The morning sun in winter is pale and bloodless.

In the ruins, the huge stone plate was dragged by the thick hemp rope, dragging a deep trace on the ground.

Lidra held the rope, panting like a cow, only to feel her chest bursting open.

Even on a cold winter day, he was still sweating profusely, and a thin layer of frost froze on the wings of his nose.

But he remained silent and immersed himself in training.

Life Seeds need to cooperate with a set of internal and external exercise methods to develop their physical potential. The efficiency is far less than that of Spirit Seeds, and the upper limit is very low.

But life seeds can be refined by extracting the spiritual power of otherworldly monsters, just like refining extraordinary items, that is to say, they can be manufactured on a large scale.

Tang You was still sitting in the shabby house, watching the Dharma Realm incarnate into a giant monkey, raising his hand to repair the roof that was pierced yesterday, while teaching the iron law and development of the Holy Shield.

The little guys were in the ruins, picking up materials everywhere and handing them to the "Grandpa Monkey" they liked.

Although it is a ruin, the scene is very harmonious.

The sun rises and sets, and the sky darkens.

Next to Li De, who was training hard, there were gradually more figures one after another. Like Li De, they gritted their teeth, endured the hardships, trained hard, and tried their best to use their life seeds to the limit.

Around this group of people, the dilapidated houses were demolished little by little, and like a time-lapse animation, brick-and-mortar houses were erected one after another.

When the countdown in the field of vision, only 20 days later, the members of the temporary base also came to 30 people.

Tang You stood on the stage, watching the thirty sturdy men training with bare arms and breathing like thunder, a hint of relief appeared in his eyes.

These are the characters he has spent more than 30 nights carefully selecting, and each of them traces the past with the power of prayer.

They will be the holy 20 shield seeds in this time and space.

The only thing that puzzled Tang You was Li De.

He had suspected before that Li De was Matthew de Dubois, but counting the time, Matthew arrived in Chang'an during the Yuanhe period, which was a dozen years behind.

After the questioning, Li De made it clear that his real name was Xiuneus de Dubois, and he used the power of prayer to verify that he did not lie.

However, the power of prayer is vaguely foreseen, and there is a great relationship between Li De and Matthew.

Normally, the power of prayer cannot know the future, because the future has not yet happened, but since Tang You is actually in history at this time, the future is not completely chaotic.

So, he can get a glimpse of it.

It is precisely because of this vague foresight that Tang You can't help but have some doubts. The same surname is Du Bois, but he came to the Tang Dynasty more than ten years earlier. Could it be that Matthew is a descendant of Li De?

At this moment, a giant eagle flew from the sky, flapping its huge wings and landing, fanning the wind and waves that made people stand unsteady.

After the giant eagle fell to the ground, it shrank rapidly and gradually changed into a monk wearing a monk's robe. Upon closer inspection, it was Wukong.

He can't use spiritual magic, but the copper skin and iron bones are extremely powerful. After Tang You's research and teaching, he has been able to control the mutant appearance on his own.

The giant eagle in front of him is one of them.

Looking at this scene, Tang You couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Conceptual identity is really an incomparably mysterious existence, which can make top-level phantom beasts have immortality, and also make Wukong gradually move closer to myths and legends."


Perceiving the approaching Dharma Realm, it was already close to the aura of level 2. Both Tang You were amazed at such a speed of improvement.

However, this is also a special opportunity for him. He is kept alive by the ring of crystals, and with his own help, he is able to open quickly.

Dharma Realm walked beside him and said, "President, I turned into a goshawk to patrol and found that the Tubo army had assembled and set off. Looking at the direction, it was heading towards Khotan."

"Furthermore, I found hundreds of parasites inside, with the scent of silt-bottomed demons, mixed in and heard the Tubo soldiers say that this time, the great lama with supernatural powers will also be dispatched."

Tang You's eyes were solemn.

