narasokin realized that he was dreaming, he could change his dream and make it what he wanted!

Seeing this, Fan Ye waved his hand, and countless dark vortices suddenly emerged in the sky and on the ground!

"No, this is a dream created by me, and I am the master of the dream!"


Countless chains burst out of the black hole and entangled with Narasokin. Seeing this, Narasokin jumped into the air and attacked Fan Ye with thousands of flying swords!

The battle was about to break out.

The two fought to the death in the dream, and the queen bee in the outside world smiled and enjoyed the results.


The other side.

012 Lord of Flesh and Blood and 014 Priest in a group.

In order to maximize the ability of the priest and the Lord of Flesh and Blood, the two formed a team.

The believers who absolutely trust the priest split from the Lord of Flesh and Blood, and then the priest launched the power of miracles!

"God said that the flames gushing out of the void are unstoppable and will purify the filth in front of them!"

As the priest said, the people in front and behind him all closed their eyes and prayed.

Just as a group of soldier bees rushed over, the space in front of them suddenly broke, and a void fire gushed out like a fire dragon!

Boom! !

The void fire directly melted all the soldier bees, and the priest was so relieved that he had never felt before!

It was finally his turn to perform!


The sound of a sharp weapon entering the body came, and the priest was stunned for a moment.

He lowered his head and saw that his chest was suddenly pierced by a huge, insect-like blade!

"God... God said that my piety is beyond doubt, and healed all my pain, eh!"


Blood sprayed, and then another light descended to heal the priest's physical injuries.

"Oh, come to think of it, this is the first time I've seen you use your ability."

A strange and hoarse voice came from behind!

The two turned their heads suddenly and saw a monster with a huge centipede in the lower body and four arms in the upper body hanging upside down on the ceiling!

The thing that pierced the priest just now was a limb of the monster!


The Lord of Flesh and Blood cut open his wrist and flicked it, countless clones appeared out of thin air, all rushing towards the insect!

Puff puff puff!!

A few flashes of knife light flashed, and the several people rushing towards him were instantly chopped into pieces by the mantis knife on the insect's arm!

Seeing this, the priest climbed up and stepped back repeatedly, "Is he an insect?"

The Lord of Flesh and Blood frowned, "It's him, but it seems... evolved?"

Speaking of insects, the Lord of Flesh and Blood felt the most deeply.

Because at the beginning, when they were tied to the chair, the insect was beside him, the two of them were on the left and the right.

At that time, the two had a low conversation and talked about their respective situations.

The insect said that he had a sister waiting for him at home. Later, they escaped and the insect got the potion of the insect nest.

After that, Chongzhi returned home, but he seemed like a different person after he came back.

He became a little crazy, always talking to himself, with regret in his eyes.

After that, the two did not see each other for a long time.

Until the computer proposed a plan, 019 also joined the Nine-Tailed Fox.

At that time, the insect changed again. He was no longer crazy and there was no regret in his eyes.

What happened during this period, the Lord of Flesh and Blood didn't know.

"Why betray, why come back, insect?"

The Lord of Flesh and Blood said.

The insect was suddenly angry when he heard it, "I seek evolution just to tear 009 into pieces, do you think I will come back?"

"Sorry, I hate being controlled by others the most!"

"Then why do you listen to the Queen Bee?" The Lord of Flesh and Blood said.

"Listen to the Queen Bee?"

"When did I say I listen to the Queen Bee? We are just a cooperative relationship, and the same goes for the Sea King. I don't obey anyone..."


At this moment, the priest suddenly stretched out his hand and released the Void Fire, and the flames whistled and directly swallowed the insect!

Seeing this, the Lord of Flesh and Blood looked at the priest, "Did you kill it?"

"Not sure."

Do you think he was trying to persuade the insects? No, he was just trying to delay time and wait for the priest to use his ultimate move.

The priest cleared his throat, "God said that the dirty reptile should not have wisdom, and his wisdom should be wiped out..."


A figure rushed out of the fire and bit off the priest's head!


The headless body of the priest fell to the ground, and the insect's centipedes danced under it, and its body was burned by the flames!


The chewing sound came from behind, and blood and bones mixed with mucus flowed out of the insect's mouthparts!

"It hurts... It hurts!"

The insect turned its head, and the Lord of Flesh and Blood felt cold for a while.

He killed the priest instantly?

Are you kidding?

Just when the Lord of Flesh and Blood was stunned, the sharp claws of the insects pierced his limbs directly!

Then the limbs were arranged horizontally and cut into four pieces!



The blood mist exploded, and the insects quickly came forward to eat his body!


At the same time, the two lines around Chen Ye broke.

"014, 012."

The insects killed two more, but Chen Ye did not give him a reward.

This is certainly not because everyone can only take one bottle of magic potion, but because the opponent he chose is problematic.

In Chen Ye's rating standard, the initial insects are rated as second-level upper.

He killed the clown who was also second-level, so he naturally had to be rewarded.

But after evolution, the insects reached the third level, and he naturally could not get a reward for killing the second-level priest and the second-level Lord of Flesh and Blood.

The premise for getting a reward must be to defeat the same level or to defeat the superior.

However, Chen Ye's level is not the same as the level they recognized.

Chen Ye recognized the life level, but the monsters used combat power to divide the levels.

If a level 3 defeated a level 4, they would say that the level 3 had the combat power of a level 4, but Chen Ye did not admit that he was a level 4.

He only recognized the level he saw, which was divided by the life level.

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