Gaul Kingdom, Bali, Headquarters of Special Research Department.

The mirror-smooth floor reflected the two in a hurry.

"As for the olive branch offered by the United States, my opinion is, don't agree first, but don't reject it either." Ambroise instructed his subordinates as he walked quickly in the promenade.

Many public officials in suits and leather shoes flowed past him like a stream of water.

"The Yan Kingdom has been ahead of all of us. Not only has it taken the lead in establishing stable relations and cooperation with the Aegis, but it has also introduced the most comprehensive countermeasures, including mass production of new weapons."

"It's not a good idea to go with the United States at this stage, but we can't ignore it. After all, they have recently appeared extraordinary people. Although they are related to the Indians, they are also real extraordinary powers."

"Because the Xiong Kingdom is close to the Yan Kingdom, they can sign an agreement in exchange for extraordinary assistance, but we can't do this, otherwise the fragile balance will be completely broken, and then the Yan Kingdom will really be The family is big."

"But in the final analysis, we are so passive because we don't have extraordinary power to use. In this triangular structure, we are far behind the other two parties."

"The top has been bombing me for nearly a week. We must find a breakthrough as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be very, very unfavorable for the current international status and future wars about survival."

"Has there been any progress on your side recently?"

The subordinate shook his head with difficulty, seeing that Ambroise's already dark complexion turned a little darker again because of his answer, and quickly explained:

"The only thing we can find now is the descendant of Matthew, the author of "Knight of Light"."

"But you also know that the Dubois family is not low-ranking."

"In addition, the old master who is still alive is also very cunning, never hard, all smooth tricks, but never let go, making it difficult for us to make progress."

"I even suspect that although they are descendants of Matthew, I am afraid that they have really lost contact with the Holy Shield."

"And from an investigation into the character of its family members, I don't think Aegis would keep in touch with them. 20"

"Then there are cultural relics related to mythology. Although many antiquities have been found during this period, after verification by experts, it is found that their history is only seven or eight hundred years at most."

"The most outrageous thing is that there are still fakes in the museum, not because they were secretly replaced, but because they were fake in the first place."

The subordinates saw with their own eyes that the muscles on Ambroise's face were bulging because he gritted his teeth, and he was obviously in a bad mood.

"Tack, tick, tick..."

The sound of hurried footsteps came from behind, a habit developed in the combat unit over the years, causing Ambroise's right hand to subconsciously stretch to the lower waist.

"Minister, there is an accident on Ice and Fire Island. This is a video taken by a local photographer, and it has now been posted on the Internet."

The person who came rushed to his side, panting to explain, while handing over the tablet in his hand, saying:

"On the network public opinion monitoring department, the video was blocked at the first time, but more than a thousand people have watched it. Fortunately, they do not have the habit of downloading, so the transmission chain has been interrupted."

Ambroise takes the slab.

He watched the video of more than 20 seconds, the flame giant appearing in the volcanic lava and black smoke, his eyes narrowed a little, and after hearing the "Heimdall", his pupils became even more shrink.

"At present, we have dispatched relevant forces to go to Ice and Fire Island to find clues, and at the same time use reconnaissance satellites to closely monitor any abnormal conditions."

The words in the subordinate's mouth are like a barrage of cannons:

"But because we learned this news from the Internet, not only we know about it, but Britain and Hans should all know about it."

Ambroise handed him the tablet and said solemnly: "Don't pay attention to them, the specific situation will be coordinated. More importantly, let the relevant personnel figure out what the phrase 'Heimdall' means."

Speaking of which, he zoomed out and looked at the end of the corridor: "If that's what I thought, then the situation may be troublesome."

"Yes, Minister."


Ice and Fire Island, Reykjanes Peninsula.

Ambroise did not wait for the helicopter to come to a complete stop, and stepped on the ground with a vigorous body. He looked around the building in front of him, but there was no site for half of the construction workers, and his eyes were slightly pressed.

"How did you find this place?" he asked.

The subordinates behind him looked at each other, and the man on the left stepped forward and said:

"Minister, in fact, we didn't discover it, but the person who came up with all this. He sent the relevant information to the official mailbox, and it took us a few times before he came to us."

