"Bang... dong..."

The rock wall that had been cut with several traces collapsed suddenly, and hundreds of tons of stones hit the ground with a dull sound and shattered into several pieces.

A faint red light appeared in everyone's eyes.

The people present opened their mouths slightly, with uncontrollable excitement on their faces, subconsciously stepped closer, and gradually surrounded them.

Following his gaze, he saw that behind the original rock wall, there were two simple and tall stone gates.

Both of them have a red tourmaline-like substance, which is embedded in one piece. At this time, when they are closed together, it is the striking symbol of the Holy Shield.

"This is... the Holy Shield Secret!"

Lucas muttered in shock.

At this moment, Edgar Hobson, the elite of the American elite, the top director of the ninth district, also had his eyes flashing, and his mood was obviously not calm.

Although there were all kinds of materials and a lot of physical evidence before, when the gate of this relic appeared in front of them, everyone couldn't help but feel shocked.

Divine Shield, this mysterious ancient organization, it really exists!

As a staunch materialist, Professor Chen Shuo tapped his head in disbelief.

After all, he hadn't seen the monster with his own eyes before, and he still had doubts in his heart, but now, the sound wave instrument test showed that there was no space for people in this mountain, but there was indeed a gate here.

There really is extraordinary power in the world!

Chen Shuo felt that his worldview was collapsing.

Edgar closed his eyes, and there was a more pronounced inhalation sound than before, he opened his eyes and said sincerely, "You two professors, you are right. Thank you 20 for helping us find this place. "

Hearing this, Chen Shuo smiled bitterly:

"We were originally just studying the connection between Yin and Shang and the Olmec civilization. As a result, we accidentally discovered the ancient Dongdu Yin ruins because of the collapse."

"Later, because of Slate and you, I came into contact with the unknown side of this world."

"However, it is confirmed that this ancient extraordinary organization, the Holy Shield, does exist, and it also completes the last link of the Yin people's eastward crossing. With the guidance of people who master extraordinary power, the Yin people know the 'God of the Sea', and it makes sense."

"This is the final conclusion of our project."

Speaking of which, Professor Chen Shuo suddenly sighed heavily: "Even if the facts are in front of me, I still find it incredible. Extraordinary, extraordinary..."

His last words were almost muttering in a low voice.

Upon seeing this, Edgar didn't say anything more. He called in people and ordered, "Try to open the door."

After receiving the order, the people in the ninth district acted quickly.



It was 9 in the morning.

Tang You sat behind his desk, just finished processing the first document of the day, closed the pen cap, and looked at the cup of coffee that Oria had just brought.

The little girl said that Rachel brought some authentic family-grown coffee beans from her hometown and gave them all to her. She took a lot of effort to grind them with her own hands and brewed them for him.

Although he didn't like drinking coffee, but the little girl was interested in it, so he picked it up and took a sip.

In an instant, the taste that was particularly bitter because it was authentic enough made him frown and put it back.

As an ordinary person who only used coffee as a refresher for overtime work, Tang You really couldn't taste these things. He poured himself a sip of hot tea in a thermos cup, and then he felt that the bitterness was completely gone.

Looking at the time on the phone, it was exactly nine o'clock.

Seeing that he was a little free, he used the power of prayer and once again set his sights on Mexico, who was thousands of miles away.

The surrounding darkness shrouded and dissipated, Tang You seemed to teleport to the shoal where the entrance to the ruins was located, and I saw Chen Shuo, Lucas, and the others were all in strong astonishment.

And Edgar's face was solemn, listening to the report of his subordinates.

"We've tried drilling, cutting, ramming, etc., but the door not only remains motionless, but also doesn't even show a single mark. Now we only have to blast it."

The subordinate looked ugly and shocked, gritted his teeth and said:

"In the circle in the middle of the sign, there is a square depression, which should be the 'keyhole'. Now we only have two options, either try it with a blast or find the key."

Edgar looked at Chen Shuo.

The latter has been paying attention to this side and smiled wryly: "At this point, I also know that the slate in the Yin people site should be the key. But the problem is that the slate turned into powder soon after being picked up."

"We've said this long ago, and the dust is still in our bag now."

So, Edgar decisively said two words to his subordinates: "Blast."

Some go forward, some go back.

Tang You shook his head helplessly. The style of these people is really rough. Fortunately, when he prepared the ruins, he set a residual defense force for them.

Directional blasting charges were quickly placed.

After Edgar, who was standing in the distance, nodded, the technician immediately pressed the button.


The dazzling fire flashed in the pitch-black rainforest, and the air waves carried the sound of explosions, pressing down the nearby treetops.

After the blast, Edgar and the others rushed over immediately. After approaching, when the smoke and dust dissipated, they could not help but take a breath of the air with the smell of gunpowder.

3 kilograms of high explosives are more powerful than 120mm howitzers in terms of charge alone. However, the seemingly stone gate remained unscathed.

"Come again!" Edgar said solemnly.

