Under the extreme confrontation, Li Rana couldn't even retreat.

She could only watch the monster in front of her as if it was cracked, its flesh shattered, pure flame burst out from it, and finally turned into a deformed flame monster.

The pillar of fire that it spewed also soared, and the golden beam of light was pushed back in an instant.


Everyone's eyes were splitting when they saw that the red pillar of fire was spreading for thousands of miles, and Li Rana was pushed and smashed into a group of ruins.

In the burning ruins, Li Rana tried her best to sit up, her bones and internal organs were in severe pain as if they were all shattered.

He coughed and swallowed the sweet blood, looked down, and saw that many black scales in front of him had melted like steel.

She knew that if it wasn't for the protection of the armor, after the blow just now, there would be no such person in the world.

"What a shame...cough...he failed to kill the monster, and made himself into such a miserable appearance...cough..."

Feeling that her spiritual power was almost exhausted, and all the cells seemed to be crying in pain, she laughed at herself.

After taking a few deep breaths and regaining some strength, Li Rana tried her best to stand up and raise her hand.

The five Star Official Tokens flew over immediately, formed a roughly sword-like shape in mid-air, and were grabbed by them.

"Without the spiritual power, I still have the sword! And this body! Even if I do my best today, I will never let you hurt others!"

Li Ranna roared in her heart and held her sword downwards. In the eyes of everyone, she jumped out of the ruins and slashed towards the fusion monster with her sword in midair.

The sword of the token slashed the surface flame, and cut a long wound on the surface of the fusion monster, and the monster's thick tail flicked in pain——

Like a fragile rag doll, Li Rana was hit and thrown into the air, streaked in mid-air, and then fell to the ground, making a muffled "bang".

The sword of the token swirled and sank into the ground in front of it.

Tong Wei, who was maintaining the protective shield, widened her eyes and looked at the scene in front of her with pain and sluggishness.

So are the rest.

The air is dead silent...

Li Rana's mind was in a trance, everything seemed to be spinning, she tried to hold her hands back, trying to prop herself up, but her arms were weak and she fell down weakly.

Just like that, she landed on the cold concrete floor again.

After the extreme explosion, the aura of the fusion monster also wilted a bit, the flames all over the body subsided, and the tentacles on the back were scorched and pulled out, and it came here step by step.

It's like an approaching death.

Under the black smoke in the sky, in the dim light, and in the sound of burning "crackle", everyone seemed to have turned into a solidified sculpture at this moment.


Tong Wei whispered with a vibrato, took a step, and stopped again, looking around at the wounded, suddenly feeling extremely at a loss.

Go past it yourself, is it useful?

You can't save people, you can't kill enemies, and you're in the Holy Shield, so you have no sense of existence.

If it weren't for the president, people like himself would not be qualified to step into the gate of the Holy Shield at all.

Joining the Holy Shield so early, but the strength is still so low, if it is not reluctant to do some clerical work, I am afraid it is a complete vase.

Everyone did not have a fight, they brought their own.

I finally got a chance, but I still acted so useless, because I was a complete... rubbish!

Tong Wei's head sagged little by little in pain. She had never hated her own incompetence as much as she did now.

At this time, under the maintenance of spiritual power, the coke Sauro, whose situation was gradually stabilized, had a little consciousness, and murmured like a dream in the chaos:

"You... promise... Mom, end... anniversary... travel, but you... die..."

Tears could no longer flow from his burst and scorched eye sockets, but his whole body trembled like sobbing:

"Zhuo... Xue Nong... Liar... Said... Shen... Graduation... Ceremony..."

Zhuo Xuenong?

Tong Wei felt like a flash of lightning flashed through her mind, and a burning pain appeared in her back, and the memories she had worked hard to forget in the past resurfaced.

The house in the fire, the smell of suffocation, the figure who hugged himself out of the sea of ​​fire, after his father died in the sea of ​​​​fire, he stretched out his small hands in his mother's arms and cried in despair, and...

That roar:

"Zhuo Xuenong!!!"

Tong Wei surfaced like a drowning person, the body of water covered instantly disappeared, subconsciously took a breath, and the whole world became clear.

And all the memories that I tried to forget, all came out one after another like a melon.

The dead father, the burned down building, the huge sum of money to be paid.

Cooking and doing homework alone under the dim light, trembling with fear because of the thunderstorm outside the window, thinking it was a roar of paint-splashing gangsters.

Always wearing patched underwear, mocking eyes from classmates, deliberately throwing away pencil boxes and putting spiders in desk boxes.

The mother who leaves early and returns late, her face as pale as a dead person due to her high-intensity busywork, and the witchcraft that she always sits up alone at night and recites in pain and despair in the dark:

Money, money, money, money...

yes! money!

The young Tong Wei was buried in the quilt, her eyes widened, her thirst for money and a rich life burrowed into her bones like a poisonous snake.

