The flowers were in a state of alert, and the flowers were in a state of panic.

The Flower Capital was completely on alert at this time, with pirates and samurai patrolling everywhere.

After all, CP0 had contacts with Wano Country, and they came to the Flower Capital General's Mansion smoothly.

"Guhehehe, welcome to the Flower Capital from CP0."

"It's just that the Flower Capital is experiencing war recently. If you have nothing else to do, you should leave as soon as possible."

The person who spoke was burly, with a big head and mouth, and seemed to be bald, with a square face. He wore a crown on the left side of his head and a bun on the right side. His hair was purple, and most of his hair was on his sides and back of his head. His beard was curled up. His two upper canines were longer than his other teeth and were blunt. Wearing a yellow kimono with many black crescent-shaped pentagonal patterns on it, and a black cloak with patterns on the back.

It was the current general of Wano Country, Kurozumi Orochi.

"General Kurozumi, we are not here for seastone this time, but to find Kaido."

"Where is he?"

Guernica got straight to the point and asked directly about Kaido's whereabouts.

Kurozumi Orochi's face did not change, and he was still smiling.

"Kaido is in the general's mansion, I wonder what you two are looking for him for?"

"It's me who has been trading seastone with the World Government."

Maha on the side was a little annoyed and said directly:

"I said it's not the seastone business, we are looking for Kaido."

"If he is here, let him come out, it's about his third in command."

Maha's words finally made Kurozumi Orochi's face change slightly.

Kaido's third in command? Isn't that Quinn who was kidnapped before?

"What are you talking about! Where is Quinn!"

"Tell me! Where did that bastard Moria take Quinn!"

With a huge body wrapped in bandages, Kaido smashed the ceiling and fell down.

Oh, it turns out that this guy has been on the upper floor.

At this time, Kaido is in a very bad state. The successive battles are enough to shake his forced body.

"Kaido, your way of appearance is a bit surprising. The captain of the Beast Pirates actually eavesdropped."

"What else can I say..."

Guernica shook off the debris on his body, his tone was very speechless.

But Kaido didn't care anymore, he just wanted to know where his scientists went!

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me where Quinn went, or I'll kill you with a stick now!"

Guernica looked at Kaido with red eyes and knew that he was about to explode.

Facing such a monster, he hasn't lived enough.

"Moria, as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea recognized by the World Government, handed your subordinate Quinn to the Navy."

"And now Quinn has been handed over to the World Government. We can return Quinn to you, but you need to pay the corresponding price."

Pay the corresponding price? Is this a trade between him and Kaido with Quinn!

"What's the price?"

Although extremely unhappy, Kaido still asked.

Guernica didn't hesitate and said directly: "The other half of the vein, that is, the other half of the Rabbit Bowl."

"Asshole! This must be the idea of ​​the bastard Hammer!"

"Don't even think about it. I will kill Quinn myself, and I will not give up the Rabbit Bowl!"

"Even if it's only half left now!!!"

It exploded, Kaido exploded instantly, and the domineering aura began to wander uncontrollably.

Guernica and Maha responded immediately to prevent Kaido from suddenly bursting out.

"Kaido! My General's Mansion!"

"Jin! Come and help!"

Kurozumi Orochi saw that his General's Mansion was about to be destroyed, and hurriedly looked for help.

Jin flashed in front of Kaido and quickly comforted him: "Brother Kaido, don't be angry! Be rational!"

"We are in a very bad situation now, you can't go berserk again!"

Jin is currently the only one in the Beasts Pirates who can persuade Kaido.

But this time, Jin can't guarantee that he can persuade him, after all, the hammer has been made.

Everyone knows that the hammer is now Kaido's reverse scale, whoever mentions it will die.

But at this moment, a provocative child's voice suddenly sounded:

"Hey! Kaido! I am Master Ornn! I will turn you into metal! Make you into the most powerful weapon!"

Okay, mention it again!

A somewhat embarrassed boy with two horns on his head stood in front of them, pointing his finger at Kaido, looking extremely arrogant.

"Asshole! Yamato! I am your father!

Do you actually want to use your father as material for forging? "

"Also! Don't call that bastard!"

"I'm so pissed off!"

Kaido was instantly furious.

Yes, the child in front of him was Kaido's daughter - Yamato, yes, a daughter.

Because she knew the name of Master Ornn, she saw one cool weapon after another in the newspaper and was completely fascinated.

Originally, she also had a weapon, named Ajian, but it was taken away by her annoying father!

This directly caused Yamato to turn against Kaido and become a die-hard fan of Master Ornn.

"It's all because of the damn hammer! My rabbit bowl is gone!"

"My eight fasting precepts are hollow!"

"How dare you mention him!"

Yamato doesn't care what Kaido is like, anyway, she thinks Master Ornn is the best.

"Humph! What's the matter with the rabbit bowl! Give it to Master Ornn! This way she can forge more powerful weapons! ”

“I want to go out to sea to find Master Orn and become his disciple! Then I will forge a new weapon myself!”

Kaido was so angry that he was about to deal with his own little devil.

But before he could do anything, a little Karami ran in.

“Boss Kaido, Oden is here again, and he is challenging at the gate of Flower Capital with several of his retainers.”

One wave has not settled down, another wave has risen!

Recently, Kozuki Oden returned to Wano Country. After settling his wife and children, he began to cause trouble for Kaido again and again.

I don’t know where he learned this bastard method. He always comes to challenge and runs away after the fight.

He doesn’t care about winning or losing at all, which makes Kaido and Jin nervous.

“Damn Oden! Jin! Let’s go! I must kill him this time! "

Kaido dragged Jin angrily towards the gate of Flower City.

The two CP0s were left staring at each other.

Kozuki Oden? Has he returned to Wano Country?

It seems that the situation is more complicated than they thought.

"Kurozumi Orochi, it seems that you are not doing a safe job as a general."

"Do you want to cooperate with the World Government? We will help you drive Oden away and return Quinn."

"The price is the entire Rabbit Bowl."

Guernica is very good at grasping details and directly uses Kurozumi Orochi as a breakthrough.

Think about it, Kaido is so angry, and going to talk to him again is just courting death.



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