The sky was covered with snow.

On a snowy field, an old man in a leather coat walked in the vast white snow.

By chance, he saw a large piece of ice, and a blue-haired man was frozen in the ice.

The old man came forward and tapped the ice gently. Snap, countless cracks suddenly appeared on the ice.

The old man stepped back subconsciously, and saw the ice suddenly exploded, and the frozen man opened his eyes at this moment!

"Cold, cold!"

The blue-haired man said, rubbing his arms with his hands, and the cold swept in from all sides.

He turned his head and looked around, and there was white snow everywhere.

"Where the hell is this? Is this still China?"

After hearing what he said, the old man seemed to realize something. He said a few words, but the blue-haired man didn't understand.


The old man saw that the man didn't understand, so he gestured with his hands again.

At the same time, he took out a cup from the backpack behind him.

On the cup, there was a hammer and a sickle logo.

The old man said something else, and the blue-haired man shook his head. The old man seemed to be speaking Russian.

The blue-haired man didn't understand the other words, but he understood one sentence.



The old man nodded repeatedly when he saw that the blue-haired man understood, and gave a thumbs up to show his approval.

"I thought it was somewhere else... It turned out to be Russia, cough cough, shit, cold!"

The blue-haired man trembled as he spoke.

But it's strange, why are there still people alive on Earth?

"Could this be the world thousands of years after the nuclear explosion?"

"That's not right..."

The White Walker froze himself when the cobalt bomb exploded, and he didn't know how long it had been since then.

But there is something funny, the White Walker himself plays with ice, but he is afraid of the cold.

Yes, he is not afraid of the cold only when his ability is activated.

Under normal circumstances, he is no different from ordinary people.

Seeing the White Walker trembling, the old man gestured again.

Judging from his gestures, it should be said to follow him, that seems to be his home.

The White Walker was too cold, so he followed the direction he pointed.

After a few steps, the White Walker saw a small wooden house.

The old man lit the fireplace and brought a blanket to the White Walker.

The White Walker nodded and apologized, then sat by the stove and rubbed his hands.

"Finally alive... But what is the situation now?"

Just when the White Walker was confused, the old man came over with a mobile phone and turned on the voice translation.

"And what about the cell phone?"

The White Walker was really a little confused.

Then, the old man began to introduce himself with a translation software.

He said he was an astronaut from the former Soviet Union, but just after he came back from space, the Soviet Union collapsed.

He didn't know where to go back to, so he stayed here.

The White Walker asked what date it was now.

The answer he got made him even more confused.

"Not only is this not the future, but time has gone backwards?"

The White Walker scratched his head, "What happened during my freezing period... Do you know what's going on in Asia now?"

The old man shook his head, as if nothing had happened.

The White Walker asked him about monsters and the like, but he didn't know.

Then, the old man began to ask the White Walker what the situation was and why he was frozen in ice?

The White Walker sighed, "How to explain... I was like participating in World War III, and then I froze here to avoid nuclear bombs."

The old man couldn't understand what he said.

The White Walker didn't want to explain anything, so he stayed here to roast the fire until the evening.

The old man handed him two bottles of wine, but the alcohol content of the wine was too high, so he declined it directly.

"What's the difference between this and drinking alcohol directly?"

The White Walker didn't drink, so the old man drank it alone.

The two of them relied on the translator to ask and answer each other.

Until a scream suddenly came from outside the house.

The old man was stunned for a moment after hearing the words, and quickly picked up the bolt-action rifle on the table beside him and rushed out.

According to the old man's words, there are always wolves around here, so someone must have been attacked.

Logically speaking, the old man went out, and he should also go out to see what was going on.

After all, he brought him home to roast the fire and gave him a blanket, so he should care about it.

But the White Walker was too lazy to move, after all, the stove

It was so warm.

Until a girl ran into the house with a cry.

The White Walker turned his head in confusion, but his eyes were fixed on her.

The girl's face was red, and she looked like she was of Asian descent and very beautiful.

At least the White Walker thought she was very beautiful. He was about to say something, but heard what the girl said first.

He seemed to mention a word in his words.



The White Walker thought of this and picked up the big sword beside him and rushed out!

"Father-in-law, wait for me!"

Under the shocked eyes of the girl, the White Walker ran towards the snowfield with the big sword!

On the snow, the old man held a gun and shot at the wolf pack one by one in a regular manner.

Suddenly, the White Walker came out!

The big sword in his hand was thrown out by him and stabbed into the body of a gray wolf!


The sword pierced the gray wolf, and the White Walker attacked and drew out the sword, successfully repelling the wolf pack in two or three moves.

"It's easy."

The White Walker turned around and saw the old man giving him a thumbs up.

The old man enthusiastically pulled him into the house and asked him if he knew kung fu?

The White Walker nodded, but his attention was all on the girl.

"What will our future child be called?"


In the United Nations, GOC headquarters.

A reform is in full swing.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force followed Qin Leng and broke through the door of the GOC meeting room.

A senior director was about to say something when he was caught by Qin Leng and thrown into another world.

It was these GOC senior directors who ordered the launch of the cobalt bomb, and Qin Leng knew most of the people present.

And all those he knew were thrown into another world by him.

As for those he didn't know, they were left behind.

Because there could only be two kinds of people among those he didn't know, one was executed for opposing the launch of the cobalt bomb, and the other was crazy.

In troubled times, severe punishments should be used, and traitors do not need mercy.

Qin Leng controlled the GOC with thunderous means, and merged it with the Nine-Tailed Fox to obtain real transnational law enforcement power.

It took him about two months to rectify the GOC.

And in these two months, although there were no powerful monsters in the world, various problems still followed one after another.

First, the Serpent's Hand revived and rose rapidly, and its influence spread across countries.

Then came the Chaos Insurgency. 009 began to split himself wantonly, and thus created a bunch of things that even he couldn't handle.

He took away all the useful things he split.

And those troublesome things that he couldn't handle were thrown around the world by him.

The first thing Qin Leng did after merging the GOC was to help him clean up his ass.

Facing those murderous and difficult-to-control splits, 009 didn't care, and only Qin Leng's people could take their lives to contain and control them!

But fundamentally, 009 still needs to be dealt with.

Qin Leng couldn't do anything to him before, but now he can.

As long as he is given a chance, he can throw this troublemaker into another world!

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