In the Wakhan Corridor, after hearing the descriptions of the few households of the Yuanpantuo herdsmen, he had already determined that there must be one of the two special items left by the evil spirits, which parasitized the great lama.

For this reason, he secretly went to the Tibetan Plateau more than once, and he concealed his breath and mixed in with the Tibetan army to inquire about news.

It turned out that the Great Lama was extremely cunning.

The first and only time he appeared, he blessed a few "arhats" in front of everyone, and then left a "thousand-mile snail" for the army commander.

After that, "arhats" came to him from time to time, but the great lama never appeared again.

How could such a cunning and cautious enemy say with great fanfare that he would also be dispatched with the army?

"President, with such a force, Khotan will not be able to support it, we..." Wukong said without worry.

Tang You smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, no matter what conspiracies and tricks those demons have, we can do what we need to do, and we can do it steadily."

"With my rank, there is not much time left. In the future, you will be the one who will lead them forward. Remember, once you make mistakes, mankind will perish completely."

"So, play steadily, never take risks, and at the same time do your best to eliminate evil. This is a creed that you must keep in mind."

Wukong looked at Tang You's peaceful and hopeful face under the bloody morning light, his lips moved a few times, and finally he just lowered his head: "Yes, President."


Khotan, one of the ancient states in the Western Regions.

In the 20th year of Zhenguan, the khans of the Western Turks, Yipi Shekui, made a marriage with the Tang Dynasty, and gave Qiuci, Khotan, Shule and other countries as dowry gifts.

In the 22nd year of Zhenguan, the Tang army built castles in the four cities of Qiuci, Yanqi, Khotan, and Shule, and established military towns.

Among them, Khotan guarded the main road from Tubo directly to the Anxi Protectorate. Every time the two sides fought, they would bear the brunt.

I saw that on the desolate land, a large continuous oasis was particularly conspicuous.

This is the largest oasis in the South Road of the Western Regions, and it is also the biggest reason for the existence of Khotan.

Yuchi Yao, with a broad stature and a bushy beard, was wearing a repaired chainmail, standing on the city wall made of mud and stone, and looked away with a solemn expression.

I saw three or four miles ahead, about thousands of people and horses camped, looking at the flag, it was the Tubo army on the plateau.

As the deputy envoy of Anxi Jiedu and also the king of Khotan, Yuchiyao's mood at this moment can be called a dark cloud overcoming the city.

At the beginning, due to the An-Shi Rebellion, Beiting and Anxi, the two guards, organized a large number of troops to rush to King Qin in the Central Plains, resulting in an empty border.

Tubo took advantage of the situation.

In 763 AD, in the first year of Emperor Zongguangde of the Tang Dynasty, Tubo fell into a large area in the northwest. In addition, the chaos of Pugu Huaien caused the Hexi Corridor to be completely cut off.

The Anxi Protectorate's Mansion has been isolated since then.

In the middle, although it resumed contact with the imperial court several times on and off, but the Anxi Protectorate has never received more than half of support since then.

Looking back on the past, Yu Chi Yao, who was already in his rare years, suddenly felt like a dream.

In the blink of an eye, they have persisted in the seemingly impossible task for twenty-five years, during which more than a hundred battles, the Anxi Protectorate still exists!

However, Khotan is almost at the limit.

At first, the ordnance was shattered and scorched beyond storage, and the people could also collect hides and bird feathers for repair.

But without the support of the imperial court, the defenders increased their dependence on the local oasis agriculture and increased the land burden. Today, large oases have gradually deserted, and the civilian power is almost exhausted.

As the deputy envoy of Anxi Jiedu, Yu Chiyao's repaired chain mail is already the best.

As he was heading west, the guarding envoy Zheng Ju suddenly came over: "General, the team transporting grain, grass and iron from Qiuci has entered the city."

Yuchi Yao had a happy expression on his face: "Take me there quickly."

The two went down the city wall, and saw that although the house was dilapidated, it was neat and tidy, which was a typical appearance of a military town in the Tang Dynasty.

