In the sacrificial event in Window Rock City, the capital of the Navajo Tribe, Jerome once saw the existence of the inner world riding a flying dragon through his subordinates' photography, with a vague red mark on his hand.

Later, he tried to restore the image through AI parsing.

However, because the shooting distance was too far and the palm mark was too small, there were very few useful pixels in the video, so that the AI ​​lacked reference, and the restoration result was like Van Gogh's abstract pattern.

Jerome's plan to trace a new direction through the sign was also broken.

But at this moment, when this memory came to his mind, he felt that the description of the security personnel was quickly overlapping with the vague red pattern at the beginning.

In fact, this is precisely due to the fuzzy processing power of the human brain, far exceeding any current human algorithm.

Although there is no substantive evidence, Jerome has a strong premonition that the symbol on the palm of the mysterious Flying Dragon Knight and the pattern on Thor's Hammer are probably the same thing.

The hunch is a bit metaphysical, but he values ​​it very much.

Because, relying on his own hunch at the beginning, he chose to buy Icefire Island and Nanfei in 2008, thus gaining his current power.

Especially now that he has learned that the mysterious power really exists, he is even more convinced of his own hunch.

And it is from this point that he will be shocked and dignified.

"Pattern logos, in the conventional sense, are generally organizational logos. If the two patterns are really the same, then it means that both parties belong to the same organization."

"What does Thor belong to? It belongs to the Aesir! This means that the dragon knight also belongs to the Aesir."

When Jerome thought of this, the corners of his eyes almost trembled slightly, and there seemed to be stormy waves in his eyes, and his thoughts were running like a crazy engine.

"The description of Ragnarok in Norse mythology says that after the tragic war, the god of darkness Hoder and the god of light Balder returned from the underworld, and the two gods and the gods who also survived will become the rulers of the new world. By."

"The original text of the myth has already stated that the Asa Protoss has not completely perished, and the flying dragon knight who belongs to the Asa Protoss also just confirmed this."

"At the same time that the United States has Feathered Serpent priests, it is even implicated in the Asa God Race! No, no, no, in comparison, this is not the point at all."

"The real point is that the Asa Gods who have experienced the Battle of Twilight are still hiding in a corner of Blue Star, and are watching the human world with eyes that have been baptized for thousands of years, does this mean... …”

"Everything we do is in their eyes!"

Intense panic suddenly came to his mind, and Jerome's whole body trembled imperceptibly. In a trance, he seemed to see that a pair of eyes that mortals could not see were looking down at himself and others through the void.

Tang You, who was sitting at the Jiangcheng headquarters of the Yan Kingdom and observed the situation here, although he did not spy on the consciousness of this group of people, but through Jerome's micro-expression, it was enough to detect that his heart was extremely uneasy.

In fact, the latter's speculation at this time is only one step away from the history constructed by Tang You.

As a temporary team, Miss Dolphin observed the most keen existence of her teammates, and immediately found out that something was wrong with No. 0 beside her, but she did not speak out directly, but stared at "reading" for a moment before she said:

"Number 0, what's wrong with you?"

No matter how tumultuous in his heart, when he heard this, Jerome's strangeness disappeared in an instant, and he turned his head and said calmly, "It's nothing, since it doesn't seem to be too dangerous at the moment, let's go together."

Miss Dolphin's eyes flashed for a moment, she nodded at him, and said slowly, "Okay."

So, the group carefully stepped onto the bridge deck.

Of course, there may be unknown hidden dangers, but their trip was originally an adventure.

Jerome's mind slowed down a little, and he couldn't help thinking about his own situation: "Think carefully, as the survivors of the Battle of Twilight, the older generation of the Asa Protoss obviously knows the location of the battlefield."

"Did they really ignore this place?"

"I don't know exactly how, I can only say that it may be, or it may not be. The former means that we should not be paid attention to, but the latter... I am afraid that the eyes are really watching us."

On the side that no one else could see, Jerome's left hand was clenching slightly.

"Although it looks like nothing on the surface, in fact, since I made a plan here, there is no way out. After all, even if I go back, the things here will always be exposed."

"And being known by the sieve-like officials of Ice and Fire Island means that the documents on this matter have been placed on the table of Gaul, Hans, Britain, and even the United States."

"If these officials take action seriously, I can't bear to investigate what I did before. When the family finds out that I have secretly spent so much money for myself, but the success has failed, they will definitely oust me, and then I will have nothing!"

"So, no matter what, I can't retreat, I can only move forward!"

Everyone slowly arrived under the head of the giant snake, looking up at the skeleton higher than the seven-story building, only to feel a terrifying sense of oppression, and almost everyone was dumbfounded.

But when they looked carefully, they discovered that the corroded hammer was also extremely large. The handle alone was more than ten meters long. Not to mention that the material was an unknown metal, even if it was made of wood, they couldn't handle it.

"The head on the other side is collapsed, and you can see it more clearly." The security guard led them to the other side.

When they got there, everyone looked up.

The side of the giant snake's skull was indeed cracked and shriveled down, like an uneven slope, and there was a mysterious red mark at the connection between the hammer head and the handle.

"Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer, according to legend, its power is enough to smash a mountain with one blow. This is more terrifying power than millions of tons of hydrogen bombs." hot.

"What should I do now?" Li Lanlan asked a very crucial, but also very delicate question.

Jerome looked at the gathered eyes: "Look at this volume, even if it is calculated according to the density of ordinary iron blocks, even if it is incomplete, its weight exceeds a thousand tons."

"In the absence of tools, it's just us people, let alone take it away, even the cable car can't be lifted. Leave it for now, keep walking, and then move it to the next time when you are fully prepared. Camp above."

"While this is indeed fascinating, don't forget that we have more areas to explore and who knows what else is waiting for us."

Everyone knows that the hammer can't be moved now, but it can still be touched and tried. But the problem is that there is only one hammer, but there are so many people. I am afraid that whoever is the first to get on it, others will not be happy.

After all, even if the first person on board will take the big risk, it is also possible to eat the fattest crab meat.

The reason why the atmosphere of the scene is subtle is that when the extraordinary is involved, even if Jerome has so many men with guns, he is still in an equal game position with everyone.

Because, although he has a lot of people, he does not dare to let his subordinates try.

If his subordinates really become extraordinary because of this, the situation will be worse than that of the members of No. 0 group, who get the mysterious power one step ahead of him.

After all, there is no real conflict between him and the members of Team 0, and they are still allies. For these men, he used his family as hostages in disguise to ensure his loyalty.

After the latter became an extraordinary person, it was difficult to say whether he would not care about his family.

Under such circumstances, Jerome, who is considered the most "powerful" and has the most say, proposed a way to temporarily postpone the dispute, and the others could only agree.

In addition, there is one thing that everyone has not said is that, seeing the appearance of Mjolnir's hammer head being corroded by a third, they really have no confidence in whether it retains its power.


The security personnel lifted the oil lamp a little and probed it forward, and the round light spots illuminated the fleshy moss-like ground.

These ten or so bloated "fatty yellows" walked slowly in the dim light.

Even if the distance is getting closer and closer, the silent forest in the dark is still extremely blurred, like a horizon that can never be chased.

"The Rainbow Bridge links the kingdom of the gods and the human world. We are walking on this bridge now... I really have a wonderful mood." Xie Penghai said.

"Unfortunately, the once glorious country has now become a dark and treacherous place." The thin young man said with emotion.

Miss Dolphin shook her head: "As you stay here longer, even if you wear protective clothing, the impact of the turbulent magnetic field will become more and more serious. I'm afraid it's not just the magnetic field."

"The distance a person can move in a fixed time is limited. Although there is no solid wall here, the ubiquitous force is an iron wall."

"If there is no way to completely break it, our scope of exploration has actually been fixed."

Hearing this, everyone was dull and suddenly realized that this Miss Dolphin is really powerful. Since arriving here, she has always been able to point out the key points, and she doesn't know what her profession is.

Anyway, from the perspective of physique and stability of pace, it is not very like an ordinary psychological worker.

The opposite bank of the bridge is full of vines, covering the uneven ground with black pressure, stretching to the distant woods.

Every time you take a step, you will sink deeply, and you can't see the inside. Such a completely unknown situation will always make people feel depressed, because no one knows whether there will be something hidden inside.

And, perhaps because photosynthesis is not required, these long, messy vines are completely leafless and, like the moss before them, a reddish-purple color like dried blood.

When the weak light of the oil lamp goes out, it looks like dense blood vessels, which makes the scene even more eerie.

Every step here takes a lot of strength, pulling out the legs from the tangle of vines, plus the bulky and bulky clothes and the effect of the disordered strength, the travel becomes extremely difficult.

Only ten minutes later, Li Lanlan, who had the worst physique, was out of breath. At this time, everyone walked less than a hundred meters and just crossed a low hill full of vines.

Jerome was in his forties, and his physique was not very good, so he couldn't stand it now. There were only Miss Dolphin, Scarface, and the captain of the security team at the scene, and their expressions were normal.

"Let's rest for a while," Jerome said.

"Be careful!"

Li Lanlan suddenly stepped on the air, not only staggered and fell down, but most of her body was also caught in the vines. Xie Penghai hurriedly tried to pull her up, but he couldn't pull her up.

The rest of the people were immediately vigilant: "What's wrong?"

"The leg is stuck in the stone!" Li Lanlan tried to turn around, but it didn't work.

Miss Dolphin said immediately, "Pull the vines away."

Everyone hurriedly pulled the vines near Li Lanlan, but this also affected the nearby low hills, and it seemed to cause a chain reaction, and a large number of vines collapsed one after another, as if a curtain had lost its pull and suddenly fell to the ground.

Ice blue light flashed into his eyes.

A giant humanoid skeleton sitting on the ground slowly appeared in the stunned faces of everyone, and the broken corners on the top of its head were particularly conspicuous.

But...there's something even more striking.

Their eyes gradually moved down.

I saw the chest of the giant humanoid skeleton with a thin triangle-shaped blade inserted like an arrow, but it was not connected to the shaft of the arrow, and the surface was full of strange-shaped characters with an ice-blue light...


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