During Zheng Wenjun's conversation with Tang You, the helicopter gradually arrived at the scheduled location.

In the valley surrounded by mountains, there are more than 20 small buildings with white tiles on the front. Under the shade of the mountain, it is already dark, but no one has turned on the lights.

"The advance team arrived as early as yesterday. They used planes to pick up all the villagers to prevent the monsters from jumping off the wall. Then they carried out a large-scale search. The two sides exchanged fire for a period of 2 minutes."

Zheng Wenjun introduced the follow-up situation to the chairman:

"Because we are all armed helicopters and have no direct contact with them, no one was injured. After the exchange of fire, the monster ran back and went directly to the village, and could not escape without seeing anyone."

"Because the headquarters is going to conduct an experiment, we have all crew members patrol the village 24 hours a day and completely seal the monster in the village. This morning, it tried to break through, but was chased away by machine guns and air-to-surface missiles. return."

"Now is different from before. Since we have to experiment with unmanned combat plans and try to capture monsters alive, there must be ground personnel, and I am here to escort them."

Nodding, Tang You calmly said, "You can do your own thing."

After being instructed, Zheng Wenjun stood up and picked up the walkie-talkie in his chest pocket:

"No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, ready for fire cover at any time, the ground team is about to abseil. No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, cruise on standby. Finished."

"Number 1 understands."

"Number 2 understands."


In response, Zheng Wenjun turned his head to look at the 12 members of the anti-abnormal commando who were standing by solemnly in the cabin.

"Yes! Captain!"

The helicopter space is not very large, so the team members did not stand up, only shouted loudly.

Zheng Wenjun walked to the cabin door, held down the switch, and with a force of his arm, dragged the cabin door open, the cold wind, which was even more frigid because of the humidity, rushed towards his face with a "wheeze", stroking his eyelashes.

On the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in November, the temperature is not low.

He saw that half of the sunset had fallen into the mountains, and the sky and the earth became more and more drowsy, while the mountains and valleys were ups and downs, and the mist was shrouded in mist, like a fairyland.

Zheng Wenjun knew that in the direction he was facing, more than 20 kilometers away, there was a town named after liquor, and there was the most famous liquor company in Yan Kingdom with a market value of more than 2 trillion.

And more than 20 kilometers behind him is the famous conference city in the modern history of the Yan Kingdom, where millions of people live.

Today, must be foolproof!

Zheng Wenjun took a deep breath of cold air, dropped the rope at his feet, and looked back at the team members: "I'll go down first, you all follow."

He didn't wear gloves, and slid down the rope with his bare hands.


Land firmly.

In order to avoid monster attacks, the landing site was a kilometer away from the village. Zheng Wenjun's perception was not within this range, and the same was true for monsters.

But under the skin of his bare hands, there was still a faint dark red, like magma flowing inside, ready to go.

He took a few steps forward in the clearing, staring at the village down the hill.

Under the dim light and in the fierce cold wind, behind his tall and straight figure, the members of the anti-abnormal commando descended down, well-trained to establish a defensive formation.

Soon, all twelve people reached the ground, the helicopter flew away, and another transport helicopter with a large box flew over.

The team members hurriedly stepped forward to untie the hook and informed the pilot by radio, so the plane also pulled up and left.

"team leader."

someone shouted.

Zheng Wenjun turned around, stepped forward, pressed his fingerprint, and dialed the password to unlock it.

With a slight mechanical sound, the box was blooming like flowers on all sides, unfolding downwards, revealing several large boxes inside.

Some of the team members moved it down, while others were responsible for setting up temporary tents.

The first box was opened, and there were five specially made four-axis drones that were folded up. The technicians set them up, set up the table, took out the computer, and started to operate it with a bang.


The rotors turned, five drones lifted off, and headed straight for the village. In less than a minute, thermal and sound images of the entire village appeared on the computer screen.

The former is just a large patch of dim blue light.

But for the latter, it can be clearly seen that the silhouette of a human figure behind a wall is particularly conspicuous, and the image above its neck is obviously split into two.

"Two-headed werewolf."

Zheng Wenjun said to himself.

Tang You stood side by side with him, ready to observe how this combat plan worked.

"Load the combat brain." A certain technician said quietly.

On his screen, an illusory human brain pattern appeared, and the progress bar on the top layer quickly filled to the right. After reaching 100%, the progress bar disappeared and several icons appeared near the brain.

"The battle brain is loaded, link the modules."

"The link is complete."

Each icon is linked to the brain with a thin blue line.

"Release the unmanned combat vehicle."

Finger hits the enter key.

