The old man was very happy.

"Not bad, at least you haven't given up your cultivation, hum!"

"Otherwise, I will make sure you don't suffer."

Facing the laughing flying squirrel, Zefa retracted his right fist and began to watch the G88 branch.

I have to say that this branch is well built, it looks amazingly defensive, and the soldiers are full of energy. It is a good branch.

"Shirley, let Hutou and the others gather!"

"Lance, go and bring the little people troops over!"

An order was issued from Tiechui's mouth, and Shirley and Lance nodded, then turned around to execute it.

Zefer's eyes lit up instantly.

Kung Fu sea cows and little people? Very good.

"Father Zefa, before you see the Tiger Head and the Little People, come and visit my troops first."

"These are the soldiers who have crawled all the way with me~"

Speaking of his soldiers, Tiechui showed a touch of pride on his face, and took Zefa to the training ground in the center of the branch.

At this time, 500 soldiers have lined up.

A total of 5 battalions.

"Hello, Chief Instructor Zefa!"

Seeing Zefa coming, 500 people welcomed him in unison, and this energetic look made Zefa very satisfied.

"You are in good spirits, very good! This is what a soldier should look like!"

When Tiechui heard Zefa's praise, his face was also bright.

"Everyone! Arm!"

As Tiechui gave an order, 500 people began to run to both sides quickly.

Various types of guns and swords appeared on the training ground in an instant.

500 people, 5 teams, were divided by Lanst according to their fighting styles.

There are 2 melee troops, 2 machine gun troops, and an artillery unit.

When everyone was fully armed, even Zefa, who had seen the world, was shocked.

What did he see?

The melee troops were all black swords and shields, and there was a string of throwing knives hanging around their waists?

The firearms troops were even more exaggerated, machine guns? Sniper rifles? Flamethrowers? There were even rocket launchers?

The artillery troops, two or three people in a group, were all mortars and howitzers in front of them.

My God, is this the firepower that a 500-man unit can have? Too exaggerated.

"How is it, Mr. Zefa, my unit is okay, right?"

Zefal was completely stunned.

"But.... No! Where did you get so many weapons?"

"I admit that you can make cold weapons yourself, but what about that pile of firearms?"

"Is this the firepower configuration that a 500-man unit can have?"

Suddenly, Zefa looked at the defensive artillery outside the branch.

He was even more dumbfounded when he saw this.

They were all large-caliber artillery, some of which were so large that even Marinford did not have them.

"Hahahaha, it's nothing, it's nothing."

"I got them all from Punk Hazard. I have a pretty good relationship with Dr. Vegapunkpo."


As he spoke, Tiechui started laughing!

Looking at the navy, only Tie had this strength, and he could be the first to get the latest weapons.

"It's outrageous. I haven't seen such an exaggerated firepower configuration since I became a navy."

"It's no exaggeration to say that the firepower of your 500-man team is comparable to that of an ordinary branch of 2,000 people."

It's like, when others are still using flintlock rifles, you are already using submachine guns.

This firepower is completely different.

"Hahaha! This is not over yet!"

"Everyone! Moon Step to the sky!"

As Tiechui shouted loudly, 500 people instantly distanced themselves from each other, and then a series of "bang bang" sounds rang out.

Under Zefa's shocked eyes, all 500 people stepped on the Moon Step to the sky.

It's just that some are high and some are low. After all, they are all carrying equipment at this time, and the soldiers carrying rocket launchers fly a little lower.

The melee troops must be the ones who fly the highest in the Moon Step.

After all, they carry the lightest equipment.

"Moon Step... 500 people can do it?"

"Yes, Tiechui, you have given me another surprise."

Tiechui is like a victorious rooster at this time, with his head raised.

"Everyone in my 500-man team can do the Moon Step, and more than half of them can shave."

"For the remaining six styles, I need the help of Teacher Zefa."

Zefah is already very satisfied at this time.

He originally thought that the G88 branch would definitely attract him with Kung Fu Manatee and the Little People, but now it seems that Iron Hammer has prepared a big surprise for him.


"Okay! I promise that I will make them look brand new within three months!"

At this time, Zefa's appearance can only be described in one sentence, that is, the old man is still young and crazy.

At this time, Lance and Shirley, who had left earlier, also came back with their respective teams.

Behind Shirley were 50 Kung Fu manatees, who were wearing navy uniforms and black gloves on their two little fists.

"Ah! Woo!"

A loud voice sounded from the mouth of Tiger Head, and 50 manatees stood up instantly, and a very fierce breath slowly emanated.

"Is this the Kung Fu manatee? This breath, there is no mistake, has it begun to enter the ranks of domineering?"

How sharp are Zefa's eyes? You can see the details of these Kung Fu manatees at a glance.

Yes, after a year of training, more than half of the 50 manatees have awakened the armed color domineering.

The leader Tiger Head even mastered the two-color domineering.

"Vice Admiral Hammer, why did you call us here?"

"There's still a lot of work to be done in the forge."

Suddenly a small figure jumped onto Hammer's shoulder.

Zeffa saw the dwarf on Hammer's shoulder at a glance.

It was a dwarf wearing a white navy vest, looking very handsome.

And behind Lance were 300 dwarfs.

"Gangan, come and see the highest combat power of our navy, my father + teacher, the former admiral of the navy, Zefa the Black Arm."

Gangan, Gan Qiao's son, is also the current captain of the dwarfs.

His speed is comparable to that of Shave, and he is the most powerful warrior among the dwarfs.

Gangan looked at the old man beside him, and then flashed to Zefa's shoulder in an instant.

"What a fast speed!"

Zeffa was surprised by Gangan's speed.

"It's okay, it's okay. My speed is still not as fast as Lance. He is faster."

"Are you the one who taught Lieutenant General Tiechui and Major General Lance? Let's have a competition!"

Unlike ordinary dwarfs, Gan Gan is a complete battle maniac.

He would drag Lance to spar every day, although he always lost.

But it didn't suppress his bellicosity at all.

"Hahahaha! A warrior of the dwarfs."

"Okay! I accept the challenge!"

Looking at Zefa's happy look, Tiechui nodded secretly.

Sure enough, it was the right choice to bring the old man here.



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