This time, the blasting team directly used 15 kilograms of explosives.

A more dazzling flash of light erupted in the forest, and a deafening loud noise made the flock of birds fly again, and countless animals woke up and fled in a hurry.

"You really think too much." Tang You said to himself.

The so-called residual power is only aimed at him. In fact, it is impossible for ordinary people to violently break through the defense of this relic without using heavy artillery to wash the ground.

The people in the ninth district finally calmed down completely after unsuccessfully trying to increase the size again and again, realizing that they and others could not force the door to open.

The first time they saw the power of extraordinary power, Chen Shuo, Lucas and others were shocked and lost their words.

Edgar folded his arms in front of his chest, walked to the edge, turned his back to the crowd, lowered his head slightly, his entire face was immersed in shadows, as if he was trying his best to think.

At a certain moment, he thought of something, his eyes widened suddenly, and he turned around and said, "Since the power of extraordinary power is so amazing, how can the slate used as the key be easily turned into dust?"

"There must be reasons for this that we don't know."

"And we have been thinking about things with ordinary thinking in the past, but in fact, extraordinary power is beyond the norm, so we should jump the shackles."

"Who said that if the slate turns into fly ash, it cannot be restored?"

Tang You next to him applauded.

He thought it would take some time for this group of people to realize this problem, but he didn't expect to find out so quickly.

This Edgar Hobson can become the top director of the ninth district, he really has his ability.

The rest of the people present were stunned for a moment, and then thought carefully, it seemed very reasonable!

Edgar stared at Lucas very seriously: "Professor, the slate turned gray in your hands at that time, please recall carefully, what is unusual about it."

Lucas frowned, turned left and right in place, and finally said helplessly:

"I really can't think of anything unusual. I was in a hurry at the time, but I just thought it would be nice if it wasn't a slate, but something else convenient to hide."

Edgar's eyes lit up: "No, this is it."

Chen Shuo also reacted, grabbed the backpack, took out the dust bag, and desperately thought about recovery in his head.


No movement.

"Let someone else try it. Concentrate on making it recover," Edgar reminded.

Therefore, the students who were present at the time stepped forward to test it one by one, and then even passed it to the hands of the people in the ninth district who were present at the scene.

Edgar's expression became more and more condensed: "Who else hasn't tried it?"

Lucas glanced left and right, and seeing that no one else responded, he stepped forward and took the bag.

This "culprit" hasn't even tried it yet?

Everyone's eyes were instantly focused.

Lucas took a deep breath, opened the bag, concentrated his thoughts, tried to recall the anxious mood that day, and then hypnotized himself, leaving only the thought of "Hope the Slate recover".

Under the white light, a familiar red light lit up.

Edgar squeezed immediately.

And Chen Shuo and the others took half a step subconsciously, showing surprise on their faces.

Lucas, who was the party, even widened his eyes, and clearly saw that the dust in the bag was slowly surging, and the red light was lit up little by little.

It was like blowing air into the ashes of a bonfire, and as the dust flew, the unburned charcoal gradually turned red.

The dust in the bag gradually swelled and settled, and the partially condensed slate gradually floated up. In the end, the entire slate appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"It can really be recovered!"

Professor Chen Shuo looked at it again and again, and was sure that it was what it looked like before, and said in amazement.

Edgar thought more.

The people in the ninth district who followed him were either highly skilled, excellent in combat power, or resourceful, and they were all people with strong willpower, but none of them could restore the slate.

And Lucas can.

The fragmentation and restoration of the slate were all caused by him.

If he didn't realize by now, Edgar was not fit to be the top director of the ninth district because of the speciality of this professor of history at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Seeing Edgar staring at Lucas, and the latter who didn't realize that he was being targeted, Tang You couldn't help but smile.

"Professor Lucas, I specially arranged an 'unusual' status for you, I hope you can accept this gift."

"You in the future will belong to the Indians of Meizhou..."

Tang You's voice of self-talk gradually faded to disappear.

Burying the thoughts that were not important for the time being, Edgar straightened his spine, faced everyone, and said loudly: "Since the key is already there, then quickly open the door."


The people from the ninth district took the slate from Lucas, stepped forward, and carefully pressed it into the groove of the door.

Strictly fit.

The huge holy shield symbol on the ruins door and the small holy shield symbol on the stone slab all bloomed with red light, complementing each other, and gradually faded away.

Everyone seemed to be riding on a roller coaster. The mood that was originally raised suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, and they all looked at each other in dismay.

"Why is this? A certain lack of 'energy'?" Chen Shuo tried in frustration.

At this moment, the crack in the middle door went from top to bottom, the red light spread down, and the slate seemed to be divided into two halves.

In the heavy muffled sound, the door that seemed to lead to the long years was slowly opened...


ps: Don’t subscribe today, I will post this chapter early, everyone goes to bed early, it’s not good to stay up late, and pay attention to your health. It feels like the Chinese New Year is just around the corner, but in a blink of an eye, the Lantern Festival is coming. It's so fast....

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