Outside the tent, the large boxes lined up in a row rang out with the sound of mechanical operation. The side facing the village was opened, with different numbers and shapes. Equipped with these different weapons, an all-terrain combat vehicle about the height of an adult's waist drove out.

There is no need for people to issue instructions, there is Beidou satellite positioning system guidance, radar terrain imaging, and a number of unmanned combat vehicles go down the mountain by themselves along the slope.

Inside the tent, everyone stared at the screen. On the map, the green dot of the unmanned combat vehicle was constantly approaching the striking red dot.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The tent was "puff-puff" by the evening wind.

"Unmanned combat vehicles arrived at the periphery of the village and released combat drones."

Hit enter again.

Oral communication and keyboard sounds seem extremely orderly, as if they are not sieging and suppressing cannibal monsters at this moment, but the team in the game is brushing dungeons.

But the solemnity in the air clearly stated that the latter was just an illusion.

Soon, much larger combat drones also arrived over the village.

"Activate the combat brain."

"Battle brain activated."

The last words fell, and the technician left the keyboard with both hands and looked at Zheng Wenjun, who was staring at him: "Captain, the response of ordinary people is too slow in the battle against monsters. The next thing is to be handed over to the intelligent program."

Zheng Wenjun nodded.

On the computer screen on the left, multiple real-time image transmission pictures have appeared, while the computer screen on the right shows a map with red and green dots.

The nearest unmanned combat vehicle is less than 20 meters away from the two-headed werewolf.

in the village.

The six wheels of the all-terrain unmanned combat vehicle run over the rammed earth.

On the way, a latrine had collapsed, and there were obvious traces of two rows of bullet holes swept by heavy machine guns on the ground. It is believed that the latrine also collapsed because of this.

A big fat pig was crushed under the masonry, unable to move, his face was pressed to the ground, "chirp chirp", and he hummed twice from time to time.

The unmanned combat vehicle crossed the latrine, and a three-story building was reflected in the camera and in the eyes of everyone in the tent.

The data provided by the UAV and the feedback from the on-board detectors, the intelligent program controls the combat vehicle to stop according to the preset settings.

The unmanned vehicles that were surrounded from other directions stopped every second.

On the front of the car stood a flat object similar to a satellite pan. It slowly turned, aiming at the humanoid outline in the sound wave imaging, and the directional ultrasonic wave that ordinary people could not hear suddenly burst out.

At the same time, the combat vehicles in the east also fired high-speed armor-piercing projectiles.


There was a pothole on the side of the wall covered with cement.

But everyone in the tent saw that in the sound wave imaging, the two-headed werewolf was no longer in its original position, but moved to the first floor in an instant.

Bad opening!

Everyone just stared at the screen and squeezed their hands.

Zheng Wenjun was expressionless. After all, he was also the captain of the commando team and knew about facial management.

"The effect of directional ultrasonic waves is weak. According to the program settings, the next step is to use a range of infrasonic weapons. The frequency is the best frequency band for the sample test before, in order to interfere with the target and reduce its mobility."

The technician said seriously.

Tang You's projection came directly to the village, the first day of the new year to——


With a loud noise, the door of the small and medium-sized building shattered, and a huge figure suddenly rushed out.


A terrifying and depressing growl came out of his throat, like a gray shadow, flashed in front of the unmanned combat vehicle emitting directional ultrasonic waves, and swung it out.

Cold light flashed.

Broken steel!

The combat vehicles, which had been turned into two halves, were scattered on the ground.

The figure stood there, more than two meters tall, with hair like steel needles, bulging muscles, and a crater with dried blood on the back. The paws are about twenty centimeters long.

Its image, just standing there, brings substantial pressure.


The muffled muffled sound in his throat was incessant for a moment.

The ferocious wolf head on the right looked at the wreckage of the combat vehicle, while the other one slowly turned around, staring at the combat vehicle carrying heavy firearms and firing armor-piercing bullets with blood-colored eyes.

"Level 0 limit." Tang You said to himself.


Breaking sound.

The gray shadow slammed towards the combat vehicle he told him to.

The distance of 20 meters, under the outbreak of the two-headed werewolf, has already crossed half in less than forty milliseconds, and it is foreseeable that it will only arrive in eighty milliseconds.

This has completely exceeded the limit of human response.

If a well-trained soldier is here, the two-headed werewolf's sharp claws have already cut it in half before his nerve commands are transmitted to the muscles.

But computers are not people!

The bio-radar, as well as the light point system, has been operating faithfully under the control of an emotionless program, and driven by the motor, the muzzle has been adjusted slightly.

