The insects were so weak that they could not survive.

The evolution of the insects succeeded in breaking 009's defense.

As the insects said, although I can't kill you completely, I can kill you a thousand times, ten thousand times!

Afterwards, the insects swallowed 009 into their stomachs bit by bit and sealed it in the cavity of their abdomen.

A large amount of mucus was secreted from his abdomen to wrap the insects, and his hands and feet were bound and corroded by acid all day long.

The Taotie in the distance remained silent when he saw this scene, but 005 in his body couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, is this what they call reaping what you sow?"

"I was attacked by my own men, how pathetic."

005's smile was harder to suppress than AK's at this moment, but he may have forgotten that he was also sealed in someone's body.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from above!


Two terrible auras burst from top to bottom!

The insect felt the aura and immediately raised its head, "Level 4, Level 4... Hehe, I feel the breath of evolution, one step further, one step further!"


After saying that, the insect drilled directly into the top building and rushed out!

At this moment, Taotie was the only one left in the base.

Taotie pressed his face against the wall, and his body immediately merged into the wall, and the ropes and bags bound to him also fell off.

"I don't know if Director Qin is still alive. If Director Qin is dead, what should I do?"

After escaping the base, Taotie reached out to touch his teeth, and several of his teeth fell out.

"My superpower disease is getting worse and worse. I don't know how long I can hold on..."


Taotie coughed and spit out a mouthful of blood. He felt that his life was like a candle in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time.

005, who was parasitic on him, was looking forward to his death all the time.

Taotie moved forward with a heavy load, but the scene in front of him made him feel half cold.


Ruins are everywhere.

There is no trace of human beings, the city collapsed, floods flooded, and monsters occupied the earth.

At this moment, it is already a doomsday scene.

"Where... is home?"


On the ground, a pillar of fire that gushed out like a fire dragon swept across the sky!

The Queen Bee didn't dodge, and stretched out her hand to swallow Li Yuan's dragon spell.

"It's itchy."

"Don't you have any other means besides using spells?"

Faced with the Queen Bee's ridicule, Li Yuan looked indifferent, "I also borrowed some small things from 024, but my eyesight is not very good, can you please help me see what this is?"

After that, a black book appeared on Li Yuan's fingertips.

Seeing this, the Queen Bee sat down in the sky, as if there was an invisible throne in the sky.

"Oh, you borrowed it yourself, don't you know it? Why bother to be mysterious, use all the tricks, conspiracy and conspiracy at the same time."

"Of course, if you want to tell me a story, then please start your performance."

Li Yuan smiled faintly when he heard this, and the book on his finger danced and opened.

"This book is called the Book of the Dead."

"When I borrowed the book, it told me that this book not only records the secrets of ancient times, but also has the ability to summon ancient gods and awaken the eternal sleepers."

The pages of the book opened and just hovered on a certain page.

"The legendary Atlantis was built on a piece of Nessus, and that god-like army came from there."

"They wear indestructible golden armor, hold weapons beyond their time, master advanced knowledge that cannot be understood, and they ride on huge ships that can reach any place in the world."

"They headed east, arrogantly attacking the entire Africa and even Asia."

"The people of the rest of the gods' land could not resist that god-like army, and now, they are here."

"In the name of Atlas, the king of Atlantis, come!"

After the words fell, Li Yuan gathered a flare-like aqua blue and golden light wave on one of his fingers.

The light wave shot forward and pulled out a huge door in the sky!

The door was flat, like a piece of paper, which was infinitely stretched, forming a huge vortex in the middle!

Huge ships emerged from the vortex!

Those ships floated in the sky, driven by something like an engine!

And a group of soldiers wearing golden armor and holding golden weapons stood on the spaceship in a mighty manner!

The queen bee opened her eyes slightly when she saw this scene. She thought Li Yuan was telling her a story, not really.

Thinking that this guy was actually chanting a spell!

Looking at the fleet of spaceships in front of her, the queen bee felt an indescribable sense of disobedience.

It was as if a group of people made a gun shell out of wood, but the core was actually a nano-energy cannon structure.

The spaceship was also like that. It was clearly a ship, but the hull was driven by a quantum engine. It was a spaceship.

That was a power far beyond the times. The cannons loaded on the hull were even more weapons from the starship era!

And the weapons in the hands of those soldiers and the armor they wore were all super-composite products composed of nickel-iron alloy as the main material and other unknown alloys!

This was not an ancient army at all, it was more like an army of the future!

At this moment, the queen bee thought of something.

Aircraft God Cult.

Don't think it's funny, there really is such a sect. It is a sect believed by the primitive tribal natives.

Around World War II, the natives saw the army of a certain country taking out countless food from an airplane and regarded the airplane as a supreme god.

They made airplanes out of grass and wood, worshiped the airplanes, and prayed for the airplanes to come and bring them food.

This must be very ridiculous from the perspective of modern people.

But think about it, if a huge triangle that cannot be understood by humans falls from the sky, it can destroy the earth with one blow.

Will humans let the other party recognize it as a god?

But perhaps, it is just a spaceship of a certain sea of ​​​​stars civilization.

Things beyond cognition, things that cannot be understood, these are often considered to be in the category of mysticism.

Just like the Atlantis army in front of us, ten thousand years ago, in the eyes of the Mayans holding bronze tools, they drove the ship in the sky. What else is it if not a god?

So what the queen bee thought of was that the so-called old rulers, angels, demons and even themselves, are just a kind of alien life.

They are just the lucky ones who got the genetic sequence of alien creatures.

When the Atlantis army came, even Li Yuan was puzzled.

Is this really the army of the so-called ancient gods?

So, Poseidon and Atlas, the god of the sea, are not gods at all?

Are they just aliens who came to Earth from a higher civilization and brought future knowledge?

It's like if modern people go back to that primitive era, and you take out a lighter, people will call you the god of fire.

This conjecture is very scary.

Because if what they knew before was limited to myths, then these things are probably just fiction!

But now, this ancient army has appeared, they are carrying weapons that are beyond the times, and when you can begin to understand all this, it will become closer to reality!

It is very likely that the so-called dragons really existed in ancient times, and those gods were also real, but...

They are all alien life.


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