Saying that, the man handed over a document, and when he saw his boss flipping through it, he added:

"We checked when we got here, and the cracks in one of the plant's covers were showing signs of being backfilled, which suggests that they initially tried to cover everything up, but for some reason they gave up."

Ambroise read the information roughly and smiled:

"It's a very smart approach. What they did before was not seamless. Many people in the small town knew about the fishermen's salvage of the giant skeleton, and they also saw it."

"How many people are there in Icefire Island? More than 300,000."

"This incident has attracted the attention of several countries, and it is a matter of time before he is found out. Instead of covering up in vain, he might as well behave better, so as to become a model and a model, and let us give up chasing him."

"And he also made two preparations. These materials were deliberately delayed for a few days before they were sent to us, just to leave enough time for himself."

"With the financial resources shown, I am afraid that it has now disappeared with enough money to hide in a safe enough place."

"There is a saying in Yanguo, 'Treading through the iron, there is no place to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.' What we have been searching for for so long and can't find it suddenly appears in our eyes in this way."

"It's certainly something to be excited about, but..."

His face became a little dignified:

"If the information is true, then the situation is actually quite troublesome. The resurrected fire giant... God knows how many such existences exist, and our active main battle equipment can't be used at all."

"However, the dangers are worth it compared to the possible gains."

At this time, the subordinate next to him reminded: "Minister, Mr. Du Bois is here. In addition, I just got the news that people from Britain and Hans will be arriving soon."

Before leaving, Jerome did not only send the information to Gaul, but to all the three leaders of Europa, so that it would be safer and more secure for his own interests.

Ambroise turned around and saw Albert getting out of the car.

As the main general of the special research department, the former obviously cannot venture into the underground world, and Albert is his right-hand man, and he has enough ability in the position, so he is a good candidate to be the team leader.

Moreover, there is a more subtle reason, that is, his surname is Du Bois.

Even Ambroise, although he knew that it was unrealistic, still expected that he would be able to bring some "surprises" to himself.

In fact, if Albert now declares his membership in the Aegis, not only will he not be suspicious of Gaul, but he will continue to soar.

Of course, the actual position must not be touched again.


"bang bang..."

It was still the simple cable car, descending in the sound of metal.

The joint exploration team composed of Gaul, Britain, and Hans is wearing lighter protective clothing, standing in the carriage with only a few welded guardrails, and slowly wants to go to the ground.

They were holding equipment that looked like large flashlights, but were actually specially made fuel lamps, illuminating the huge and shocking skeletons of giant snakes in this wide space.

"I never dreamed that I could actually see the skeleton of the earthly python in Norse mythology. To be honest, it is really big beyond imagination." The leader of the team, Britain, said.

"The world is really becoming more and more unfamiliar." Team leader Hans answered.

Of the three leaders, only Albert frowned in the dark.

As early as the moment he arrived at the construction site, he "smelled" the disgusting breath of the silt bottom, and now as the cable car descends, the breath is getting stronger and stronger, almost making him instinctively vigilant.

"Everyone, close your eyes, according to the information of those who ran away, that strange area is coming soon." Albert said calmly.

When strange whispers and tactile sensations surfaced in the rest of the people's minds, Albert was clearly aware that the rich silt evil power was permeating the surroundings.

Although it has become less polluting due to the loss of the consciousness of the leader and other unknown functions, it still has a chance to invade the human body and then slowly exert its effect.

Albert was a little worried. He didn't know if any of those who had come down before had been recruited silently and turned into infected people who were still in the incubation period.

"After this incident, we must find a way to let the department try their best to track down the whereabouts of those people, otherwise it would be too dangerous to leave it alone." He thought to himself.

"If it really doesn't work, then report to the organization."

While thinking about it, the cable car fell to the ground with a slight vibration.

Everyone walked out of the carriage, and after the fuel lamps in their hands converged, the light beams like flashlights shone wantonly in the darkness. Even if they have already flipped through the information, they were still shocked when they visited the huge space under the ground in person.

"This is... Asgard?" Hans leader muttered to himself.