Walk for a quarter of an hour to the north of the city.

Yuchi Yao looked over and saw that dozens of camels had been tied up, the sergeants were unloading supplies, and a certain civilian-looking person was pacing timidly. Seeing the two approaching, he hurriedly saluted:

"Xiaguan Wu Sinian, I have met General Yuchi and General Zheng."

Yuchi Yao waved his hand and said with some joy: "No need to be too polite, this batch of supplies is really timely."

However, Wu Sinian felt extremely distressed.

He is the great-grandson of Wu Daozi's brother, the "Sage of Painting" in the Tang Dynasty. He was born in AD 758, the first year of Emperor Suzong's reign, during the Anshi Rebellion, and the future of the country was unclear.

His father took the word "Si Nian" for it from the sentence "In the year of Wansi, received by the heavens" in "Book of Songs, Daya, Xiawu", and his intention was to wish the Tang Dynasty's long-term luck.

Later, he studied painting with the direct descendants of Wu Daozi. Although his skills were superb, he had a poor imperial examination and a bad temper.

In the end, he was banished and detoured to the Uighur with the messenger team to come to this lonely place to do things.

But no matter what, it was still in Qiuci before, and it was the headquarters of the Anxi Protectorate.

Unexpectedly, just a simple delivery of food and grass will encounter the Tubo siege. Just now, if they walked slower, they would have been blocked outside the city by the Tibetans.

"What kind of hysteria is this Tubo this year? Going down the mountain to fight in the winter, such a waste of food and grass, once it fails, it will cost a lot."

Wu Sinian muttered to himself.

The situation was urgent, and Yuchi Yao didn't talk to him much. He simply asked a few questions about Qiuzi's situation, and then asked someone to take him to rest.

After a restless sleep, when I woke up, it was almost noon.

Although Wu Sinian was interested in wandering around to understand the specific situation here, the situation was anxious and the city was completely under military control, and his identity was not enough to travel unimpeded.

So, he had to get the food from the big pot, and squatted at the door while eating and observing.

In the past few years in Anxi, his so-called literati elegance has long been thrown into the dog's stomach.

The soldiers who come and go here are all locals, and most of them already have white hair. It is estimated that they will not be younger than fifty or sixty years old. At a glance, it is really a city with white hair.

Wu Sinian suddenly slowed down, his heart was particularly heavy.

He knew very well that this was because at the time of the Anshi Rebellion, Yuchi Yao's elder brother, Yuchi Sheng, who was the king at the time, took out 5,000 young and strong men and went to the Qin Dynasty in the Central Plains.

The total number of people under the jurisdiction of the King of Khotan will not exceed 50,000, which means that almost all the strong men were sent to the Central Plains, which led to a serious fault in the population of Khotan.

Therefore, there is a situation in which the city is full of white-haired soldiers.

At this moment, some kind of deep emotion came to his mind, which was the loss of the country's rise and fall, the disappearance of mountains and rivers, and the connection with the small individual.

This situation reminds Wu Sinian of the emperor who is not like a master in Chang'an City. He can't help but look up to the sky: "Da Tang, Da Tang, you know, there are still such a group of people who are fighting to the death for you."

After sighing, he only felt depressed in his heart, picked up his chopsticks and sketched in the air, trying to express the meaning in his heart, but after all, he could not break the brick, so he had to give up in frustration.

Wu Sinian packed up the bowls and chopsticks, and was about to return them when he suddenly saw an ordinary-looking pedestrian with a faint red light flashing through his palm.

In doubt, he quickly looked.

But there was still some red light, but it was the pedestrian who suddenly crossed his shoulders with another person and went into a certain box, but the latter's posture was a little weird, as if his hands and feet were inconvenient.

So, he shook his head, turned and left...


ps: Please also believe me, I write these people, not just to count the words, they will be of great use... Some are even the introduction of "exposure" after this story is over.

After all, after writing so many words, it is always used as a refreshing point. .

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