The old man was very angry.

Thinking back to before the seal, Li Yuan overpowered two fourth-level masters by himself, and he had no rivals in this world, so his heart was inevitably swollen.

Because of the swollenness, Li Yuan couldn't help but underestimate Qin Leng and his team, so he was defeated.

As the saying goes, every failure makes you wiser, Li Yuan dare not underestimate any opponent, even if he was defeated before.

Li Yuan initially thought that Ye Long might have grown to a very strong level, at least he couldn't completely crush him.

So the petrification tactic is the most stable choice of play.

After all, he traded the soul to get the Book of the Dead, so he naturally had to maximize the value of the book to get his money back.

Books are rented, and they have to be returned sooner or later. If you don't use them, you will lose money.

In fact, Ye Long is indeed stronger than before, but not beyond Li Yuan's expectations.

Now that Ye Long is petrified, Li Yuan clenched his fists, used the tiger spell and the bull spell to concentrate his power on one point, and directly crushed the stone statue into powder!

The stone statue turned into powder, and Li Yuan waved his hand and blew the powder out.

"Lord Aos, I have killed a dragon of the same level. Now, have I reached the standard of evolution?"

Li Yuan's voice resounded through the world, but no sound responded to him.

Until Li Yuan turned around, he suddenly came to a dark crack space.

Countless silk threads intersected here, weaving into a huge and thick net.

And a naked humanoid creature with skin close to pure white was lying on the net.

He looked at Li Yuan lazily, waved his hand, and saw a huge hand rushing out of the darkness and appearing in front of Li Yuan.

Seeing this huge figure, Li Yuan knelt down immediately, "Lord Ao Si, I am overwhelmed with fear to see you again!"


Chen Ye said casually, but Li Yuan swallowed his saliva subconsciously after hearing this "Oh".

What is the lord's routine this time?

I can't guess it, I can't guess it at all.

It seems that every time Li Yuan sees Chen Ye, Chen Ye is in a different form.

But Li Yuan has never seen Chen Ye with such a lazy expression. He seems to be indifferent to the fact that Li Yuan can defeat Ye Long.

"Because I saw it."

Chen Ye seems to be able to read Li Yuan's thoughts. As soon as Li Yuan had this idea, Chen Ye answered his question.

Yes, Chen Ye had already glimpsed that Li Yuan could beat Ye Long.

He glimpsed many future branches, and the results were all Li Yuan won.

How to say it, in the 17,000 futures that Chen Ye saw, Ye Long never beat Li Yuan once.

There is no variable at all, boring, really boring.

This is the disadvantage of being able to see the future. Every time Chen Ye expects a result, he will get a result immediately.

The future, one of the six chapters, can only be experienced by Chen Ye himself, and he knows how boring it is.

In the past, when reading a book, you have to flip through it and make inferences.

Now, the answer is directly in your face, and the happiness is gone.

Therefore, Chen Ye temporarily closed his ability to peek into the future.

Because life without doing anything to know the answer is too boring.

Chen Ye is still looking forward to the "enemy" in the future.

If he hasn't come yet, Chen Ye will directly reveal the other party's ending, then just contact the other party now, let the other party go back and make another 100,000 hands to prepare and come to him again.

Well, back to the topic, the reward should still be rewarded.

However, Chen Ye has some preference for the first few creations.

Otherwise, he would not appear in front of Li Yuan.

And he appeared this time to tell Li Yuan a secret.

"Listen carefully, even if you drink the potion this time, your chances of winning are still slim."

Hearing Chen Ye's words, Li Yuan raised his head, "You said, even if I drink the potion, I can't beat all the fourth-level?"


Chen Ye said with a flash of his eyes, "Not the fourth-level, in the tens of thousands of futures I saw about you, you only won once."

Only won once?

"That's good, as long as it's not zero times, even if the probability is one percent, one thousandth, or one ten-thousandth, it at least has a probability of happening."

After receiving this news, Li Yuan not only did not complain, but was very optimistic.

Because there is no zero in probability, as long as there is a little probability, it may happen.

Facing the optimistic Li Yuan, Chen Ye couldn't help laughing.

His laugh was very strange, and I didn't know what he was laughing at.


It's best to think so, but aren't you curious about who is the person who can make you fail tens of thousands of times? "

Li Yuan was silent for a moment, and several names flashed through his mind, but he didn't say it.

"Curious, but I don't think you will tell me."

"Yes, I won't tell you."

"I said this just because I think it's more interesting to talk about it."

Obviously, Chen Ye's old problem has come back.

Li Yuan is very familiar with his bad taste.

"Thank you for telling me this, so that even if I fail, at least it won't be so difficult to accept."

After Li Yuan finished speaking, he looked at the three bottles of potion in front of him, "Lord Os..."

"Yes. "

Chen Ye read Li Yuan's thoughts. Li Yuan wanted to ask if the choice of potion had anything to do with his future failure.

Chen Ye answered him directly and straightforwardly, yes.

Among them, only one potion can give him a slight chance to turn the tables.

But which potion is it...

Just when Li Yuan thought of this, he heard Chen Ye's voice suddenly.


Li Yuan: "..."


My life is miserable.

Li Yuan was thinking, and was still hesitating about which potion to choose, when he saw Chen Ye yawn.

"You will choose the one on the right."

Li Yuan was stunned for a moment. He did intend to choose the one on the right, but he was still considering it.

"This time you will choose the middle one."

"Guess why?"

"Because I told you that you would choose the one on the right, so in the future, when you reach another line, you will choose the one in the middle."

"But because I said so, the future jumped to another line again, and this time you will choose the one on the left. "

Li Yuan's brain crashed after hearing this.

He seemed to understand Mr. Yuan Liaofan's feelings. When his life was calculated by someone in a few words, he felt powerless...

To be honest, Li Yuan had never felt that predicting the future was such a terrifying ability!

Any of your actions are within the other party's expectations.

And the extent to which Chen Ye can do it is even more exaggerated than Li Yuan imagined. He has initially touched the threshold of omniscience.

Of course, there is still a long way to go before he can be omnipotent.

Although Chen Ye said that he would no longer use the ability to predict the future, the scene in front of him was what he had already spied before.

And at this moment, Li Yuan, who was confused by Chen Ye's words, suddenly thought of a way!

What if he did not follow Chen Ye's plan, but took a completely different path that was beyond Chen Ye's expectations?

For example, give the potion to others, to his brother!

Seeing this, Chen Ye couldn't help laughing, "But if that is also within my expectations, what will you do?"


"Let me think about it again. "

Li Yuan really had to think for a while now.


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