The Chinese cold weapons have gradually replaced the original standard swords after the hands of Lieutenant General Tiechui of G88 branch.

As one of the large branches, the G2 branch of the Grand Line was one of the first to reform the cold weapons.

Base Chief Thomas looked at the eight-sided Han sword in front of him and was a little confused. Would this double-edged sword really be better than the previous saber?

"Brigadier General Jonas, what do you think of the cold weapons promoted by Lieutenant General Tiechui, oh, the Chinese cold weapons."

"Are they really better than the previous swords?"

Jonas smiled, picked up a Han sword, and waved it twice very skillfully.

Well, I have to say that the balance of the long sword in his hand is very good.

"I think it's true, and this is an order issued by the headquarters. If this batch of weapons is not so good, the headquarters will not pass that level."

"And regarding Vice Admiral Hammer's identity as a forger, the weapons he produced must have some reason."

Jonas suddenly thought of it while talking, and laughed the next second.

"Why? What did you think of?"

"No, I just remembered my close friend Sakaski. He highly praised Vice Admiral Hammer. The God Axe is a nest of Q, hehe."

Thomas obviously knew about Sakaski and the God Axe, and nodded.

Then he began to let the branch's arsenal produce in large quantities.

Soon the first batch of Han swords were successfully shipped and distributed to the soldiers.

The quality of weapons can only be reflected in battle.

Soon the G8 branch navy near Changlian Island exchanged fire with pirates.

"Everyone, prepare for boarding!"

"New weapons need blood to sharpen them! Everyone! Han swords, ring-handled swords, get ready!"

Under the order of the superior, all the navy drew out the new weapons on their waists.

As the two sides began to fight hand-to-hand, the power of the Han sword and the ring-handled sword was instantly revealed.

A soldier holding an eight-sided Han sword fought against a pirate.

The Han sword collided with the opponent's samurai sword.

With a sword body structure far stronger than the samurai sword, the soldier did not feel much recoil at all.

Instead, the opponent began to retreat step by step in the collisions.

The soldier fought more and more fiercely, and the Han sword in his hand fell wildly, slashing forward and backward. Anyway, there were blades on both sides, which was very useful.

The pirates had never seen such a scene, and they were quickly defeated and died under the Han sword.

Unlike the Han sword, the ring-handled sword was more obvious.

Like the samurai sword, the ring-handled sword is a straight blade sword, but the blade of the ring-handled sword is thicker and the blade is sharper.

Although it is heavy, if you use enough strength to chop it down, even a well-made samurai sword cannot compete with it, and it may even be directly broken by it.

The power of the weapon is directly reflected in the battle.

The navy soldiers felt the power of the new weapons, and they bit the prey in front of them like tigers coming down the mountain.

The battle situation was obviously one-sided.

This situation appeared on every warship equipped with new weapons.

Soon the reputation of Chinese cold weapons sounded within the navy.

Especially the Four Seas and the Great Route.

The words of the meeting between branches changed from "Have you eaten?" to "Have you changed your sword?"

And the battle reports received by the headquarters were richer and richer every day.

In just one month, the brilliant record was far better than before.

"Hahaha! Zhan Guo, take a look at these battle reports!"

"In the past month, the number of pirates defeated by the G8 branch alone has increased significantly!"

"The soldiers took the initiative to attack the pirates with their new weapons, hahahaha!"

"Iron Hammer, Iron Hammer, you are really my lucky star!"

Marshal Kong held a stack of battle reports in his hands and jumped with excitement!

Zhan Guo on the side also had bright eyes and was full of excitement.

But soon he handed a report to his own marshal.

"Don't be happy yet, Marshal Kong."

"Although the Chinese cold weapons have been distributed to various arsenals, the output is still too low."

"In just one month, our military consumption has increased significantly."

"If this continues, at most one month, the originally prepared cold weapon military expenditure will be exhausted."

Although the weapons are important, the craftsmanship and materials are the key. In order to meet the requirements of the iron hammer, the production consumption of the Han sword alone is much more exaggerated.

The materials used to make 10 sabers can only make one Han sword.

Not to mention the ring-handled swords and long-handled weapons.

Looking at the exaggerated numbers in the report, Old Man Kong suddenly had a headache.


But he soon let it go. They had expected this situation and had a corresponding solution.

"How is the search for the mineral vein? It's been a month. At least one or two mineral veins should be found."

Speaking of mineral veins, Zhan Guo's face was instantly embarrassed, and his eyebrows were full of helplessness.

"We did find it, but that bastard Tiechui said that the G88 branch was going to conduct a pilot test."

"He directly moved the two mining islands. As far as I know, the two mining islands are now in the Dressrosa Sea."

"In order to mine smoothly, the bastard also reached an agreement with the Dressrosa royal family. Dressrosa arranged people to mine and he purchased them."

Old man Kong was so angry that he passed out.

"Bastard Tiechui! This bastard! Prepare a warship for me!"

"I'm going to the G88 branch to hammer him to death!"

It's no wonder that old man Kong was angry. Those are two mining islands. If they were placed in the four seas, hey, at least the branches in the two seas would be relieved.

Just moved away by the bastard Hammer! So infuriating!

"Calm down, Marshal Kong."

"At least he moved two mines and provided a lot of weapons to the headquarters, which can be regarded as solving the arming problem of the soldiers in the headquarters."

"But the number is still not enough."

"And Hammer has submitted to me more than once the demand for more soldiers to move in."

"We also need to recruit blacksmiths on a large scale."

Zhan Guo handed over another report.

It stated the business currently undertaken by Hammer's G88 branch.

Cold weapons are just one of them, there are also firearms and heavy weapons, and even power hammers that can improve forging efficiency.

The old man Kong felt heartache when he saw the lines of requirements.

"Where can I find a blacksmith for him now!"

"Every branch is short of blacksmiths! This bastard!"

"Where is Garp! Find Garp for me! Doesn't he want a blacksmith? Let Garp go to G88 to be a blacksmith!"

The old cadres in the headquarters all knew that Hammer could not do anything to Garp.

Now Garp is used to counterbalance the Hammer.

"Don't be angry, Marshal Kong, there are still ways to deal with it."

"Take a look at this."

Another report, but this time the applicant is Zephyr.

"Hmm? Expand the recruitment scope of the Marine Training Camp..."

"Zeffer... Hey, I agree."

Zhan Guo didn't expect Marshal Kong to agree directly, and was a little confused.

It seems that the other party didn't understand the reason for Zephyr's behavior at all.



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