When the two-headed werewolf came ten meters in front of the combat vehicle, the infrasound waves emitted by the other vehicles also happened to arrive.


In the muzzle flash, the armor-piercing projectile with an initial velocity of 1,500 meters per second was fired again, pointing directly at the oncoming werewolf.

However, at a distance of 10 meters, from launch to hit, it will not exceed 7 milliseconds.

The sudden crisis shrouded his chaotic thinking in an instant, his blood-colored pupils shrank, his legs slammed with mana, and he was about to move sideways.

But it was slow for a moment.

Infrasonic resonance destruction works!

A faint gray-white spiritual light shield suddenly appeared.


A smear of blood appeared.

"Bang!" The gunshot rang out.

The momentum of the two-headed werewolf was stagnant for a while, then swayed again, rushed past the combat vehicle, rolled a few circles and stood up suddenly.

It's just that his right leg below the knee seems to have been scratched halfway by some unevenness, and Bai Sensen's stubble is exposed.

The injury made the face of the two-headed werewolf even more brutal. The corners of his mouth seemed to be grinning to the top of his head, and his mouth was full of sharp teeth. Some of the teeth were sharp, and there were half of people's fingers.


One of its heads roared, and the gray-white air column rushed out.


The unmanned combat vehicle sank in an instant, the whole thing was overturned, and it hit the ground heavily.

Once the attack was successful, the two-headed werewolf slammed to the side, and at the same time, the gray-white spiritual arc shield appeared again in the air beside him.

Another splatter of blood.

The two-headed werewolf staggered a few steps, missing a large piece of flesh on his right arm.

If the armor-piercing bullet hits the key point, it can indeed be killed directly, but it hides too quickly and has spiritual defense, so it can last until now.

The supersonic armor-piercing projectile struck again.

But this time, the two-headed werewolf threw himself against the wall, dodged completely, and then kicked violently, swept across the air, and headed towards the unmanned car on the vegetable field behind the house.

The other two combat vehicles that had been waiting for a long time immediately attacked.


Three armor-piercing rounds were fired in salvo, locking the werewolf's movement space in three directions.

Seeing that it was almost unavoidable, it seemed inevitable that he would die, but suddenly and invisible force acted, causing it to fall down suddenly, avoiding the bullet in a thrilling way.

Tang You shook his head.

The role that spiritual power can play under the use of extraordinary creatures is unimaginable by ordinary people.

Moreover, don't look at the two-headed werewolf being so seriously injured at the moment, as long as he escapes and finds a place to hide for ten days, he will basically be able to recover as before.

Seeing this, he already knew the result of this unmanned battle.

The two-headed werewolf's fighting ability seemed to be fully stimulated. After landing, he jumped forward, knocked over the target at the beginning, and rolled with it in his arms. While avoiding the armor-piercing bullet, his sharp claws swiped to dismember it.

Then quickly jumped into a certain house and disappeared.

Everyone in the tent saw that on the top view of the drone's thermal imaging, in the large blue area representing the low temperature, the red and conspicuous silhouette of the human figure was moving around the house.

Relying on complex terrain and bunkers, it is already rapidly approaching the remaining two combat vehicles.

The combat procedures also know that the muzzle of the car is stably rotating, and it has been "see-through and self-aiming", and the partition wall is pointing at the two-headed werewolf.

As soon as it appeared, a bullet greeted him.

One shot?

Tang You, who was on the sidelines, flickered slightly, and the program he set up actually played the puff pastry. I predicted that you predicted my prediction.

As expected, the werewolf lowered his back, landed on all fours, dodged bullets, and then swooped on, before he was ready to raise his claws and slap.

But suddenly-


An armor-piercing bullet suddenly shot out, piercing the werewolf's shoulder, and also piercing the "companion" who had not suffered bad luck.

The two smashed into the house together, causing thick smoke and dust.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The only remaining combat vehicles had their guns restocked at intervals.

However, after three rounds, the smoke suddenly dissipated, and a gray-white air column rushed out with a brazen momentum, and instantly lifted the combat vehicle and kept rolling.

In the end, it stuck upside down in an alley, and the wheel was still turning, as if it wanted to turn upside down.

The figure of the two-headed werewolf gradually walked out of the smoke and dust, with two hollows on the torso, one of which even had a broken spine.

It tried to stand still, opened its mouth, and seemed to roar at last.

But suddenly, a ball of fire smashed down at a lightning-quick speed, like a cannonball, blasting out a huge flame...


ps: After squinting for a while, I'll go, what did I write... When I'm sleepy, it's really bad to write...

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