The two of them had to wait for the next battle.

No need to think too much, Li Yuan must have evolved. It is uncertain what level of combat power the evolved Li Yuan has. Neither of them wants to be the first to fight against Li Yuan.

In the end, the Queen Bee rushed towards Li Heng without question.

"You said let me choose first, then there is no chance for you to regret it."

Looking at the Queen Bee leaving, the insect began to bar his teeth. He originally thought that the Queen Bee would choose Li Yuan, after all, the two had been at odds for a long time.

That's why he said to let the Queen Bee choose first, but he didn't expect the Queen Bee to not buy it.

"It seems that the Queen Bee is not as stupid as I thought. Forget it, I'll go and try what the Sea King is."

After that, the insect directly flashed and attacked Li Yuan!

Facing the sudden attack of the insect, Li Yuan raised a big hand and knocked him down from the sky.


Hearing the loud noise behind him, the Queen Bee turned around and said, "Is the insect kneeling now?"


That's not right.

The insect is at least a fourth-level, how could it be killed in one round without even coming down?

Just now, Li Yuan obviously didn't attack with all his strength, so...

"You dead insect, dare you sell me out?"

No need to think too much, the insect's strength is showing, and now it is probably slipping into a corner to counterattack the Queen Bee.

After all, it is easier to counterattack the Queen Bee and grab a head than to fight with Li Yuan.

009 accidentally attacked him before, but the insect drank a pot.

He was fine after being blown up, but it would be bad if his sister was affected.

As the insects left, the two brothers Li Yuan and Li Heng had a clear goal!

Just attack the queen bee!

The two surrounded them, and the queen bee gritted her teeth and started cursing.

"Damn it, I knew it!"

Then the queen bee suddenly turned her head and looked at Li Yuan, "How about we talk about our respective abilities first, like before?"

Ignoring the queen bee's mouth cannon, Li Yuan spewed out countless tentacles, blocking the queen bee's retreat like a net!

Li Heng turned into a huge humanoid mist and clawed at the queen bee!

Seeing this, the queen bee had no choice but to meet it head-on and rushed towards Li Heng's palm!

But the strange thing was that she went straight through Li Heng's body!

No entity again?

The queen bee thought so, but unexpectedly the surrounding mist suddenly compressed and began to shrink like a cubic space!

The queen bee wanted to rush out, but the fog that shrank into a cube seemed to have a physical body. No matter how hard she hit it, she couldn't break through the fog!

As the fog shrank, the space left for the queen bee became smaller and smaller!

The queen bee stretched out her arms to support the space on both sides, but the space was still shrinking!

Damn it!

The queen bee gritted her teeth and began to exert force with her whole body, and the shrinking space was no longer easy to push forward at this moment!

"Break it for me!"


The solid wall condensed by the fog was broken, but the invisible blood fog surrounded the queen bee in an instant!

It was also at this time that the queen bee found that something in her body was being drawn out of her body!

A lot of blood threads like fog rushed out of her body, as if many insects were sucking her blood!

"Is he eating me?"

As soon as the queen bee made a move, Li Yuan's tentacles attacked from all directions and directly entangled her hands and feet!

After all, the Queen Bee has the strength of the middle level of the fourth level. It is certainly not easy to kill her with Li Heng's combat power of the lower level of the fourth level.

Of course, as both are at the fourth level, there is no essential transcendence, and it is not so easy for Li Yuan to kill the Queen Bee.

But from the perspective of their evolution, Li Yuan and the Queen Bee are both evolving in the direction of physical body plus expandable followers.

The Queen Bee's evolution is more inclined to followers than Li Yuan, and the individual is smaller.

Li Yuan is more inclined to himself, and his followers are weaker, but he himself is getting bigger and bigger.

Li Heng is an unprecedented and completely different evolutionary direction.

He can be a life without a physical body.

From the perspective of game studies, no matter how powerful Li Yuan is, he only has thick blood and can be reborn.

But Li Heng cannot be selected and cannot be attacked.

Excluding two known weaknesses, he is almost invincible.

And one of these two known weaknesses is not a weakness.

The one that is not a weakness is Li Heng's seal, the torch.

Because the torch had been taken away by Li Heng, it was not a weakness.

For Li Heng, the only person who could hit his weakness was Ye Long.

Long controlled the wind and clouds, and people believed that he could resist the red fog. Long's breath could blow away Li Heng's fog.

Because of this, Li Yuan excluded Li Heng from the dragon-slaying plan.

Li Heng was left in Asia to attract the attention of other monsters.

But up to now, Li Yuan still couldn't see who could suppress him.

Until a chance moment, Li Yuan suddenly noticed a huge throne of the sky in the distance.

A white figure stood on the throne and looked at them.


Li Yuan tried to cover the angel with his mental power, but there seemed to be some kind of mental barrier around the angel.

Li Yuan's mental power could not pass through the barrier.

It was also at this moment that Li Yuan felt an inexplicable panic.

The invisible pressure emanating from the angel was like a wave, and every time it made Li Yuan feel uneasy and his hair stood on end.

"Wan Yi?"

Could it be that he had evolved to the fifth stage?

"So the person who made me fail 17,000 times was him?"

Did the answer appear just like that?

Li Yuan had some doubts in his heart, but apart from the angel, no one had ever made him feel uneasy.

Combined with what Chen Ye said that the other party was not a fourth-level, the angel just came at this time as a fifth-level, which seemed to completely match Chen Ye's description.

Li Yuan glanced at Li Heng, and the queen bee was still struggling desperately.

And the angel was silent on the side, which was really scary.

There was no time to delay, and the queen bee must be killed quickly.

Seeing that Li Yuan was about to make a big move, the angel sitting in the sky suddenly moved.

His figure flashed, a dazzling light flashed, and Li Yuan's huge arm suddenly turned into ashes and dissipated!

What speed was that?

The angel appeared in front of Li Yuan, without making a sound, tens of thousands of wings spread out in the sky, and the dazzling light cut through the darkness, illuminating the night like day!

Li Yuan looked at the angel in the bright light, "You want to fight me?"

The angel looked calm, "Fight?"

"Fighting is used to describe the fight between two people who are equally matched."

Very arrogant.

Although he was right in terms of feeling.

There was only one level difference, but that was not the level between the upper and middle levels.

It was the level from the fourth to the fifth level.

"Well, let me lose clearly, let me see the difference between your fifth level and my fourth level."

Li Yuan said, and at the same time began to communicate with Li Heng.

"Brother, the plan remains unchanged."

Li Heng immediately understood what Li Yuan meant after hearing what he said. Li Yuan went to hold the angel first, and he came to kill the queen bee.

When the decisive battle broke out, Qin Leng stood on a building not far away.

This familiar scene in front of him was very similar to the battle in the Sahara Desert.

Qin Leng searched in his pocket for a long time to find a cigarette, but only found an empty cigarette box.

"Forget it, I won't smoke anymore."

But if I don't smoke, my hands will shake...

Qin Leng suppressed his trembling wrists and looked at the four great gods in front of him.

Compared with them, he is indeed a mortal.


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