Studying and studying, growing up and working, everything you do is for the money you desire.

To this end, she turned herself into snobbery, indifference, and ruthlessness, twisting herself into some kind of money-driven monster...

Tong Wei looked around in a trance, thick smoke billowing, flames roaring, and death was approaching.

Saurer was like coke, and his father's "don't be afraid, uncle will take you out" still echoed in his mind.

But now...he's dead...

"Yeah, everyone in the Holy Shield is so powerful, with all kinds of legendary experiences, even if they don't have extraordinary power, they are heroes."

"Only me, so bad, so snobbish, so useless, a complete ordinary person, a complete waste."


She remembered her mother's cautiously looking forward to the reunion during the New Year's holiday, her mother's disappointed sigh after being rejected every time, and her mother's gradually dry voice and pale hair...

Tong Wei's hands tightened little by little.

Looking at Li Rana, who was still struggling, the scenes from the past seemed to be right in front of her:

When they met for the first time, she took the initiative to reach out: "Hello, my name is Li Rana."

Hearing her strange eyes when she shared a lease with the president, and whenever she revealed a little of her feelings, she snickered badly.

Until they gradually became familiar with each other, they cooperated closely in the office, occasionally teasing each other narrowly.

When I tasted the dishes I made myself, I was even more amazed, and then the contrast was so cute that I would eat it in the future...

In the black scale armor, Tong Wei's tears had overflowed from her eyes. She bit her teeth tightly, and the muscles on her face bulged, completely destroying her delicate face.

The invisible spiritual power spreads out like a strong wind, a deep and gloomy thing, like a repeatedly suppressed volcano, making the survivors inexplicably frightened.. 0


She raised her blue veins protruding from the excessive force, and her face was extremely ferocious, and roared frantically in her heart:

"Ordinary people like me!"

"A trashy person like me!"

"There are also prayers for the good, there is also the pursuit of the sublime, and there is also...the belief in wanting to protect others!!!"

She desperately used her thoughts to dig out the seed of her own spiritual power.


The suppressed volcano erupted suddenly.

The people behind the bunker took a few steps back in astonishment, only to see a tornado-like substance of purple-black spiritual power covering the entire black-scaled warrior who unfolded the protective cover.

The gradually approaching fusion monster suddenly stopped.

While breathing hard, Li Rana finally struggled to sit up and raised her hand to pick up the token sword, but suddenly, a sharp claw hand filled with purple-black spiritual power grabbed the hilt.

She looked up in shock.

I saw that Tong Wei was still covered in black scales, but two long black knuckles like whips appeared behind her head, perpendicular to the ground, with a purple-black holy shield mark on her back, and a scaled tail extending from her spine.

The arms and legs are full of sharp barbs, the eyes are full of terrifying blood awns, and the outside sides are slightly inclined upwards, looking extremely ferocious.

In Li Ranna's eyes, Tong Wei pulled out the token sword, and the originally pleasant tone turned hoarse and said, "Ranna, leave it to me."

Then he said in a low and firm communication stamp: "President, I know you must have been paying attention to us, please give me a boost."

Tang You's projection also looked at this hideous figure in shock, feeling the surging mental fluctuations, as if he knew her for the first time.

He never thought that the third person to be promoted to Level 1 on his own would be Tong Wei, who has been at the back of the crane.

Although, this is a wrong promotion caused by some kind of "explosive seed", the spiritual power of the whole person is close to the dark nature due to chaos.

Biased Ability - Demonization!

This is the first biased ability of All Holy Shield that will mutate the body after it is used, and it is a real melee-type ability like a berserker.

"Tong Wei..."

Tang You's eyes are a little complicated.

This girl who has always been in the 5.3 Divine Shield seems to have no sense of existence, she can't do any tasks, and can only do some simple tasks, so she has such a strong belief.

Maybe I really pay too much attention to the system star rating. How can a creature with infinite possibilities like a human being completely framed by which data.

"Tong Wei, you really taught me a lesson. You may not know how much your promotion has brought to this matter, and I too..."

He smiled with relief, and then in the communication stamp, he solemnly replied: "Okay! You can do whatever you want." Then he gave her an increase in headquarters.

In the next second, Tong Wei's body exploded with an even bigger aura, and purple-black spiritual power rose into the sky...


ps: I have read everyone's complaints about the revision, I can only say with a wry smile, if I don't change the book, it will be gone.

In the past few days, I have been writing new ones and hurriedly changing old ones. It is true that many plots have not been fully considered. If you like the previous version, just remember the previous plot!

I can assure you that in the follow-up, I will weaken the difference caused by the modification, so that everyone can read it as if there is no modification.

Thank you for your support!

(I have to say a few more words, I'm really sorry for wasting your subscription money!).

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