The battle was over, and the battle was over.

As the Warhammer slowly entered the airspace of the North Sea.

Iron Hammer looked at the calm sea below, and a trace of uneasiness flashed through his heart.

It was too calm, not like this sea.

"It's strange, there's not even a ship in the North Sea?"

"Iron Hammer, what's going on?"

Iron Hammer shook his head, he also felt something was wrong.

"Continue to fly into the interior of the North Sea until you find Vinsmoke's war house."

Under Iron Hammer's control, the Warhammer continued to go deeper into the North Sea.

Little did they know that just below the sea, one huge Den Den Mushi after another had already seen the Warhammer floating in the air.



War House.

"Here comes the Hammer of Vice Admiral Ironhammer of the Navy Headquarters."

"Hey hey hey hey hey..."

Doflamingo looked at the picture coming from the surveillance Den Den Mushi and laughed strangely again.

"I told you not to laugh out loud, it's annoying."

The next second, he stopped laughing, after all, the Red Earl had spoken again.

"Let your subordinates get ready."

"Since the old friend has arrived, we, as the host, should at least welcome him, right?"

Doflamingo nodded and walked outside.

"Call Judge along, Judge and Ironhammer are brothers."

What? These two are brothers?

Doflamingo left with doubts.

In the empty hall, the Red Earl was the only one left.

He looked at the glowing Seven-Star Sword in his hand and slowly said, "Will the future change? Let me try..."



The Warhammer was flying very fast.

"Iron Hammer Nissan, I saw the war house of Germa 66!"

"In the sea between the four countries in the North Sea!"

Shirley wore special glasses and found the target at the first time with her superhuman vision.

"Four countries in the North Sea?"

Iron Hammer thought to himself, these are probably not the four kingdoms that Judge will kill in the future.

But why did this bastard Judge appear here? ?

Damn, what happened in the North Sea?

"Lance, everyone be alert, there may be a fight at any time."

"Tangka, Hutou, you guys are ready too."

"I'll let the Warhammer land on the sea now, Hutou, take your team and dive into the sea as soon as possible."

Hutou patted his chest and nodded, he had been waiting for this day for a long time!

Just as the Warhammer was slowly landing, a sudden change occurred.

A small island next to the war house suddenly began to shake violently.

A stone giant rose from the ground.

In the perception of Tiechui's radar, countless auras suddenly appeared around.

Countless speedboats suddenly appeared on the sea, and each speedboat was full of soldiers with live ammunition.

The figures and attire of these soldiers were exactly the same. Tiechui knew very well that they were clone soldiers of Judge.


"Guys! Let's welcome Vice Admiral Tiechui who has come from afar!"

The arrogant laughter, the pink cloak, and the flamingo-shaped pirate ship.

Don Quixote family.

"Humph! Are you here now?"

"Tiger Head! Dive! Defeat those clone soldiers!"

"Others, prepare to meet the enemy!"

When Tiger Head successfully dived with the Kung Fu Manatee Team, Tiechui controlled the War Hammer and was about to take off.

"Don't even think about flying up!"

"Puppet line!"

A sea of ​​silk threads appeared in Doflamingo's hands.

Directly wrapped around the Warhammer, it was forcibly controlled just a few meters from the sea surface.

"Tsk! Damn Doflamingo."

"Hiya, ahiya, ahiya! Vice Admiral Hammer, hello, it's the first time we meet. Thanks to you, my base was completely destroyed!"

Mihawk and Moria are both Shichibukai. It is well known that the Shichibukai are under the command of Vice Admiral Hammer of the Navy Headquarters.

Doflamingo knew very well that the one who really wanted to deal with him was Hammer himself.

The reason was very simple, Dressrosa.

"Humph, Mihawk and Moria are really useless. They didn't even take care of you."

"Lance, kill him!"

Doflamingo was just Doflamingo, and Hammer didn't need to do it himself.

Lance behind him raised his hand and sent a bolt of lightning towards Doflamingo.

"Hiya, hiya, hiya! Lance, the god of thunder, must have the Thunder Fruit."

"Spider Web Wall!"

The thick silk thread instantly formed a spider web in front of him.

When the thunder came, the spider web went straight

He turned into ashes, but Doflamingo still blocked the attack.

"Doflamingo, where is Judge!"

"Let him out!"

As soon as Tiechui finished speaking, a burly figure rushed towards the Warhammer.

A spear flashing with lightning went straight for Tiechui's head.

"Electromagnetic stab!"

The man was "Monster Bird" Judge.

The high-tech spear accumulated high-voltage current and suddenly ejected it when it was about to touch Tiechui.

"Shield! Tower shield!"

Tiechui didn't even move, and Shirley beside him created a huge shield directly in front of him.

No matter how strong the high-voltage current was, it couldn't shake the giant shield.

"Damn Judge! Is this how you welcome me!"

"North Sea..."

Tiechui looked at Judge who suddenly attacked him, and instantly spoke in anger.

But halfway through his words, he found something wrong.

At this time, Jiazhi had no expression on his face, and there was a hint of green in the depths of his eyes.

Is he controlled? ? ?

But who can control him?

Never mind, control? I am not incapable of mental attacks!

"Hmph! Jiazhi! Wake up!"

"Mind hammer!"

The hammer from the mind struck again, directly covering Jiazhi.


Under the light and heavy hammering, Jiazhi instantly became stiff.

The green light in his eyes began to flash.

Just when Tiechui thought he was going to succeed, a green light suddenly burst out from his eyes.

The next second, Jiazhi regained his ability to move and rushed towards Tiechui again.

"Damn! Is this true? My ability has failed?"

"Jizhi, you bastard!"

"Get out of my way!"

Looking at Jiazhi rushing again, Tiechui directly used an air hammer to blast Jiazhi flying backwards.

Just when Tiechui was puzzled,

A terrifying domineering aura accompanied by an evil aura suddenly appeared from the war room.

"This momentum..."

"Long time no see, Iron Hammer kid..."

Hearing the gloomy voice, Iron Hammer suddenly became alert.

A tall and thin figure, with white hair braided into two braids hanging on his shoulders, wearing a plum-red shirt and blood-red trousers, black leather shoes with gold edges on his feet, a wide blood-red cloak with plaid patterns inside, a blue rose on his neck, and a slender bat-handled umbrella in his hand.

"The Lone Red... Red Count..."

"Barrorick Redfield!"

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