"Wish?" Qin Leng looked up at the sky blankly. He did not ask any stupid questions like "Can I make any wish?" Instead, he said what Chen Ye wanted to hear the most. "Then I want a chance, so that humans will no longer be defeated, and there will be no monsters higher than level three in the world." Level four is the beginning of a nightmare. Once you reach level four, it is not something that humans can defeat. Qin Leng did not make excessive demands, and this was exactly the wish Chen Ye wanted to hear from him. "Even if those people betray you?"



"When you walk out of here, everything will return to the right time point, and monsters beyond the third level will disappear from the eyes of humans."

"Unless humans cross that line."

"I promise you a dream world."

"At the same time, as a reward for your victory over the angel, I will also give you a bottle of magic potion."

"Drink this bottle of magic potion, you will definitely become the fourth level, this is inevitable."

"But you will also disappear from the eyes of people."

Qin Leng bowed to Chen Ye and thanked him. He accepted the magic potion, but he didn't plan to drink it.

The reason is very simple. As Chen Ye said, if he advances to the fourth level, he will disappear from the eyes of humans.

So at least not now.

Qin Leng still has a lot to do, even if there are no fourth-level monsters in the world.

But there are still third-level and second-level monsters.

To lay a foundation for humans and rebuild the nine-tailed fox, Qin Leng can leave with peace of mind only when everything is stable.

After thanking the so-called "God" solemnly, Qin Leng left the crack space.

Even if he didn't say it, Chen Ye would still do it, because the dream land was destined to come.

Chen Ye was not here to fulfill his wish, but to borrow his mouth to give the dream land absolute rationality.

If someone asked where the dream land came from, Chen Ye would tell him that he gave Qin Leng a chance to make a wish, and this was exactly what Qin Leng wanted.

As for why Qin Leng made such a wish, it was because he was a smart man.

He would not make any excessive demands, this was what he expected.

If his wish was to become a god, then Chen Ye would not promise to fulfill his wish.

Although Qin Leng could not guess so much, he also knew that the wish Chen Ye said was definitely not for him to talk nonsense.

For example, it is impossible to make the world no longer have monsters.

It is also impossible to make yourself a fifth or sixth level.

Think about it from another perspective. When Chen Ye said he would give him a wish, what kind of wish did he want him to make?

At the same time, find a balance between Chen Ye's expectations and his own expectations.

The answer is to make sure that there are no more monsters higher than level three in this world.

Combined with the fact that he himself is level three, there are still monsters in the world, which is a balance point.

But Qin Leng said that he hopes to give himself another chance.

The subtext is that he hopes to turn back time or revive humans.

This is also acceptable to Chen Ye.

Because Chen Ye has already done this, but Qin Leng doesn't know it.

His wish is almost the same as what Chen Ye did. With such a coincidence, how can Chen Ye not be happy?

As the world regressed to a certain time point, Chen Ye also lifted the restrictions on the dreamland.

The dreamland came and directly divided the world into three overlapping worlds.

But this is not a parallel world. These worlds are stacked together. They exist in the gap between the material world and the spiritual world.

There are three layers in total.

Chen Ye calls the first layer the fog world. The life of the second and third levels normally exists in the fog world.

But Chen Ye gave Qin Leng a special license.

What is the special license? Let's take the simplest example.

Qin Leng is a third-level, and people can still see him in the surface world, but they can't see Qin Leng's demonic appearance.

When they look at Qin Leng, they can only see that he is a normal human being, but they can't see that he has wings or something like that.

It means he is hidden.

The fog world is a surface world covered by fog. People just can't see it, but it doesn't mean it won't happen.

It's like Qin Leng rubbed a big fireball, and the fireball hit the building and collapsed the building.

Although people can't see the fireball, they can see the collapsed building.

And if they can't see the fireball, then the fireball can't blow them up.

But the fireball collapsed the building, but the building can hit them.

The same is true for the second level, just like a fishman, normal people can see

It cannot turn into a fishman.

He turns into a fishman and strangles someone's neck. To others, it is just one person strangling another person's neck.

However, the fog world has fewer restrictions on the second level.

And the above is only for ordinary people.

If you are not an ordinary person, as long as you are a monster, you can see the true form of the second and third levels and their attacks, and enter the fog world.

But what about ordinary people who do not rely on magic potions or turn into monsters to gain power?

That depends on their mental power and life level.

Normally, even if you reach the first level, you still cannot contact the fog world.

But once you reach the second level, or your mental power is strong to a certain level, you can see the truth in the fog world.

So the fog world is a layer of fog that obscures your vision.

Going deeper is the second layer of the inner world.

Everything in the inner world is the same as the appearance world, but no matter how the things inside are destroyed, it will not affect the appearance world.

In other words, even if Li Yuan kicks over the building, the outside world cannot see it, and the building outside will not be affected.

This kind of destruction is permanently preserved in the inner world.

People in the inner world cannot attack the outer world, but there is an exception.

If you are not a fourth-level being, but your mental power is strong enough to reach the inner world.

Then, you can see those fourth-level beings. Similarly, because you can see them, they can also attack you.

Below the inner world is the dream world where the fifth-level is.

That is the last layer, also called the abyss.

It is similar to the situation in the inner world, but higher than the inner world.

But because it is so deep, no matter how strong the mental power is, it cannot see the dream world.

So the only way for non-fifth-level beings to see the dream world is to dream.

What we can see now is the material world, and the order below is the fog world, the inner world, the dream world, and the spiritual world.

The dream world is infinitely close to the spiritual world. When people sleep, their consciousness wanders, which is also infinitely close to the spiritual world, so they can reach the dream land.

The angel ruled everything in the dream world as he wished.

Because there is only one person in the dream world.

This triple stacked world covers the solar system, which is within the range that Chen Ye's ability can affect.

Any life that enters the solar system will be divided by these three layers of worlds.

If a group of aliens come in a spaceship, some of them are level three and some are level four, they will find that some of them suddenly disappeared.

And those who enter the deeper world will find that everyone is there.

But they can't touch some people, they are like ghosts.

This is because the higher world can see the lower world, but the lower world can't see the higher world.

After leaving the solar system, they will be out of this divided world.


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