
As soon as Tang You finished speaking, the giant monkey roared again, and his raised right arm slammed towards him.

Toes a little, he leaped to avoid it.


Hearing a muffled sound, the giant monkey's heavy palm slapped directly on his head. When the scarlet eyes froze, the ground suddenly shook with this huge force.

Li De saw that the tall and straight back of the man floated lightly in front of him.

As an Eastern Roman aristocrat, he knew very well in the past that the so-called evil devil was just a deceptive term created by the Holy See.

But now...

Li De no longer knew how to express his feelings at the moment.

In front of him, Tang You was standing silently.

In the extraordinary visual gaze, the monstrous and evil appearance of the giant monkey gradually faded, revealing the image of a monk sitting cross-legged, chanting scriptures silently, and radiating brilliance.

"Found a five-star concept character." The system prompt sounded.

Under the calm face, Tang You was actually very surprised.

This monk's mortal body can actually resist the powerful erosion of one of the three special items brought about by this evil silt.

Is this the five-star concept character?

To be honest, although the system had reminded me when I just arrived at this time and space before, the upper limit of extraordinary power that can be used by a person with a conceptual identity is very high.

But he never thought that he would find it as soon as he arrived.

Tang You's gaze crossed the giant monkey turned into by the monk of the Dharma Realm, and looked further away. Because of his appearance, he had turned his horse's head and hurriedly retreated the "Evil Horse Thief".

The silt-bottomed evil spirits were obviously also looking for this monk, and parasitized directly through one of the three special items, in an attempt to use more powerful power to achieve their goals.


Seeing that the giant monkey regained its ferocity again, Tang You snapped out a shimmer of light, which sank into Li De's chest, then jumped slightly, crossed an arc in mid-air, and fell into the retreating evil horse thieves.

Seeing that the glowing figure was about to run away and the giant monkey bared and roared, 133 also folded and jumped, like a huge cannonball, smashing straight into the group of horse thieves.

In an instant, some people and horses were directly smashed into meat sauce.


Among the horse thieves, a shrill neigh sounded.

"Unfortunately, you didn't expect that this monk's willpower would be so strong. Even after the mutation became mad, he didn't directly fall into the bottom of the silt, but he was indistinguishable between the enemy and me in the struggle."

Tang You floated in mid-air, following in front of the fleeing horse thief.

He quietly watched the giant monkey, in order to pursue him, smashed the early level 0 evil thieves who were blocking the way, smashed them into pieces one by one, and rushed towards them.

The ring of crystals directly intensified this five-star concept character into a level 1 superhuman. Killing these evil horse thieves who are only twice as strong as ordinary people is like pulling an onion.

The neighing of the horses and the hoarse howls of evil reverberated in this frozen valley.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, more than 30 evil horse thieves completely turned into minced meat spilled all the way.

Tang You finally stopped floating and flew, and landed on the ground. Looking at the giant monkey with more blood in his eyes, he closed his eyes and raised his right hand slightly.


The giant monkey roared and kicked, jumping directly across a distance of ten meters.

The wind was blowing, and the hair was slightly swayed.

Tang You suddenly opened his eyes, and his right palm burst into a strong sightseeing brilliance, and the arc spread, covering the entire giant monkey who rushed forward.

Looking from the sky, in the dark and narrow valley under the night, the moment is as bright as day.

Somewhere on the cliffs of a mountain peak, the snow leopards, the alpine spirits, were awakened by this strong brilliance and looked up with their necks raised.

The intense brilliance lasted for nearly half a minute before disappearing without a trace in the snow leopard's gray pupils.

Wakhan Corridor.

The ragged monk knelt on the ground, and Tang You, with his slightly shimmering right hand, was slowly withdrawing from the top of his head.

In order to expel the evil power, Tang You's output intensity per second was stuck at the level 2 limit.

If it is an ordinary level 2 extreme superhuman, the spiritual power it possesses is simply not enough to support such an output, but Tang You is originally level 4, and the spiritual power is vast, so it can be so easy.

At the same time, the Dharma Realm, whose face had returned to calm, tried his best to lift his upper body and looked at the young man covered in soft light in the dark, and stood speechless for a while.

In fact, he could see clearly what he had done after the mutation.

However, although the Dharma Realm can keep a glimmer of light, it cannot control its own changes and madness in the chaos.

He didn't even know how much murder he would end up causing if no one stopped him.

As a religious person, he didn't know how to deal with the mysterious existence that suddenly appeared in the form of a savior in front of him.

After thinking for a while, he finally put his hands together and bowed his head.


Although the sky was bright, the cold wind was still whistling in the long and narrow valley.

Tang You, in a green shirt, rode a camel, clasped his hands on his chest, and stepped through the thick layer of snow.

The monks in the Dharma Realm wore spare monk robes and carried a load of Buddhist scriptures, and followed the camels silently.

And Li De, who had recovered from his injuries, carried a machete he picked up from a dead horse thief, walked beside the monk in the Dharma Realm, and whispered:

"Master, if you made a lighter move yesterday, those horses wouldn't die, and the camels wouldn't be scared away to the point where only this one is left. The two of us won't have to rely on our feet to travel."

"You are extraordinary now, and I am an ordinary person. This study made my feet numb."

Hearing this, the monk of the Dharma Realm couldn't help but shake his head with a wry smile, but he was still thinking about what the mysterious existence who called himself "President of the Holy Shield" said to the two of them last night.