After all, Hans was the leader of the Axis powers, and it was castrated after the war. Therefore, although the economy and industry are now strong, when it comes to real world events, it is Gaul who can act as the representative of Europa.

Up to now, although the country has also dealt with some extraordinary domestic events, the experience, cognition and behavior have not risen to the level of the Blue Star Five.

His knowledge of the Aegis still cost a lot of money, and he got bits and pieces of information from Gaul and Britain.

If it wasn't for Jerome playing tricks this time, it would not even be Hans's turn to participate in this matter.

"According to the two "Eda" records, after the Battle of Twilight, the charred ground shook and sank into the galloping seabed, and all that could be seen were huge waves."

"And judging from the direction and depth of the descent just now, the location of this underground space is indeed under the seabed."

"This shows that there were really people who saw this earth-shattering war and passed it on by word of mouth until it was compiled into poetry."

British leader said.

"Although everything in front of me is shocking enough, I always feel that this is different from the imaginary God's Domain." Someone in the team said.

"But that's the truth. And it's been a post-war ruin and it's lost all its haunting splendor."

Albert looked into the distance with his extraordinary eyesight. Even if he was a member of the Holy Shield himself, he still felt a strange feeling when he was in the ruins of the "God War".

"Moreover, scholars have pointed out a long time ago that the real Asgard was probably a very famous castle at that time."

"The information left by the gang shows that this underground space is roughly divided into four areas: the forest of thorns, the black abyss and the rainbow bridge, the vines of blood vessels and the fuzzy jungle, and the 180 damaged buildings behind it."

"The damaged building is likely to be the castle that scholars speculated."

After just sighing and discussing a few words, the joint exploration team hurry up to move forward, and there is a faint worry in their hearts, afraid that the valuable items here will be looted by the previous gang.

They walked through the stone forest, stepped on the bridge, and saw at close range the giant hammer that had been corroded to the point of being disfigured on the shattered head of the giant python.

"According to legend, Thor and the earthly python both died in the fight, this should be Thor's hammer Miaolnir. But it seems that it may have been corroded by the venom of the earthly python at that time, so that it became a This look."

"I agree, but in any case, it has extremely high research value, and we have to get him back."

"The only difficulty is that it seems to have thousands of tons, which is equivalent to the full weight of a dozen main battle tanks. The task is quite arduous."

Albert listened to their discussion and stared deeply at the Divine Shield logo that had never faded on the mutilated giant hammer.

He seemed to see that the sage of the Holy Shield, who was the prototype of Thor, took his last breath and threw the weapons that had accompanied him for many years, killing the giant snake who was also at the end of the crossbow.

Even in perception, this giant hammer has completely turned into an ordinary alloy iron block, and Albert can vaguely perceive the tragic and never retreating left in the chaotic electromagnetic field.

Yes, there was indeed a bloody battle here, but not because of some bullshit Ragnarok, but because of countless members of the Divine Shield, who fought to the death against otherworldly monsters in order to protect human beings.

Listening to the people next to him chatteringly discussing the so-called "value", Albert only felt extra annoyed.

Finally, their attention turned to the Aegis logo.

"It seems that the view that the Holy Shield is the origin of all the myths of Blue Star has been confirmed once again." The British team leader said with emotion.

At this time, some team members climbed along the collapsed giant snake skull little by little to the vicinity of Thor's Hammer, ready to use simple tools to measure the data.

A strange feeling suddenly rose in Albert's heart. However, before he could make a sound, he sensed that the giant hammer, which had obviously become an ordinary alloy, suddenly burst out with a faint electric light.

The surveyor immediately froze with fright.

Albert was keenly aware that with the appearance of the electric light, the ubiquitous chaotic magnetic field in the air immediately underwent subtle changes.

"Look up there!"

Someone suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone looked up and saw the tumbling blood mist, which seemed to have inexplicably turned into a projection screen, and some flickering pictures slowly emerged on its surface...


ps: I’m sorry everyone, I read the comments and looked back at these chapters in the last few days. The rhythm is indeed a bit delayed. I am also thinking about the bad guys and extraordinary problems in the comment area. I will end this incident as soon as possible. .

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