Extraterritorial demons, holy shield practitioners, areas locked by artifacts...

If he had learned of this in the past, he would at most take it as the content of the storybook, but after what happened last night, he had no choice but to believe it.

After all, that terrifying power is still in the body at this moment.

The cold wind that used to make brothers and feet stiff, now blowing on his body, could not make him feel cold at all, but his whole body was warm.

Li De looked at the Dharma monk who had recovered his sanity, and was very envious.

This morning, he saw with his own eyes that Dharma Realm accidentally crushed the stones on the ground with his bare hands.

What a terrifying force that is!

The two people who follow have different thoughts, and Tang You is also full of thoughts.

In his vision at the moment, in the system light curtain, there is a conspicuous countdown: 59 days and 12 o'clock.

After asking the system just now, I learned that it was the longest time he stayed in this time and space.

That is to say, when the countdown is over, he will be sent back to the original time and space, regardless of whether he cleans up the evil spirits or not.

The hidden evil and the ever-decreasing countdown were like a big mountain, pressing heavily on his heart.

The reason why Tang You didn't use flying to travel is because it must have alerted the possible evils along the way and hidden them even deeper.

"Looking at this situation, I'm afraid I have to build a holy shield in this time and space. In this way, even if I finally leave, the members of this time and space can continue to clear the remaining evil spirits."


He had already thought of this last night, but after asking the system, he learned that when the evil spirits were cleared, the enchantment would dissipate on its own, but the human transcendents would also be excluded.

Without the protection of the system, once the low-level extraordinary person is excluded from the universe, he will not be able to escape the ending of death.

Faced with such a predicament, Tang You couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"That is to say, it is necessary for the members of the Holy Shield of this time and space to be able to use weak extraordinary power, but also to not be a real extraordinary person, or to remove this power at any time."

He tapped his forehead, trying to find a suitable method in the huge knowledge base in his head.

Suddenly, Tang You thought of the monk of the Dharma Realm.

One of the three special items with the silt bottom has been completely integrated with it, causing it not only to become a superhuman, but also to increase its power every second.

Moreover, he is still a five-star character, should he just leave him in this space and time and let him die?

What's more, monks in the Dharma Realm still have the identity of "conceptual characters", and such identities generally come from the myths and legends of various ethnic groups.

Tang You doesn't know which historical figure he is.

However, based on the key points of "going westward", "returning in pursuit of the law", and "becoming a giant monkey after a mutation", he could basically guess that the Dharma Realm was a well-known mythical identity in the later Yan Kingdom cultural circle. .

But what makes Tang You puzzled is why its name is "Dharma Realm" instead of "Wukong".

The difference is a bit big...


The weather got worse in the evening.

The blizzard that almost completely obscured the sight was suddenly spread.

Facing the cold wind, the three of them finally met a few households of herdsmen in the valley, on a slightly gentle meadow on one side, calling themselves Yuanpantuo people.

With the help of the power of prayer, Tang You communicated with these families in authentic Persian.

He gave the spices and all the tea that the camels brought to the herdsmen, in exchange for the warm hospitality of these families.

Tang You can of course take out gold and silver, but for such herdsmen, those precious metals are not as real as materials.

The Wakhan Corridor, even in later generations with advanced technology, is still rated as one of the most difficult places for Blue Star to survive, not to mention the Tang Dynasty.

In addition, it is winter now, when food is extremely scarce, so even if a few households of herdsmen have tried their best to entertain, the meat is also pitiful, mainly dry food like naan.

But Li De, who was shivering from the cold, still devoured his food amidst the fire rising from the dry cow dung.

Especially when the hot goat milk was removed from the fire and handed to him, it made him smile even more, and he quickly thanked him, accidentally speaking Roman Latin.

After the hot food was eaten, and the flames were roasting, Li De gradually warmed up.

Seeing President Tang with a peaceful smile and chatting with the owner from time to time, he asked the Dharma world a little curiously, "Master, do you know what happened to the Yuanpantuo people?"

In this era, monks were typical high-level intellectuals, especially when they traveled to various countries in the Dharma world, they must be very familiar with the historical justice along the way.

"According to Master Xuanzang's record in "The Great Tang Western Regions", Yuanpantuo is a country located in Congling, but as far as I know, about fifty years ago, this country was wiped out by Tubo."

"These people are probably unwilling to submit to the Tubo rule, so they have always called themselves Jipantuo people."

Dharma Realm lowered his voice.

Li De was stunned, and immediately noticed that President Tang's brows suddenly wrinkled.

"You mean, three days ago, you heard from a passing caravan that there was an invulnerable Tubo army in the Tang kingdom?"

Tang You asked.

The host nodded and said seriously: "Yes, I heard that in that army, after being blessed by the Great Lama, a few Arhats who were invulnerable to bullets attacked Khotan of the Tang Dynasty, causing heavy losses."

Hearing this, Tang You was taken aback.

According to the words of the male host, it seems that the time of his arrival this time seems to be a lot later than the evil spirits at the bottom of the bottom, and...

His eyes were distant, and he said in a low voice: "Tubo, Khotan..."


ps: This time-travel involves organizing historical lies, and the famous "Wukong", which is quite important.

In addition, there are many people who guess that Li De is Matthew, in fact... eh, let's not say, hum hum .......

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